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The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (Esalen Book) PDF

by : Abraham H. Maslow

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Book Description:

Abraham H. Maslow was one of the foremost spokespersons of humanistic psychology. In The Farthest Reaches of Human Nature, an extension of his classic Toward a Psychology of Being, Maslow explores the complexities of human nature by using both the empirical methods of science and the aesthetics of philosophical inquiry. With essays on biology, synergy, creativity, cognition, self-actualization, and the hierarchy of needs, this posthumous work is a wide-ranging synthesis of Maslow's inspiring and influential ideas.

Book Detail:

Title: The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (Esalen Book)

Author : Abraham H. Maslow

Pages : 432

Publisher : Penguin

Language : eng

ISBN : 0140194703