QuickBooks Error Code 1310

How to Solve QuickBooks Error Code 1310?

When installing or updating the QuickBooks desktop to the most recent maintenance version, Error 1310 can occur. QuickBooks error code 1310 is a problem that appears whenever you try to install or upgrade the QuickBooks desktop. Many customers immediately report this QuickBooks issue on desktop, while others attempt to resolve it independently.

What triggers QuickBooks Error 1310?


Several issues may trigger QuickBooks Error 1310. These include:




Methods to Troubleshoot Error Code 1310


Below are some of the most viable methods for troubleshooting QuickBooks Error Code 1310. Go through each of the methods sequentially and if any technique does not work, go to the following method(s).


Method 1: Use the QuickBooks File Doctor


QuickBooks Doctor File Tool is a multipronged tool that can troubleshoot a myriad of errors associated with QuickBooks, the Error Code 6150 being no exception. To make use of this tool, follow the below-mentioned steps:



We hope this method successfully helped you fix the QB Error Code 1310. If the issue persists, jump to the following method.



Method 2: Modify the Settings of the User Account Control.




Method 3: Register Microsoft Windows Installer Once Again


Method 4: Give Full Admin Access to the Windows Installer


To grant full admin access to Windows Installer, you need to implement the steps given below:



We are optimistic that the steps mentioned in this article assisted you in resolving QuickBooks Error Code 1310. If you encounter any queries while going for the methods mentioned above to fix the error, contact our QuickBooks Technical Support Team.