
Familiars are unusual creatures, usually of demonic origin, which exist with one sole purpose - assist and serve a master. Usually following witches, wizards and dark sorcerers, familiars are capable of their own sorcery, along with the gift of speech. They’re usually vivid with colour, and capable of taking on the form of any animal they or their masters desire, most commonly being owls, ravens, cats and wolves, however not being capable of taking on a humanoid form.

Despite being excellent sorcerers and capable of speech, they aren’t physically adept unless their form decrees it, preferring to spend their time hunting through spell books or brewing potions. Their intelligence and wisdom far excels that of many species, making them truly the best companions or friends one person can have.

With the use of magic items, Familiars have the ability to use advanced healing magic if they wish it. They aren’t fully capable of using damaging magic such as dark magic, however can be taught it with great ease if their master wishes to teach them

The body of a familiar can very greatly depending both on who their birth parents were, and what animal they desire or their masters desire. While they are a type of Animalia, they don't often take on the form of an actual animal, rather taking on the appearance of animals which may be familiar to other animals, or mythical creatures/cryptids, which is what earned them their name.

Unlike common belief, not all Familiars are malevolent and some merely live out their lives assisting themselves or others. Some live independently, and some completely hold themselves to a standard of being the best assistant they can be.

Many different familiars have varying levels of intelligence, but the vast majority of them are smarter than the average Tenter and have extreme magical capabilities. A lot of familiars are used within work places where high intelligence and magical knowledge is required, such as in magical emporiums or potion breweries. Additionally, they're often used as messengers for all kinds of individuals seeking out the spread of their work.
