Quinn Stevenson Saskatoon Blue Jays Batting Cages

(L to R) Jason Carbno, Jason Goetz, Troy Carnno, Greg Brons, and Lane Wallace

Quinn Stevenson Blue Jay Batting Car are officially closed for the 2021 season. Had a great crew to help take down cage nets and give the cages a final cleaning.

The final detail left to complete the Quinn Stevenson Blue Jay Batting Cages is to install this Sponsor Board made by Metalman Art & Design.

Western Pro Sports installed outdoor turf at the QS BJ Batting Cages. The cages are now officially complete.

15U AAA players help move asphalt crumb into cages to level and finish base. With the base completed, cages are ready for artificial turf installation.

Great crew helping get netting up in the QS BJ Cages for the 2021 ball season. Cages now are open - Apr 17th, 2021.

Oct 29, 2020: The new (official) sign was mounted the other day. Next step is to complete the flooring.

A busy summer night at the Quinn Stevenson Blue Jays batting cages while baseball is being played in Ernest Lindner Park.

June 2, 2020: Daniel Rauckman, Bob Thompson, Heath Treimans, Leigh Spencer, and myself cut/pulled out some of the belting and replaced it with a grippier matting. We also got one of the L-screens in one cage. The batting cage is now ready for business. Leigh and Heath threw the first pitches to Leigh and Bob's sons.

May 30, 2020: The cage netting is now installed thanks to Tyson Vogel (supplied clips) with the help of Lane Wallace. With the online booking system complete, we are very close to opening the cages up to the public. We just need to find an alternative solution for flooring and the cages will be complete.

May 15, 2020: We are one step closer to a complete batting cage. Bob Thompson hauled in asphalt shingle base material (courtesy Len's Hauling) and laid out belting/flooring (courtesy of Heath Treimans). Work like this does not get done with an energetic (and socially distanced) crew.

Oct. - Nov., 2019: Batting cage construction began with levelling of the area and then the completion of fencing. Thanks so much to TD, Nordic Industries, Troy Carbno, The Saskatoon Blue Jays (President Daniel Rauckman), and everyone else who has made this project possible. The Quinn Stevenson Memorial Rink and Quinn Stevenson Batting Cages will give the kids in our community a chance to enjoy two sports Quinn loved.

Sept. 28, 2019: The official sod-turning for the Quinn Stevenson Batting Cages was held in Ernest Lindner Park. The Trust and funding partners TD Bank (David Schmirler) and Saskatoon Blue Jays, along with other donations, are going to make the batting cages a reality. The cages are the brain child of Troy Carbno, who was instrumental in the creation of the Quinn Stevenson Memorial Rink. The batting cages will be built adjacent to the rink in Ernest Lindner Park. Nordic Industries will be responsible for the construction of the metal fence cage that will enclose the batting cages.