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Lies People Tell: An FBI Agent's toolkit for catching liars and cheats. PDF

by : Frank Runles

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Book Description:

What if there was an easy way to know when someone is trying to deceive you, would you be interested? Would you like to be a better communicator and protect you and your family from shady characters? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this book is for you! Frank Runles, veteran FBI Special Agent, reveals everything he has learned over a 20-year career spotting liars and exposing cheats using Deceptive Language Analysis. If you talk to people for a living such as a Human Resources Manager, counselor, coach, negotiator, salesperson, investigator, parent, or anyone in a leadership position, "Lies People Tell" is a must read!After reading this book, you will recognize the difference between a lie and deceptive language. Mr. Runles uses statements from the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin Case, Casey Anthony Case, Oscar Pistorius Case, and Susan Smith Case and statements he has collected over the years consulting with law enforcement to show the many ways language is used to mislead and deceive. The author shows how recognizing deceptive language used in criminal investigations can also be applied to everyday activities such as interviewing a new babysitter, counseling a subordinate on their work performance, dealing with pushy salespeople, or determining why your teenage came home late from curfew.

Book Detail:

Title: Lies People Tell: An FBI Agent's toolkit for catching liars and cheats.

Author : Frank Runles

Pages : 196

Publisher : BookBaby

Language :

ISBN : 1667810898