[P.D.F_book] Addiction Treatment E-book download by Katherine van Wormer

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Addiction Treatment PDF

by : Katherine van Wormer

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Book Description:

ADDICTION TREATMENT covers the biological, psychological, and social aspects of alcoholism, eating disorders, compulsive gambling, and other addictions. The authors bridge the gap between the popular twelve-step and harm-reduction approaches, thus illuminating how you, as a future practitioner, can guide your clients down a trusted path that is tailored towards the client's particular needs. Through a number of first-person narratives about the experience of addiction, you will discover a realism and depth not commonly found in textbooks. Interesting and relevant topics -- such as the case against so-called underage drinking laws and an inside story of working in a casino -- draw you into the material and illustrate the importance of reducing harm within the biopsychological framework that ties the text together.

Book Detail:

Title: Addiction Treatment

Author : Katherine van Wormer

Pages : 696

Publisher : Cengage Learning

Language :

ISBN : 1305943309