QuickBooks error code 6094

Reasons that cause the error 6094 in QuickBooks

When QuickBooks cannot open the web database, the error 6094 may get generated. Your anti-virus software, like AVG Anti-Virus, SpyHunter Malware Blocking, PC Tools Internet Security, and several others, may also be to blame for this error.

You might not be able to access the company file once the QuickBooks error code 6094 shows up because the web database is unable to launch. With the help of some troubleshooting advice, this post shall assist you in accessing your company data while overcoming such error.

This error may be a result of different factors. Although there may be several causes for QuickBooks Error code 6094, we have selected some of the most common ones.

The main cause of QuickBooks Error Message 6094 is the QuickBooks database server manager's (QBDBMGRN) inability to start.

•        ‘’QBDBMGRN.exe’’ and ‘’QBCFmonitor’’ service may be quarantined by the antivirus program, which could result in QuickBooks Error 6094.

•        The error can also appear if an antivirus program or other internet security program forbids QuickBooks from connecting to the server for security reasons.

•        The ‘’Error 6094: Unable to Open Company File’’ appears on your screen