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Joy, Inc.: How One Company Created a Culture Beyond Happiness PDF

by : Richard Sheridan

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Book Description:

“A guidebook for how leaders can motivate, engage, and recognize their people all the while growing the business profitably.” — Every year, thousands of visitors come from around the world to visit Menlo Innovations, a small software company in Ann Arbor, Michigan. They make the trek not to learn about technology but to witness a radically different approach to company culture. CEO Rich Sheridan removed the fear and ambiguity that typically make a workplace miserable. With joy as the explicit goal, he and his team changed everything about how the company was run. The results blew away all expectations. Menlo has won numerous growth awards and was named an Inc. magazine “audacious small company.” Joy, Inc. offers an inside look at how Menlo created its culture, and shows how any organization can follow their methods for a more passionate team and sustainable, profitable results.

Book Detail:

Title: Joy, Inc.: How One Company Created a Culture Beyond Happiness

Author : Richard Sheridan

Pages : 288

Publisher : Portfolio Trade

Language :

ISBN : 1591847125