Common Potions

Potions and concoctions found most often in the world, cheapest to be bought or the easiest to be brewed.

Drop of Heart

Type: Healing Potion
Ingredients: Oraga's Orchid nectar, Common Honey
Effects: Provides +10 HP when consumed
Cost: 5 Gold
Tier: I

Drop of heart is an extremely lesser healing potion and the weakest, but cheapest, healing potion available on the brewery market today. Created by mixing together Oraga's Orchid nectar and Common Honey, this potion has an orangey red colour. Bottles are typically decorated with hearts, or a glass heart in the centre.

It's theorised that placing a pixie heart in the centre of the bottle will greatly improve its capabilities and healing, but this is a debunked theory and the heart provides nothing but slightly sourer flavouring, as well as converting the potion into more of a self-serving aphrodisiac than a healing potion.

Drop of Heart is most effective when consuming 2-3 bottles in a single sitting.

Ash Lily Resin

Type: Healing Potion
Ingredients: Ash Lily Resin
Effects: Provides +15 HP
Cost: 10 Gold
Tier: I

The pure, extracted liquid nectar of the Ash Lily, Ash Lily resin is a viscous lesser healing potion, slightly more potent than the Drop of Heart. Consumption of this resin is easy in fast paced situations despite it's viscosity, and has extremely fast effects, the healing beginning in a matter of seconds.

Outside of being a healing concoction, Ash Lily Resin can also be consumed simply as a drink, having a flavour similar to a blackberry crumble. This taste can change from person to person, however.

Lesser Healing Potion

Type: Healing Brew
Ingredients: Oraga's Orchid Nectar, Ash Lily Resin, Cephignis Saliva
Effects: +3 HOT for 5 turns after consumption
Cost: 20 gold
Tier: I

A much more advanced type of healing brew, the Lesser Healing Potion is a potion who's effects work over time rather than instantly. After being consumed, it may take a few minutes before the healing effects begin to take effect, after which it will finally begin to heal over time. It can take anywhere between 5 and 10 minutes to heal whatever is within its capabilities.

When healing, the potion may cause a steaming, burning or glittering effect around any visible wounds. If it's healing internal damage, the individual may feel the sudden need to be sick, but only briefly. After this clears, their insides will feel as though they're gently bubbling until the healing is complete.

Medi Healing Potion

Type: Healing Brew
Ingredients: Oraga's Orchid Nectar, Ash Lily Resin, Mongoola Sap, Lavender
Effects: +6 HOT for 10 turns after consumption
Cost: 40 gold
Tier: I

The highest tier Lesser, or common, healing brew, the Medi healing potion is the longest lasting, but longest needing healing brew. This brew may take up to 20 minutes to begin taking full effect, and another 30 minutes to complete its healing process, but it is highly effective and can target damaged areas much better than other healing potions or brews of its tier.

Purchasing this potion is only recommended for the most basic of single or double use during any adventure. It can be expensive for beginners, especially if being used regularly, its price being based around its effectiveness and the difficulty to brew it. It takes time to finalise to perfection, and getting even one thing wrong could result in a defunct brew which harms the individual instead of heals.

Maive Healing Salve

Type: Healing Salve (Natural Paste)
Ingredients: Maive paste, Oraga's Orchid Nectar, Honey
Effects: +20 Targeted HP
Cost: 50 gold
Tier: I

Maive Healing Salve is a clear healing paste created from Maive berries applied over the top of wounds before they're wrapped. This Salve can heal most injuries, though more severe ones may take time, and is a key element in wrappings, bandages, casts and long term healing of broken bones, burns or deep wounds.

Having any kind of Healing Salve is crucial when going out on a longer mission, or when on a trip into unknown territory. Attack and/or injury could strike at any moment, and without the presence of both a healing salve and some form of potion or brew, could prove to be fatal.

Lesser Heat Resistance Brew

Type: Elemental Resistance Brew
Ingredients: Emberpetal Pollen, Emberpetal Stem, Miasma Essence
Effects: -20% Fire damage for 5 turns
Cost: 20 gold
Tier: I

As it says on the bottle, the Lesser Heat Resistance Brew is the weakest for of heat resistance brew available on the market. This provides a minor amount of protection from heat based attacks including: General heat, fire and magma, but cannot protect an individual indefinitely.

This should be drunken sparingly, as the Miasma within the brew can ironically, cause burning of the tongue and throat.

