Uncommon Bestiary

Slightly rarer, and typically larger, creatures of Quiazal. These creatures can be used as either companions, mounts or both.


Habitat: Mountainous regions, desert outback, Savannah
Diet: Meat

Large beasts often referred to as wyverns, though not considered as such, with the head, wings and tail plumage of a rooster, and the long tail of a lizard. It's said that lying beneath the reptilian scales of this creature's tail are large, venomous spines which it can shoot out at rapid rates if threatened, either itself or its environment.

These beasts are excellent hunters, capable of running up to 40mph, and flying an extra 10, although prove to not be directly hostile unless their immediate environment, themselves or its companions are under threat. Larger characters will find it hard to approach these beasts than smaller ones.

Cockatrices are known to make amazing mounts for those who prefer speed and agility accompanied by raw power, strength and fear. Male cockatrices are the preferred mounts for their unusual ability to breathe fire, while the hens, often referred to as Krakerahens, are often kept for the same purposes as a common hen, with their eggsbeing edible - but be mindful of the males when farming them for their produce.


Habitat: Arson biomes, Mountainous regions, Dark caves, Unstable regions
Diet: Omnivorous

The Cerberus is a great beast, unusual in the way it works when compared to its folklore variant. Cerberus canines are large, three headed canines of varying dog species about the size of a large stallion and are typically based off of different elements or substances, one for each head. The most common combination found among cerberus individuals is Fire, Water and Rock based heads, though of course there are endless possibilities to what substances and elements can be found in them.

Whenever they lose a head, they grow two back, in a similar way to a hydra. The only way to rid them of their heads is to kill the head with the opposing element, or remove all three heads in rapid succession which is admittedly much harder to do.

Each Cerberus individual always seems to be guarding some form of treasure, be it a gateway, a box or merely their owner's house. Defeating them is one way to get past them, but each individual has an enjoyment or finds delight in something they can't ever refuse when in its presence. Finding out what this is and providing it to them will almost always eliminate them from the score.

Karkanan Giant Hornet

Habitat: Forests and jungles of Karkana
Diet: Pollen and Nectar, Occasionally insectivorous

The famed Giant Hornet of Karkana, these unusual species of hornets are distinguished not just by the fact they're usually over a meter in length, but also because they produce honey, unlike normal hornets which are entirely insectivorous. This is believed to be because of their size, and the lack of extreme abundance in insects which they can consume to keep themselves alive.

Despite this, they do occasionally consume insects, especially if there's a lack of suitable flora in their region. Additionally, these are the only insects capable of safely consuming the sap of the giant Mongoola trees, with their feet being specially adapted to standing in viscous, sticky substances such as what is found in their giant hives.

They build their hives in the sides of mountains or deep caves, lined entirely with honeycombs and brimming with excessive amounts of honey. They function in the same way as their honeybee counterparts, with workers, warriors and a queen. The queen is a much more intelligent being, capable of speech and interaction with humanoids. Sometimes she will give visitors a task: If they can complete that task, she will offer them their honey and services indefinitely. If they fail, they become food for the hive.