^[download p.d.f]^ Basic Facts about Dyslexia & Other Reading Problems

Read and download Basic Facts about Dyslexia & Other Reading Problems in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book Behind Your Smiles: Eternity Publishing by Louisa Cook Moats.

Basic Facts about Dyslexia & Other Reading Problems PDF

by : Louisa Cook Moats

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Book Description:

A must-have guide for any parent or teacher of a child struggling to learn to read, this essential resource begins by answering the question "What is Dyslexia?" The authors have masterfully selected and distilled the most significant research in the field to provide clear and detailed explanations of the: 1) widely accepted research-based definition of dyslexia; 2) identification and treatment of dyslexia at various stages of development; 3) emotional consequences of reading difficulties; 4) current research on the role of genetics and the brain; 5) essential elements of effective reading instruction; and 6) treatment options for the most severe cases of dyslexia and other reading problems.

Book Detail:

Title: Basic Facts about Dyslexia & Other Reading Problems

Author : Louisa Cook Moats

Pages : 146

Publisher : International Dyslexia Association

Language :

ISBN : 089214064X