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Read and download How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book Behind Your Smiles: Eternity Publishing by Annie Duke.

How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices PDF

by : Annie Duke

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Book Description:

Through a blend of compelling exercises, illustrations, and stories, this workbook by the bestselling author of Thinking in Bets will train you to combat your own biases, address your weaknesses, and help you become a better and more confident decision-maker. What do you do when you're faced with a big decision? If you're like most people, you use a pro and con list, spend a lot of time second guessing or regretting decisions that don't work out, get caught in analysis paralysis, endlessly seeking other people's opinions and trying to find just that little bit more information that might make you sure, or you do the opposite and just go with your gut feeling. But this is exactly the wrong way to go about combating the biases working against you. What if there was a better way to make quality decisions so you can think clearly, feel more confident, second guess yourself less, and ultimately be more decisive and be more productive?The good news is that decision-making is not a matter of luck or smarts, but a teachable skill that anyone can get better at. And the great news is that even a small improvement in decision-making will make a huge impact on your life. In How to Decide, bestselling author and former professional poker player Annie Duke lays out a series of tools anyone can use to make better decisions. You'll learn how to identify and dismantle hidden biases and accept that you can rarely be certain of how things will turn out.Through practical exercises and engaging thought experiments, this book helps you analyze key decisions you've made in the past and troubleshoot those you're making in the future. Whether you're picking investments, evaluating a job offer, or trying to figure out your romantic life, this book is the key to happier outcomes and fewer regrets.

Book Detail:

Title: How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices

Author : Annie Duke

Pages :

Publisher :

Language :

