Final Resting Spots


We have purchased a 'tree spot' @ Treeternity Memorial Forest for Quinn in April 2017.  Quinn's tree is an Ornamental Thunderchild Flowering Crabapple Tree.  The plot includes a memorial plaque.  On June 15, 2017 a group of us gathered together to plant the tree, leave Quinn some message, and remember Quinn.  We also included a plaque for Kai, Quinn's puppy, at the plot when she passed on June 13, 2018.

See the Treeternity photo album for all photos inclluding our regular visits to see the tree (Quinn).

We all wrote letters to Quinn and placed them at the bottom of the hole the tree was placed in, along with some of Quinn's ashes.

Grandpa Leo

Quinn has a resting spot with his Grandpa Leo who passed away June 20th, 2014.  Quinn had made a jewelry box in Woods Class with Mr. Bachui.  Grandpa Leo's ashes were placed in the box, along with some of Quinn's ashes.  Their ashes were laid to rest June 24, 2014 at the graveyard in St. Gregor, SK.

Christopher Lake

Quinn's other resting spot is at the Secret Lake, which is on the north end of Christopher Lake, SK.  On the first year anniversary of Quinn's passing, Quinn's friends took some of his ashes and laid them to rest at the base of a large tree at the Secret Lake.  Natalie Yatsina, one of Quinn's best friends, posted a very touching story ( of their weekend and the emotions they faced laying their best friend to rest.

Secret Spot

It is July 3rd, 2015, about 8 hrs away from being 100 weeks since the senseless crash that took Quinn's life.  Bonny, Shea, and I (and Kai) took some of Quinn's ashes and put them in a very special place.  This resting place is secret among family and close friends.  If you frequently visit this memorial website, it is place that will not be too hard to figure out.  We identified this resting spot very soon after Quinn's passing.  This special place is where Quinn was larger than life, where Quinn flourished, and where Quinn was a king.  More importantly though, placing these ashes where we did will take the energy and strength that Quinn possessed there and pass it on to others who visit this place.  For good measures and luck, we placed a loonie along with the ashes like hockey players put a loonie under the center ice faceoff dot.  Even without the ashes at this place, there was always a sense that was never far.  We miss you so much Quinn.


Bonny, Shea, and I (and Kai) have not rushed to find a final resting spot(s) for the remainder of Quinn's ashes.  I believe there may be a reason for this.  I think I speak for all of us close to Quinn when I say this.  We know we will never forget who Quinn was and what he meant to us.  However, we just don't want put all Quinn's ashes in one place, say goodbye, and that is that.  We want use Quinn's ashes in a way to remember him and his life journey.  

Sprinkling rice on a journey is a metaphorical way of remembering where you have been.  I think we have not rushed with the remainder of Quinn's ashes because we want to use them as our rice to remember Quinn's journey.  Marking the places where his life was greatest prior to his passing, helps remind us of the great life led by our son, brother, grandson, and special friend.  We also found other special spots for Quinn's ashes that help remind us that Quinn was a special person that ill never be far from us.  Finding meaningful resting spots is our way commemorate the great life of Quinn Stevenson.