Drugs and Drinks

The different mind and body affecting consumables found within the world, in no particular order.


Type: Alcoholic Drink

Consumed only by scorchers and species with high heat tolerance, or after consuming an extremely potent heat resistant potion, the Starfire is renowned as the hottest alcoholic drink in existence. Brewed using an unusual mix of emberpetals and magma, ballistic acid or flame berries, these drinks are often hot just to touch through the glass.

They must be stored and contained extremely delicately within the glass and whatever container they're kept in to prevent it from melting through entirely. This is typically done with powerful enamelled glass sourced from the Hakemian desert, but due to its scarcity and difficulty to obtain, this means that only small amounts of this drink can be contained at any given time.

This drink is completely unsafe for mortal individuals, namely humans and any species similar to them, to touch or consume without fire resistance of any high degree. Doing so typically results in burning from the inside out. Those who can consume this fluid describe it to taste spicy, but with a hint of strawberry flavour to go along with it. This makes it an extremely popular, almost perfect, delicacy among them.


Type: Radioactive Drink

An extremely unusual alcoholic beverage originating in the Ergo wilds, this drink is created using the strange radioactive fluids found flowing through the small craters which line the valley. These fluids proved not to be dangerous on consumption, unusually, and provided a taste which those who drank it couldn't describe.

While individuals appear to not be harmed by the radiation this beverage releases, its surroundings appears to go through rapid radioactive decay without proper concealment, and as such when consumed must be held within a glass made of Uranium glass. Any barrels which this drink is stored in must be lined with lead.

The radioactive fluids on their own cannot be considered Critora, but due to the radioactive threat which it has on the surroundings, the method of creation cannot be released to the public. Only fully trained individuals originating from the Ergo wilds are allowed to produce this drink.

Stagnant Slow

Type: Alcoholic Drink

A glittery blue drink created by distilling slowberries, this drink is renowned for having mind slowing, and body slowing, effects. After consuming this drink, individuals may begin to feel extremely heavy and slow, with slower brain activity and decreased levels of emotion. Additionally, their physical movement and processing will slow down: and these effects stack. Drinking too much can result in temporary death by body slowing, though this drink cannot kill permanently.

In no way is Stagnant Slow a dangerous drink, but it is advised it's drunken sparingly. Addiction to this beverage can greatly decline a person's activity and emotional state even outside of being drunk, and can have catastrophic results on the mind, metabolism and even physical capability of an individual.

It's flavour is often described as being icy, and slightly mouth numbing.

Harmalia's Haste

Type: Alcoholic Drink

The complete polar opposite of the blue drink Stagnant Slow, Harmalia's Haste is a stimulant drink which instead speeds up the mind and body. On an equal, but opposite, level to the Stagnant Slow, drinking too much of this beverage can result in long term, maybe even permanent, affects of change; however the vast majority wouldn't mind having this drink's affects permanently over the affects of the Slow.

Approximately 10 minutes after consumption, the drink will begin to speed up the brain processing first. Individuals may find their memory to expand or they may remember things they've forgotten, and will also blabber secrets or memories uncontrollably. When it affects them physically, it stimulates their general agility and strength, making them much more acrobatic and faster moving. Wrestling against someone drunk on Harmalia's Haste can be a difficult task.

It's often described as tasting almost like pepper, but with a certain sweetness to it which makes it more enjoyable than spiced.


Type: Teleporting Recreational Drug (Consumable, powder, smoked)

Micarix is a teleportation access drug, used to obtain acces to the Aisle of Infinitude. This drug is almost identical to a Dragon fruit, in shape, texture and even taste, although the way it's obtained is entirely different. The drug itself are the seeds of the Dracar fruit, from a Dragonia plant. When crushed and consumed, inhaled or smoked, this drug provides extreme psychedelic effects, and transport them into the dimension.

Additionally, the juice residue from these crushed seeds can be added to numerous alcoholic beverages to add to the flavour, or to provide a similar sensation to getting high on raw Micarix. Consuming it in this way does not transport an individual to the Aisle of Infinitude, but it can provide visions of the dimension, or cause the person to hear sounds from within the dimension without actually going there, disorienting them.

Each Dracar seed has a different colour, but it's typically in shades of red, purple or yellow. The darker the colour of the seed, the stronger and longer the effects of the Micarix or its juice residue will be. Many prefer to have a neutral point of shade, typically around the midpoint of it's effectiveness.

Pixie Dust

Type: Recreational Drug (Powder)

Pixie Dust is a powder party drug obtained or created by farming the nectar-like dust which falls from tiny pixie flies. The experience of Pixie Dust can be enhanced by adding flavouring of different fruit juices - though only those with strong noses should attempt this. It can be difficult to obtain without the right connections, and is most commonly sold in Neverwinter.

It can have numerous effects on people, though the most common is it being an hallucinogenic aphrodisiac or high. Those who inhale or consume Pixie Dust will either feel heightened sexual desire, or will be excessively stimulated, excited or happy, similar to the effects of Cocaine.

Pixie Dust is not a psychedelic drug on its own, and requires influence of other substances before it become a psychedelic hallucinogen.