Lesser Genies

Lesser Genies are the weaker of the two Genie species in Quiazal. Capable of only basic illusion magic, these genies have to remain attached to or close to their pots and lamps at all times, however movement isn’t hard as they can carry their pots and lamps with them when they’re out of it. Unlike Genies from actual myths, they don’t require their pot or lamp to be rubbed to exit it.

When asked to grant a wish, the Genie will create whatever the person desires with illusions, however they can only accept very small wishes, such as wishes for food, gold, animals etc. They can also use their illusions to create items for themselves, which will only disappear if they will them to. They use illusions for their wishes because if the person wrongs them, they can easily convert the illusions to have a negative effect on the person, or make them disappear entirely and disconnect themselves from the person.
