[PDF] free Substance Use Disorders and Addictions [PDF] by Keith J. Morgen

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Substance Use Disorders and Addictions PDF

by : Keith J. Morgen

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Book Description:

Based on a decade of research and theory, Substance Use Disorders and Addictions examines co-occurring psychiatric disorders as the norm with substance use disorders and addictions. With more than 20 years of experience in the field as a clinician, a researcher, a program developer, and an instructor, Keith Morgen encourages a holistic approach to working with individuals, using a single case example throughout the text to encourage the sequential application of concepts to co-occurring disorders. With DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, the 2014 ACA code of ethics, and 2016 CACREP standards integrated throughout, readers will benefit from this applied and cutting-edge introduction to the field.

Book Detail:

Title: Substance Use Disorders and Addictions

Author : Keith J. Morgen

Pages : 344

Publisher : Sage Publications, Inc

Language :

ISBN : 1483370569