Realm Walkers

The two dominant species within the afterlife realms of Aeden and Limbo, these spirits roam as normal 'citizen's of the realms and live beneath the watchful eyes of their overlooking deities.

Aeden Walker

Aeden Walkers are unusual spirits of light, the spirits that people who die lawful deaths become when they're sent to Aeden. They're considered to be similar to wisps, small creatures of light which make people in their surrounding area glow with a faint golden haze, although of course they don't have this ability. They themselves glow however, a gentle golden colour, with small golden particles coming off of them every now and then.

Most of them spend their days roaming around the gardens of Aeden, and they're mostly a pacificial species, preferring to take a more persuasive route out of combat, rather than fighting their way out of it. That, and their main abilities are mostly healing abilities, making them a perfect pick for advanced players who wish to play supportive roles.

Just like Limbo Walkers, Aeden Walkers aren't lacking in the magical aspect, being incredibly adept at the use of light and healing magics, and sometimes even charms. Some of them are known to constantly emit gentle chimes and soft song which provide healing to those around them, and regenerate their health at a constant rate.

Should an Aeden Walker become filled with darkness, they may have a sudden desire to use Tempestas magic, especially smite spells - which revolves around the use of lightning to strike living organisms mercilessly until death. These Aeden Walkers are incredibly dangerous, and becoming surprisingly increasingly more common among Aeden - with more and more of them having to be swiftly removed to protect the dimension.

Limbo Walker

Limbo walkers are the spirits that neutral parties become when they die and go to Limbo. These creatures are to be considered severe oddities, and although they may be normal among Limbo, are considered some of the most disturbing of spirits anywhere but. These spirits have the ability to communicate to each other, and other people, through the use of the screens of different electronics - Televisions, mobile phones, computer screens and etc. and often cause a lot of static while doing so.

Most of them, when roaming, are silent and slow moving. Their bodies and mouths a reminiscent of those of a drippy corruptor, completed white sockets with wide mouths that separate into segments when opened. While they're capable of speech, they don't do it very often - preferring their technological communication. They can use this communication to spread messages between the overworld and Limbo, whenever they desire, to whoever they wish.

Magically, Limbo walkers aren't lacking, and just like most spirits will keep their magic when they're reborn, though the appearance of their magic changes entirely. In Limbo, it's important to remain perfectly disguised against the blackened rock of the strange reverse world, and as such all of their magic becomes black and loses its glow too, regardless of what type of magic it is.

Rarely, Limbo Walkers will be reborn in a white variant. These variants don't last long, and get them killed by the mysterious monsters of Limbo - or sometimes, even other Limbo walkers, out of fear of having their positions compromised.
