
All other species of plants found in the world of Quiazal, including mushrooms, grasses, common plants and aquatic plants.


Geographical origins: Deep caves, Highlands
Component in: Common recreational toxins

Nightcaps are unusual, dangerous little mushrooms growing exclusively either deep underground or high above the surface in the highlands in small clumps of 10-20 individuals. Although not dangerous in this state, when boiled and brewed the nightcap releases dangerous toxins which function much like chloroform.

The use of liquid nightcap toxins against another individual is illegal in most regions of the world. These liquid toxins are typically used only for humane animal hunting, capturing and movement. It can also be used in hospitals or by common healers as a local anaesthetic, usually keeping a patient asleep for 2-12 hours depending on the dose they receive.

This toxin can be taken in as either a consumable, can be inhaled via the fumes released, or can be injected into an individual.


Geographical Origin: Ponds, Lakes, Lagoons, Rivers, Shallow ocean
Used for: Physical transformation

Bubbleweed is an unusual form of mystical botanica which grows in most shallow or murky water untouched by magical influence. This weed is entirely consumable, and upon being eaten will temporarily turn the consumer into an aquatic species, typically a siren or kelpie depending on the colour of the bubbleweed. The darker it is, the more likely you are to become a kelpie, and on the contrary, the lighter it is, the more likely you are to become a siren.

Additionally, when only consumed in small amounts (one or two leaves) the consumer will only grow gills and/or flippers instead of undergoing a complete transformation. Either transformation, be it full species or just gill growth, is a temporary change and lasts only an hour or two.