
Aves are the resident half person half bird species of Quiazal, the species which get the most 'unusual' attention. These species have some of the most unusual physical forms, second only to the Mantagora, and are combined in some of the most abnormal, horrific ways imaginable.

From Harpies to Alkonosts, even to more horrific creatures such as Akiras (Flying heads), the aves are both the most admired and the most feared of the chimeric genus.

All of them seem to follow some sort of specific species of birds, be it tropical, savannah, arctic or simply common wild birds. Their mannerisms change heavily depending on just what type of bird they are, as will their anatomy. Predatory aves will have forward facing eyes with large pupils and are often coloured darkly, while common aves which have less of a meat diet will have much more human looking eyes, and much brighter colours.

Additionally to being half bird, half person, there are occasions where they will be entirely a bird in a scarcely humanoid form (such as the image to the left.)
