P.D.F)^ Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids Fourth Editio
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Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids, Fourth Edition PDF
by : Timothy E. Wilens
Reading Now at : http://goodreadebooks.xyz/sitestwt/1462519857
Book Description:
When a child is struggling with an emotional or behavioral problem, parents face many difficult decisions. Is medication the right choice? What about side effects? How long will medication be needed? In this authoritative guide, leading child psychiatrists Drs. Timothy Wilens and Paul Hammerness explain the nuts and bolts of psychiatric medications--from how they work and potential risks to their impact on a child's emotions, school performance, personality, and health. Extensively revised to include the latest information about medications and their uses, the fourth edition is even more accessible, and includes pullouts, bulleted lists, and "take home points" highlighting critical facts. In addition to parents, this is an ideal reference for teachers and other school professionals.Â
Book Detail:
Title: Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids, Fourth Edition
Author : Timothy E. Wilens
Pages : 342
Publisher : The Guilford Press
Language :
ISBN : 1462519857