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The Genius of Dogs: How Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think PDF

by : Brian Hare

Reading Now at : http://goodreadebooks.xyz/sitestwt/0142180467

Book Description:

This New York Times bestseller offers mesmerizing insights into the interior lives of our smartest pets In the past decade, we have learned more about how dogs think than in the last century. Breakthroughs in cognitive science, pioneered by Brian Hare, have proven dogs have a kind of genius for getting along with people that is unique in the animal kingdom. is dog genius revolution is transforming how we live and work with our canine friends, including how we train them. Does your dog feel guilt? Is she pretending she can’t hear you? Does she want a ffection—or just your sandwich? In The Genius of Dogs, Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods lay out what discoveries at the Duke Canine Cognition Lab and other research facilities around the world are revealing about how your dog thinks and how we humans can have even deeper relationships with our best four-legged friends.

Book Detail:

Title: The Genius of Dogs: How Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think

Author : Brian Hare

Pages : 384

Publisher : Plume Books

Language : eng

ISBN : 0142180467