
The numerous different tree species found within the world, alongside minor details such as where they originate and how large they are.

Giant Mongoola

Geographical Origin: Giant Mongoola Forest, Savannah
Type: Insectivorous
Average mature size: 240 feet verticular, 15 feet at the stump

Although not quite sharing typical physical features, the Giant Mongoola is a species of giant insectivorous tree, a member of the Cupressaceae family. The Cupressaceae family, also referred to as Cypress trees, are a family of coniferous evergreen trees. The Giant Mongoola escapes from what is considered to be normal for these trees, basing itself entirely on the need for insect sustenance.

The tree's trunk, although not by much, is hollow and filled with a sweet golden sap designed to attract the large insects native to its forests. This long tube, called the Crisopean chamber, is usually only 10-20 centimetres in diameter, tiny compared to the rest of the trunk. This however does not stop the native insects from reaching the sweet smelling sap, most of them being relative burrowers designed for exactly that: breaking into tree trunks.

The golden sap is an extremely sticky substance, and upon feeding on it the insects will find themselves incapable of escaping. Although requiring patience, eventually the insects will starve and cease to live, at which point the tree will flush the crisopean chamber empty. It does this once it believes it has accumulated enough insect matter, flooding it into a second chamber, referred to as the stomach. It's in here that the sap is completely flushed out and the insects are then consumed by the trees organs.

The sap constantly replenishes between meals, most of which take 3 months to collect and 5 months to digest. The trees typically go 8-12 months between fresh meals. Its during this time that fresh, clean and sweeter smelling sap forms in the chamber at the top of the tree, the 'brewery'. As the previous catch is flushed, the new sap is allowed into the Crisopean chamber.

Harmless to animals and humanoids, this sap is prized as a good building material, as well as for caramelisation.

Although being in the same family as coastal redwoods, the giant Mongoola features wood which is a greyed purple in colour. The bark displays as a dark russet colour, which changes to a silvery colour in the winter months.

Spiritasa Bambusa

Alias: The Spirit Tree
Geographical Origin: Undead Swamps
Type: Possessed
Average mature size: 156 feet verticular, 12 feet at the stump

The Spiritasa Bambusa, more well known as the Spirit Tree, is the most common species of plant in the Undead Swamps. These huge trees are also called the swamp roof for the huge, silvery canopy they create across the entire swamp with their silver leaves.

These trees have gone down in ancient legend for the numerous properties they preserve in their entire being. The average tree matures at an age of 200-250 years old, which is an extremely young age when compared to the majority in the Undead Swamps, some being thousands, almost millions of years old. Commonly, they're more known for their Poltergeisten possession, where the Poltergeisten of the Undead Swamps choose to make their residences.

Within local story, the trees are said to house the spirits of those who have passed, the ethereal bodies of individuals who have lost their first life and have now moved on to their second life. These are represented in the form of their silver leaves. It's said that for as long a leaf is Silver, there is an individual in the world it represents who is living their second life. When that second life ends, the leaf will turn gold and fall from the tree.

Silver leaves are considered to be the property of the tree. Attempting to take or steal the silver leaves will harbour hostility from the entire swamp: Its wildlife, plants and even the trees itself in the form of semi-sentient vines which will make an effort to throw you around and out of the swamp. Golden leaves have been discarded by the tree and can be collected without repercussion, usually gifted to an individual by the tree for a helpful deed. These golden leaves sell for 50-100 gold each.

Ashen Trees

Geographical Origin: Ashen Plains, Ashen Outback, Outback
Type: Deadwood
Average mature size: 49 feet verticular, 2 feet at the stump

The Ashen trees are the most common species of dead trees found within the regional deserts of the world. These trees feature thick, black stalks and trunks composed entirely of winding, burned vines. Commonly used in black painting pigments, the bark is almost entirely composed like charcoal and extremely flammable, useful for most survivability in the deserts.

Unfortunately, the wood products from these trees isn't at all useful for common wares. Building, items and weapons cannot be made effectively out of this wood due its brittle volatility, and most of it will completely shatter under hard pressure - into an ashy powder.

Additionally, the ashy powder which forms on the surface of the bark, and from shattered pieces of woods, is an especially important ingredient in fire resistant brewery of all kinds.

Due to being a a dead tree, these trees do not photosynthesize 'nor do they grow leaves. Additionally, these trees do not grow seeds and so cannot be reproduced from their dead form. They can be produced by growing any other species of smaller tree within a desert biome.

Hydrotechian Purifier

Alias: Purification Trees
Geographical Origin: Hydrotech Forest
Type: Robotic
Average Size: 87 feet verticular, 5 feet at the stump

Purification trees are most unusual trees forming within the Hydrotech forest. These trees cannot be grown, but instead almost seem to be built- not by a person, but by the surrounding metal of the environment. These trees provide the ultimate circulation of the environment, and without them it is likely it- as well as surrounding biomes- would die.

As their name suggests, these trees act as water purifiers for the environment. This process begins at the roots all of which resemble clear water pipes filled with lights which give the water a glowing effect. The water enters the tree through the pipes on the right hand and travels through the pumps and purification systems within the trunk, before the pure water exits on the left side and gets transported around the forest.

The origin of these trees is still unknown. While physical evidence points towards them being man constructed, there is no other evidence to suggest as such. While they share extreme uncanny resemblance of manmade machinery, there is no evidence in their systems which suggests there is to be man influence, even with tests on numerous different trees.

Meddling with the mechanics of these trees is considered to be a felony in most regions where these trees are present. It can dramatically effect the environment in extreme ways and as such is considered to be a bioterrorist act, one which on extreme occasions with undeniable evidence may even be punished by death.