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Solving error message ' QuickBooks already has a company file open.'

While accessing the QuickBooks desktop, you may face an error message regarding the QuickBooks company file already open. This error code is encountered when you click on the QuickBooks desktop icon many times. To fix QuickBooks already has a company file open error, this article shall suggest resetting your system and updating the software. To know additional methods for fixing this QuickBooks error message, you can read this article till the end.

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Causes for 'QuickBooks already has a company file open' error message

Some of the primary causes behind this error include:


Steps to Fix QuickBooks already has a Company File Open

Follow the methods below to fix the QuickBooks 'cannot connect to the email server' error:

Step 1: Close QuickBooks Process from Task Manager


Step 2: Close all QuickBooks Processes at Once

 Follow the below steps to close all QuickBooks processes at once.

Step 3: Restart your Computer


Step 4: Install Updates for the QuickBooks Software

Check if your QuickBooks software is updated to the latest version. Follow the steps below to check the same:



Step 5: Ensure that Hosting is disabled on Workstations

Sometimes hosting on your workstations may be the cause of the company file already open error in QuickBooks. It should be disabled for workstations as well as the Server. This QuickBooks problem may not bother the user when hosting isn't enabled on multiple workstations.

There are several options for disabling hosting on workstations. These have been mentioned below:

Option 1: Disabling it for Workstations


Option 2: Stopping hosting for Server

Hosting also needs to be disabled for the Server to troubleshoot the Intuit QuickBooks already has a company file open problem. To do so, follow the steps below:

Once the 'Host Multi-user Access' option is available, ensure it is chosen. 

You may also read : How to Print W-2 forms in the QuickBooks Desktop?


Check if the error got sorted. If not, get in contact with our 24/7 QuickBooks Technical Support Team for immediate redressal to all doubts and queries related to the issue.