Some Qualities of the Prophet Muhammad and Events from His Life
(may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

as found in the summary of the book Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah by ash-Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaanee (may Allaah have mercy upon him)

Introduction of ash-Shaykh Mash-hoor Hasan Salmaan

Indeed, all praise is due to Allaah. We praise Him, seek His assistance, and ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evils of our souls and from the evil results of our actions. If Allaah guides any person, none can mislead him; and if Allaah leaves any person to stray, none can guide him. I bear witness that there is none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone, without any partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is Allaah’s worshipping servant and Messenger.

This is an extract containing texts of narrations which our teacher, this era’s outstanding scholar of hadeeth, Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaanee (may Allaah bestow immense mercy upon him) mentioned in Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah{1} which are devoted to the topic of the Qualities of the Prophet Muhammad and Events from His Life (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). The texts are presented without listing the takhreej, routes, and supporting narrations. This extract was put together to make it easier for readers to attain what concerns them most from that book – Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah – and achieve their purpose from it, as well as to make it feasible for those not specialized in the field of hadeeth to read the texts of the narrations without the lengthy takhreej for them all. For each narration, I have limited myself to citing the text, the companion narrating it, and the surrounding circumstances – if applicable – and I listed its number in as-Saheehah at the end. I took into consideration whether the Shaykh (may Allaah have mercy upon him) changed his opinion about any of the narrations{2} and I mentioned that for each one of them. I carefully reviewed their wordings and, at times, I referred back to the original sources from which the Shaykh (may Allaah have mercy upon him) and copied them in order to ensure the accuracy of the text or rectify any omission, and I clearly stated or pointed out anything which I appended. This work was undertaken at the suggestion of the copyright holder, the respected Shaykh Sa‘d ar-Raashid, may Allaah – the Most Exalted – preserve him. We ask Allaah – who is perfect in every way – to make this work one undertaken sincerely seeking His Noble Face. He is certainly the most generous of those implored, and the best of those in whom hopes are placed. And the last of our prayers is that all praise belongs to Allaah, the Lord of all creation.

Written by Aboo ‘Ubaydah Mash-hoor ibn Hasan aal Salmaan

{1} Concluded at volume seven.

{2} Whatever the Shaykh – may Allaah have mercy upon him – removed from the earlier editions of as-Silsilah as-Saheehah, I also omitted from this book, and did not point out that the Shaykh changed his opinion.

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Note: the Arabic text used to prepare this translation is from pp. 395-408 in the one volume summary prepared by ash-Shaykh Mash-hoor Hasan of the book Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah by ash-Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaanee

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[2169] Anas ibn Maalik [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated: Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said: The Buraaq was brought to me and it was a tall white animal, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule. The span of its stride was as far as its eye could see. Thus, I rode it until I reached Bayt al-Maqdis [i.e. al-Masjid al-Aqsaa], and tied it at the ring where the Prophets tie their mounts. I then entered the Masjid, performed two units of prayer, and left afterwards. Jibreel (may Allaah grant him continued protection) came to me with one vessel of wine and one vessel of milk, and I chose the milk. Jibreel (may Allaah grant him continued protection) said to me, “You have chosen the innate disposition that Allaah created all people with.”

Next, we were taken up to the [first] heaven and Jibreel requested entrance. He was then asked, “Who are you?” to which he replied, “Jibreel.” He was asked, “And who is with you?” to which he replied, “Muhammad.” He was asked, “Has he been sent for?” to which he replied, “He has been sent for.” We were then allowed entry, and I encountered Aadam who welcomed me and invoked Allaah to grant me much good.

Next, we were taken up to the second heaven and Jibreel (may Allaah grant him continued protection) requested entrance. He was then asked, “Who are you?” to which he replied, “Jibreel.” He was asked, “And who is with you?” to which he replied, “Muhammad.” He was asked, “Has he been sent for?” to which he replied, “He has been sent for.” We were then allowed entry, and I encountered the two maternal cousins: ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam and Yahyaa ibn Zakariyyaa (may Allaah mention both of them with commendation). They both welcomed me and invoked Allaah to grant me much good.

