
Tenter (Nomagic human)

The Tenter is what people of Quiazal know to be a regular human. Humans, while magically and powerfully inferior, have superior attributes of intelligence, dexterity and wisdom. Compared to most species of the Oxegona, humans have a tiny lifespan of average 100-120 years (extended through means of magic and technology.) This however doesn’t mean that their lifespan is limited to that, as there are many potions and magical objects which can keep them alive and well for up to 500 years.

Their lack of a magically empowered essence means that without magical items or potions, Tenters can’t use magic. Means of obtaining magical essences through fusion or celestial beings are available to them, but it takes some effort and lots of quest completion. Magical items such as staffs, wands, magical tomes and crystal balls can provide them with magical energy to use magic the same as any other species. They will most commonly be found roaming around Traiford, however feel comfortable going everywhere, especially if they enjoy the risk of exploration.

Although being one of the weakest of all of Quiazal's species, it's believed by many (and by their specific biological signatures found in no other species) that they are one of the oldest species in the world, possibly serving as a base for all others, or as some form of predecessor. Their lack of magical energy causes most people to call this false, or mere speculation. There is no direct proof of their ancient heritage.

Human bodies are described by all other species, and by science, as being small, squishy and extremely delicate. When compared to other species, it's clear they definitely aren't, and never were, as strong or capable yet still stand their ground as one of the most advanced and dangerous species in the world.

All of them are completely adapted to life in a magical, unusual world despite not having a slither of magical energy within them. Magic may hurt them significantly more than all other species, but they seem to have the brains to warp said energy more to their will, resulting in their extreme proficiency in magical technology. Most magitek was invented by different humans throughout history.

While magic may be a great pressure to these organic beings, they have been able to warp it greatly to their will and allowed it to greatly affect their biology where they wish it to. They can extend their life expectancy, their size and etcetera, in the same way other species can with specialised steroids, and can use it in whatever way they wish to assist them if they combine it with an item of their choice.

Additionally, their size can prove to be an intimidation factor to other species, not just in height but in weight as well, though their physical and magical power sometimes snuffs this intimidation out entirely. They're much scarier with weapons and armour to go alongside them: A figuratively naked human is a dead human.

Sorcerer (Magic Human)

Sorcerers are, to put it simply, Tenters with magical essences. The essences they’re born and raised with are immediately empowered with some kind of magic which they’ll excel in, though typically with the use of spell books and potions they can excel in any and all types of magic, including dark magic.

The chance of a Tenter being born as a Sorcerer is completely random, and although a lot rarer, still show up a lot more than Tenters do for the sole fact that they can use magic, and feel much more protected with their spells. While their main essence can make it hard for them to learn different types of magic, they’re especially confident in the art of wanting to learn more and more spells constantly, find more potions, use different magic items and a broad range of weapons, and will never stop the hunt until they have a collection of essences, weapons, potions and magic tomes to keep themselves empowered.

Compared to a Tenter, the average lifespan of a sorcerer is 500 years.
