In every name of Allaah, the Possessor of Limitless Mercy, the Bestower of Mercy


إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ لِلَّهِ، نَحْمَدُهُ، وَنَسْتَعِينُهُ، وَنَسْتَغْفِرُهُ

Indeed, all praise belongs to Allaah. We praise Him, seek His assistance, and ask His forgiveness.

وَنَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ شُرُورِ أَنْفُسِنَا، وَمِنْ سَيِّئَاتِ أَعْمَالِنَا

We seek refuge with Allaah from the ills of our own selves and from the ill consequences of our actions.

مَنْ يَهْدِهِ اللَّهُ فَلَا مُضِلَّ لَهُ، وَمَنْ يُضْلِلْ فَلَا هَادِيَ لَهُ

If Allaah guides any person, none can lead that person astray; and if Allaah leaves any person to stray, none can guide that person.

وَأَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ

I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone, without any partner, and I testify that Muhammad is Allaah’s worshipping servant and Messenger.

((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ))

((People who have accepted and complied with the truth, do your utmost to protect yourselves from Allaah’s punishment by fulfilling His commands and avoiding His prohibitions, and do not die except submitting to Allaah in Islaam)).

((يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالًا كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاءً

((Mankind, protect yourselves from the punishment of your Lord who created you from a single person; and from that one person, created his spouse; and then spread from the two of them multitudes of men and women.

وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءَلُونَ بِهِ وَالْأَرْحَامَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا))

And protect yourselves from the punishment of Allaah by whom you make requests of one another, and do not sever ties of kinship. Indeed, Allaah is always a Witness regarding you who continually oversees and maintains)).

((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا . يُصْلِحْ لَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ

((People who have accepted and complied with the truth, protect yourselves from Allaah’s punishment - by fulfilling His commands and avoiding His prohibitions - and speak words that are correct. If you do so, Allaah will set your deeds right for you, and He will forgive you for your sins.

وَمَنْ يُطِعِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ فَازَ فَوْزًا عَظِيمًا))

And when any person obeys Allaah and His Messenger, that person will certainly achieve the greatest success)).

أَمَّا بَعْدُ، فَإِنَّ أَصْدَقَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللَّهِ، وَأَحْسَنَ الْهَدْيِ هَدْيُ مُحَمَّدٍ

As for what follows: indeed, the best speech is the Book of Allaah, and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad [may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection].

وَشَرَّ الْأُمُورِ مُحْدَثَاتُهَا، وَكُلَّ مُحْدَثَةٍ بِدْعَةٌ، وَكُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلَالَةٌ، وَكُلَّ ضَلَالَةٍ فِي النَّارِ

And the worst things are those that are invented and then claimed to be part of Islaam. All such inventions are regarded as bid‘ah, all bid‘ah is misguidance, and all misguidance will end up in the hellfire.

The pages on this site contain a collection of translations, writings, and teaching materials, and translations prepared by Aboo Shaybah & Umm Ilyaas, two students of Islaam. May Allaah pardon their shortcomings and allow their works to be useful. Materials posted here are the most recent versions and they replace any previous editions in circulation, whether electronically or in print. Further content will continue to be added as time permits, in shaa' Allaah. To send any comments or corrections, please click here. We are grateful to our brothers and sisters who provide their feedback, and we implore Allaah to reward them.

On Knowledge and Refining the Soul

al-Kitaab (Qur'aan and Related)

as-Sunnah (Hadeeth and Related)

al-Fiqh al-Asghar (Fiqh and Related)

Fasting, Ramadaan, and Related

'Umrah, Hajj and Related
