QuickBooks error 3371 status code 11118

What methods can assist in resolving QuickBooks Error 3371?

QuickBooks issue 3371 frequently occurs when you attempt to activate QuickBooks or while reconfiguring your PC. This error message may also display if the company's files are corrupted. Notably, this error is commonly attributed to the misconfigured QuickBooks system file named the entitlementDataStore.ECML. To learn more about this problem, make sure you read this post completely. By the end of this article, we will make sure that you are successfully able to fix QuickBooks error 3371 status code 11118.

Users can make use of the various methods given below for resolving this QuickBooks error. These methods involve deleting the ECML file, updating Windows, renaming the Entitlement file, using QuickBooks Tool Hub, using Install Diagnostic Tool,

Method 1: Remove the ECML file

Method 2: Rename the Entitlement file

Method 3: Update your Windows package

Method 4: Resolve QuickBooks error 3371 Manually

Method 5: Use the QuickBooks tool hub

Method 6: Use the install diagnostic tool