Jar of Giggles

Type: Bottled Charm
Ingredients: Laughing lily petals, bubblewater + carbonation
Effects: Stuns the affected by making them laugh for 2 turns
Cost: 40 gold
Tier: I

An iridescent brew stored in an unusually shaped, wobbly jar, the Jar of Giggles is a bottle charm; curse in this case, which causes the drinker to continuously laugh for minutes, maybe hours, on end depending on the intensity and how much they consumed. Many like to disguise this liquid as a typical drink, alcohol, or a 'psychedelic beverage' from the corresponding district, be it for pranks, distraction or against an enemy.

At the end of the day, the Jar of Giggles is more of a prank beverage than a serious potion.


Type: Bottled Charm
Ingredients: Sour milk, essence of lost souls + carbonation
Effects: Stuns the affected by making them mad for 2 turns
Cost: 40 gold
Tier: I

Gradyjuice is a dangerous bottled curse which causes temporary madness, hallucination or severe depression within the individual who consumed or was affected by it. Gradyjuice is most effective when used as a tampering fluid, poured into drinks or onto food which the target is going to consume.

The severity of the hallucinations and fear vary on how the individual feels and what causes fear within them. The hallucinations and madness typically anchors itself on what the individual themselves finds scary.

Quicksilver Brew

Type: Transformation Potion
Ingredients: Glowberries, Essence of Lux, Fool's gold, Spirit Quicksilver
Effects: Reduces deception to 0 from whatever the total is for 6 turns
Cost: 60 gold
Tier: I

Quicksilver brew is an extremely unusual transformation brew most renowned for its extreme brightness and texture/physics similar to that of liquid mercury. This brew glows about as bright as a dwarf star, and must be kept in a completely shaded, non-transparent container to prevent blinding, burning and general discomfort within its vicinity.

Within the hands of an individual who intends to consume the brew, the glow doesn't appear to be as bright, and is more like the gentle glow of a bioluminescent mushroom. Upon being consumed, the user will begin to change not in form, but in texture. Their skin may become smoother, or shinier, depending on the type of skin they have and they will begin to glow brightly.

The glow on an individual isn't as intense as it is within the bottle, but can still cause uncomfortable effects. Individuals who have consumed this brew can no longer hide, and will not be able to use invisibility for as long as the effects are active.

Banshee in a can

Type: Bottled Charm
Ingredients: The scream of a banshee
Effects: Stuns everyone without ear protection for 5 turns
Cost: 80 gold
Tier: I

The Banshee in a can is quite literally the stored wail of a banshee, one which when used correctly can have devastating effects on its targets. The scream usually only lasts a minute or two (1 turn), but the ringing and ear bleeding can continue for up to an hour (5 turns), and will keep anyone who didn't have their ears protected in the vicinity grounded until it passes.

Even the handler of the can themselves can suffer from the sound if they use it without ear protection.


Type: Crackler
Ingredients: Gunpowder, Emberpetal extract, Miasma extract, Firedust
Effects: Stuns the affected with a bright flash for 3 turns
Cost: 40 gold
Tier: I

A small but volatile little potion, the firecracker is fittingly named after fireworks or joke snappers for the way it's used. This fiesty little brew explodes when tossed at the ground, crackling like a fountain of fireworks and emitting bright flashes which stun even the weakest of seeing for a few brief moments.

When throwing multiple firecrackers at once, it's possible for a damaging explosion to occur. (5+ at once.) Although this does not damage the surroundings, it can burn, dent and send glass dust flying everywhere from the shattered bottles and gunpowder present within the fluid.

Specimen Summoning Potion

Type: Teleportation Potion
Ingredients: Dark matter, Rift oil, Miasma extract, Pixie dust
Effects: Summons a person to the potion's location upon their name being ushered
Cost: 50 gold
Tier: I

The Specimen Summoning Potion is the lowest tier summoning potion, a strange little rifting vessel with locating and rifting capabilities. To use this potion, the user must pour the contents into a crater shaped hole into the ground before sprinkling pixie dust on the puddle and ushering the name of the individual they wish to bring to them.

The potion will only bring those who accept the rifting pull of the potion. If an individual does not want to appear before the potion, it will not bring them.

Essence of Chicken

Type: Transformation Potion
Ingredients: Chicken blood, Chicken feather, Pixie Dust, Carbonated water
Effects: Transforms the user into a chicken (+2 AC, +5 Acrobatics, +2 Deception for 5 turns)
Cost: 20 gold
Tier: I

Essence of Chicken is one of the many strange morphing transformation potions in existence, and typically the first which people come across. Consuming this potion will transform the drinker into a chicken in a matter of seconds, increasing mobility and allowing them to hide under the guise that they're a chicken.

