E-book download Group Dynamics for Teams EPUB/PDF)DOWNLOAD by Daniel J. Lev

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Group Dynamics for Teams PDF

by : Daniel J. Levi

Reading Now at : http://goodreadebooks.xyz/sitestwt/1544309694

Book Description:

Grounded in psychology research but with a practical focus on organizational behavior issues, Group Dynamics for Teams helps readers understand and participate in teams more effectively in day-to-day work. Best-selling author Daniel Levi and new co-author David A. Askay thoroughly examine basic group dynamics concepts, such as goals, norms, cooperation, and communication, as well as review the main challenges that teams face, such as conflict, decision making, problem solving, creativity, and valuing diversity. Throughout the book are discussions of the organizational context of teams, including the impacts of organizational culture, virtual teamwork, rewarding teams, and team building.

Book Detail:

Title: Group Dynamics for Teams

Author : Daniel J. Levi

Pages : 472

Publisher : Sage Publications, Inc

Language :

ISBN : 1544309694