Smarter and Smartest

Characteristics of above average (smarter) and far above average intelligence (super smart) or problem-solving skills

These observations have been confirmed through various psychological studies rendering them scientifically proven facts about intelligent or smart and super-smart people.

By its very definition on the Gaussian or bell curve, half of the human population is average or below average intelligence. To stand out as smart or supersmart the individual must belong in the top 30% and top 3% of the intelligence curve. Unless there are impressive credentials awarded to you by recognized institutions in the form of honors, degrees and medals, you are not likely to be supersmart 3% of the pyramid of the intellectual and if there are not at least three to five redeemable characteristics about you in terms of health, wealth, connections you are likely to be at the bottom 30% of those who are doomed to live a liver of misery and depravity. If you constantly find yourself trying to prove your intellect, knowledge and wisdom you actually don’t have much or any. If you are fat, broke, jobless and divorced or separated and having frequent brushes with the criminal law you can be certain of being devoid of much intelligence.

1. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be fun loving, fun to be around and blessed with a great or splendid sense of humor such that they don’t exhibit neurotic or moody (cranky) behavior.

2. Smarter and super-smart people are Open Minded and take keen interest in hearing the divergent viewpoints although they rarely shift their personally held beliefs.

3. Smarter and super-smart people are curious and constantly learning novel facts about the world therefore spend plenty of hours daily reading material in books or online.

4. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be night owl or learners sleep rhythm so they staying up late as they experience increased brain activity at night and they tend to wake up late.

5. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be bilingual, multi-lingual or even polyglots as well as superb mathematical skills thus able to do calculations mentally with high precision.

6. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be socially restricted and tend to have no more than handful of friends and spend limited amount of time with them as they don’t prefer to be part of crowds. Their propensity to speak less tends to limit their sociability.

7. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be self-analytic and introspective and even a little introvert and tend to talking to self although not to the voices in the head. However, they do enjoy some team sports although there is a preference for solo sports like fitness training, running, bikes and swimming etc.

8. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be modest about their cognitive skills and are not seen going around boasting about their being smart because they realize their limitations and have a propensity to underestimate themselves which separates them from the boastful ignorant people faking as smart folks, who tend to be street smart.

9. Smarter and super-smart people tend to have a limited respect for the social rules and conventions therefore less likely to be faithful followers or adherents to organized faith as they are less likely to honor or observe traditional orthodox rigid value systems which are severely limited rules of thumb but real life is full of exceptional situations.

10. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be among the high scorers in the class but some with weaker literary, algebraic skills who tend to excel in music, art etc., may score poorly academically as they are being forced to adapt to the system, they are not fit for therefore school grades alone don’t reflect Intelligence in a fraction of smart and supersmart people.

11. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be relatively overly concerned about the future adversities therefore they are better planners and may be susceptible to excessive worrying something that tends not to be concerned with thing and plan poorly.

12. Smarter and super-smart people tend to refrain from therefore remove themselves from high conflict situations while poor intelligence individuals dig in their heels and fight to the end. They notice far more things about the conflict crises and that often leads them to the conclusion that continuing the debate or dispute would be wasteful or injurious therefor they tend to say very little or nothing at all and simply move to a different place.

13. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be kind, generous, altruistic and compassionate as they subscribe to plenty philosophy of life such that all things are in an unlimited supply while low intelligence people tend to be selfish, greedy, miserly and ruthless as they subscribe to scarcity philosophy of life such that all things are in limited supply. They tend to volunteer with charity.

14. Smarter and super-smart people tend not to be superstitious which tends to socially isolate them.

15. Smarter and super-smart people tend not to be too busy and have efficient control of time therefore relatively punctual.

16. Smarter and super-smart people tend to complete their assignments and do so on time.

17. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be wealthy and holding high paid positions therefore enjoy good economic security and as a result also tend to be healthy and long lived. Their longevity stems from smart lifestyle choices of non-smoking, not drinking, not overeating, sleeping plenty and having a robust sex life etc. Thus overall, they end up living a rewarding and exciting life with a high life satisfaction score or a happier than average life. The deck is stacked against those with poor intelligence in the modern information based society so they are doomed to struggle and suffer from interpersonal conflict to health conditions, disability, debt burdened or in deep poverty or mediocrity all their lives such that there is a lot of sense in trying to amply intelligence or make up for it through developing wisdom.

18. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be socially awkward due to their distaste for adherence to the dumb arbitrary or nonsensical social customs Their social awkwardness stems from several factors and a large part of it is deliberate resenting and rejection of orthodoxy. Notwithstanding their awkwardness at sociability, they tend not to hesitate in speaking to strangers and experiment.

19. Smarter and super-smart people tend to be comparatively far more honest, trustable and people of high integrity therefore far more faithful than low intelligence people. While they do possess the arsenal for effective deception, they resort to that only exceptionally.

20. Smarter and super-smart people at times make great and successful con artists can be very effective and persuasive liars as the art of deception requires far more complex calculations to cast the web of lies successfully and keep that entire set of deception intact while those with poor intelligence tend to leave holes and get trapped in their lies and get caught. The fact of their ability to retaliate very effectively and thoroughly should operate as a sign to not make smart or super-smart people you enemy.