QuickBooks Error code 6189, 816

Solutions to fix QuickBooks Error Code 6189, 816

If you are marred by the frequent recurrence of Error code 6189, 816 in the QuickBooks program, you have arrived at the right destination. After reading this article, you will have all the information necessary to fix this error.

The QuickBooks Error code 6189, 816 is a run-time error that occurs when attempting to launch QuickBooks Desktop or while opening a company file (.QBW) on a multi-user network.

Let’s now go through the various solutions to get this QuickBooks error 6189 sorted out in the easiest possible ways.

Solution 1: Resolve data file issues in QuickBooks

Solution 2: Save Company files in the local storage

Solution 3: Fix Windows registry errors

Solution 4: Fix the issues with the QuickBooks network ('.nd') file

Solution 5: Ensure folder access permission for Windows user