Lessons from the book

بلوغ المرام من أدلة الأحكام

(Reaching One's Objective in Knowing the Evidences of Islaam's Directives)

by al-Imaam ibn Hajar (may Allaah have mercy upon him)

[Arabic Text]

كِتَابُ الْجَامِعِ

Chapter About a Collection of Topics{1}
from the book Buloogh al-Maraam

English rendering of Explanation given by ash-Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

🔊 Explanation:

{1} The compiler [ibn Hajar] (may Allaah have mercy upon him) began [this last chapter of his book Buloogh al-Maraam] by saying كِتَابُ الْجَامِعِ “Chapter about a Collection of Topics.” He previously mentioned chapters about rulings pertaining to acts of worship, and pertaining to interpersonal dealings along with related topics including endowments, bequests, warfare, marriage, divorce, and others. After all of those, he concluded the book with this “Chapter about a Collection of Topics” and it contains what a person of eemaan [i.e. someone who has sound beliefs and performs righteous deeds] needs in terms of his morals and ethics, as well as qualities he should personify such as being keen to maintain praiseworthy traits, perform virtuous deeds, avoid blameworthy traits, and make optimal use of his time by mentioning Allaah and supplicating Him. The compiler made a very good choice in concluding this book with these topics since a person of eemaan is always in great need of them, and the compiler began those topics with the “Section about Sound Conduct.”

1- Section About Sound Conduct

2- Section About Treating Parents Well and Upholding Ties of Kinship

3- Section About Making the Hereafter One's Focus, and Exercising Restraint Regarding What May Be Impermissible

4- Section About Discouragement of Blameworthy Traits

5- Section About Encouragement of Praiseworthy Traits

6- Section About Mentioning Allaah and Calling Upon Him