The storage bottle is separate into two parts: One for the water and chicken feather (the 'white'), and one for the pixie dust and blood (the 'yolk'). When opened and drank, both of the fluids will pour out at once.

Essence of Turkey

Type: Transformation Potion
Ingredients: Turkey blood, Turkey feather, Pixie Dust, Carbonated water
Effects: Transforms the user into a Turkey (+3 AC, +5 Strength, +2 Deception for 5 turns)
Cost: 20 gold
Tier: I

Essence of turkey is a transformation potion extremely similar to the Essence of Chicken, distinguishable from the bottle being slightly larger in size, as well as being a more vibrant red colour rather than yolk yellow. As presumed of transformation potions, this potion will turn the drinker into a turkey.

Instead of increasing mobility, the user as a turkey will instead have increased physical attack strength, as well as slightly faster running speed. Yet again they will be capable of hiding under the guise of being a turkey.

Essence of Cow

Type: Transformation Potion
Ingredients: Cow blood, Cow Bone, Pixie Dust, Milk
Effects: Transforms the user into a Cow (-2 AC, +10 Strength, +4 Deception for 5 turns)
Cost: 40 gold
Tier: I

Just like all previous Essence transformation potions, the essence of cow is a transformation potion which turns those who drink it into a large cow. The cow will always be female, regardless of gender, capable of producing milk and an equally hard hitting kick if threatened.

Being a mixture of blood, bones, milk and pixie dust, the potion hasn't got the kindest of tastes.

Essence of Pig

Type: Transformation Potion
Ingredients: Pig blood, Pig Bone, Pixie Dust, Carbonated Carrot Water
Effects: Transforms the user into a Pig (+3 AC, +5 Strength, +4 Deception for 2 turns)
Cost: 10 gold
Tier: I

A much shorter transformation potion than the others, the Essence of Pig transforms the drinker into a pig, causing them to be fast moving, mud loving and extremely hard to catch. The shorter length of this potion can be frustrating, however, especially when the effects don't stack.

Drinking this potion immediately after another wares off will cause the effects to fizzle.

Essence of Horse

Type: Transformation Potion
Ingredients: Horse blood, Horse Bone, Pixie Dust, Carbonated Apple Water
Effects: Transforms the user into a Horse ( -5 AC, +15 Strength, +4 intimidation, +7 Deception for 7 turns)
Cost: 50 gold
Tier: I

Just like all other transformation potions, the Essence of Horse transforms the user into a horse, typically a stallion. This provides fast speeds, abnormally high strengths and a terrifying intimidation for an extended period of time.

Despite all this, it makes the individual a larger target, and as such causes the user to experience being much easier to strike.

Elemental Buffer Potion

Type: Elemental Enhancement Brew
Ingredients: Cryowater, Miasma Essence, Ground Bambusa leaves
Effects: +30% Elemental damage for 5 turns
Cost: 40 gold
Tier: I

Instead of being a typically elemental or damage defence potion, the Elemental Buffer potion is an enhancement potion which enhances any element relevant to what the individual uses. It can enhance any and all elemental abilities, regardless of whether or not the individual uses that as their main one, or at all.

The flavour of the potion may change depending on what the main element of an individual is. Someone who primarily uses fire may find it tastes warm and spicy, while someone who primarily uses ice may find it's cold like a frosted beverage, and etc.

Bronze Essence of Xacatl

Type: Rapid Growth
Ingredients: Xacatl Extract, Molten Bronze, Pixie Dust, Earth Mana water
Effects: Accelerates growth in mystical crops by 20%
Cost: 20 gold
Tier: I

The most basic rapid growth potion used on mystical crops, the Bronze Essence of Xacatl is an extract potion made from the liquid extract of molten Xacatl rocks combined with a manner of mystical substances intended to assist in speeding up the growth of these crops.

This potion isn't exclusive to mystical crops and can be used to accelerate the growth of any plant, but is most commonly used on mystical crops.

Bottled Dragonbreath

Type: Elemental Enhancement Brew
Ingredients: Dragon Breath, Firecracker potion
Effects: Allows the consumer to breathe their element (10 turns)
Cost: 60 gold
Tier: I

Pure, bottled dragon breath residue mixed with a firecracker potion can have some devastating results if not done right, but with the correct balance the result is the Bottled Dragonbreath potion, a potion which allows an individual to use 'dragonbreath' so to speak. This allows them to exhale their corresponding element in the same way any dragon or wyvern would for an extended period of time, on and off at will.

It's recommended to only consume the single vial when you want to use dragonbreath. Excessively stacking and mixing dragonbreath vials can cause catastrophic failure on the insides of an individual, and potentially even death by explosive or flamed rupture.