Baby and Toddler

Bonny always described Quinn as the cutest baby.

Quinn was born on a beautiful fall day at Royal University Hospital, Sept. 7th, 1995 at 8:53 PM. His birth weight was 8 lb. 13 oz. and length was 21 3/4 inches.

His entry into the world was not without drama. Bonny had been in early stages of labor the night before Quinn was born. At a check up on Sept. 7th 1995, the doctor felt Bonny should be admitted and subsequently have labor induced. After being induced, Bonny’s labor did progress. Early in the evening, Quinn was showing signs of distress (slowed heartbeat) and had to been delivered by emergency cesarean when they could not detect his heart beat. Quinn first few days on this earth were spent in the neonatal unit at Royal University Hospital. My first ‘moment’ with Quinn was spent holding him in a large chair in maternity ward; it a was very peaceful moment. Bonny’s first ‘moment’ was being taken to see Quinn in NICU, knowing he was okay, and falling in l love immediately; he stole my heart. He was beautiful and absolutely perfect. As a baby, he spent a lot of time in Bonny’s arms. He did not like to sleep, and I think if mom was honest she enjoyed holding her new baby boy. He also did not sleep in the vehicle, which drove us crazy at times. Bonny’s drive home from her parents with a cranky Quinn could always be interesting. Other than not sleeping, Quinn was happy kid. Quinn always could talk with his eyes and convince us of just about anything. He was very photogenic and it was very easy to get a smile for a picture (pictures). Mom bias – she thought Quinn was the most beautiful baby in the world.

Quinn’s first spoken word that I remember, other than mommy or daddy was “tucca tucca”, which meant tickle tickle. He also had trouble saying some works and called himself Fin or Tin.

Like most kids in those days Quinn really liked the purple dinosaur Barney, but Mickey Mouse was his true love. Quinn spent a lot time on the back of my bike going for long rides along river. Consequently, learning how to ride a bike came easy to him.

At about the age of 1 1/2 we moved to Dunlop St. – Shea was born soon thereafter Nov. 6, 1997. In 1998, Quinn and Shea went to babysitter a few houses down (Jodie Wilson). Quinn and Shea enjoyed it there, and Jodie’s daughter Hillary really liked Quinn. We became friends with the Wilsons; we set up a swimming pool in our backyard that the kids would splash around in and the adults would enjoy some socializing. Delaney Wright was a friend during this time (see picture) – later in life, Delaney went to high school with Quinn. Quinn also got to know our next door neighbors son, Damon Muggli, round the age of 4-5.

Quinn like being read to as toddler. We read many different books to him, but one of his favorite authors was Robert Munsch. And I know Bonny would agree, our favorite book to read to both Quinn and Shea was Love You Forever. More information on Love You Forever. Munsch indicates that story came from a song he used to sing to his deceased babies. He then realized one day it would be a great book. We are now left, like Robert Munsch, singing this song to our lost Quinn ... how poignant.

See 'Quinn' photo album for photos from his birth to his teen years.You can also search or browse through the 'Quinn' photo album for more elementary school photos.

You can search or browse through the 'Quinn' photo album for pictures of Quinn from baby to his last year with us.