Next, I was taken up to the third heaven and Jibreel requested entrance. He was then asked, “Who are you?” to which he replied, “Jibreel.” He was asked, “And who is with you?” to which he replied, “Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).” He was asked, “Has he been sent for?” to which he replied, “He has been sent for.” We were then allowed entry, and I encountered Yoosuf (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) whom I found had been granted half of all beauty. He welcomed me and invoked Allaah to grant me much good.

Next, we were taken up to the fourth heaven and Jibreel (may Allaah grant him continued protection) requested entrance. He was asked, “Who is it?” to which he replied, “Jibreel.” He was asked, “And who is with you?” to which he replied, “Muhammad.” He was asked, “Has he been sent for?” to which he replied, “He has been sent for.” We were then allowed entry, and I encountered Idrees who welcomed me and invoked Allaah to grant me much good. Allaah – the Almighty and Most Majestic – said about him, ((And We raised him to a high position.)) [19:57].

Next, we were taken up to the fifth heaven and Jibreel requested entrance. He was asked, “Who is it?” to which he replied, “Jibreel.” He was asked, “And who is with you?” to which he replied, “Muhammad.” He was asked, “Has he been sent for?” to which he replied, “He has been sent for.” We were then allowed entry, and I encountered Haaroon (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) who welcomed me and invoked Allaah to grant me much good.

Next, we were taken up to the sixth heaven and Jibreel (may Allaah grant him continued protection) requested entrance. He was asked, “Who is it?” to which he replied, “Jibreel.” He was asked, “And who is with you?” to which he replied, “Muhammad.” He was asked, “Has he been sent for?” to which he replied, “He has been sent for.” We were then allowed entry, and I encountered Moosaa (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) who welcomed me and invoked Allaah to grant me much good.

Next, we were taken up to the seventh heaven and Jibreel requested entrance. He was then asked, “Who is it?” to which he replied, “Jibreel.” He was asked, “And who is with you?” to which he replied, “Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).” He was asked, “Has he been sent for?” to which he replied, “He has been sent for.” We were then allowed entry, and I encountered Ibraaheem (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) who had his back braced against the house of worship there called al-Bayt al-Mamoor, which seventy thousand angels enter each day and do not return to it afterwards.

Next, I was taken to the immense lote tree called as-Sidrah al-Muntahaa, whose leaves were like elephant ears, and whose fruits were like large clay jars. Then, when something extraordinary overcame that tree by Allaah’s command, it changed; and none among Allaah’s creation could describe it, due to its unparalleled beauty. Then, Allaah revealed to me what He revealed, and He made obligatory for me fifty prayers each day and night.

I then descended to Moosaa (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) who said, “What did your Lord make obligatory for your followers?” I replied, “Fifty prayers.” He said, “Return to your Lord and request a reduction, because your followers will surely be unable to endure that. I say this because I tried the descendants of Israa’eel and I have experience with them.” Hence, I returned to my Lord and said, “My Lord, I implore You to grant a reduction to my followers.” He then reduced it by five.

I then returned to Moosaa and said, “He reduced it by five.” Moosaa said, “Your followers will surely be unable to endure that. Return to your Lord and request a reduction.” Hence, I continued returning between my Lord – the One Most Exalted, and whose magnificence and blessings are limitless – and Moosaa (may Allaah grant him continued protection) until my Lord said, “Muhammad, they are five prayers each day and night. Each prayer counts as ten, thus making them fifty prayers. In addition, when anyone intends to perform a righteous deed but ends up not performing it, that is written for him as one righteous deed; and if he does actually perform it, that is written for him as ten. In contrast, when anyone intends to commit a sin but ends up not committing it, that would not be written as anything [sinful]; and if he does actually commit it, that is written as one sin.”

I then descended until I encountered Moosaa (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and I informed him. He said, “Return to your Lord and ask Him for a reduction.” At that, Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) replied, “I have returned to my Lord to the point that I am now ashamed of going back to Him.” (as-Saheehah 3956)

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[2170] ‘Aa’ishah [(may Allaah be pleased with her)] stated: Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) told me, “You were shown to me in a dream on two occasions. A man was carrying you in a piece of silken cloth and he said, ‘This is your wife.’ Thus, I said, ‘If this is from Allaah – the Almighty and Most Majestic – He will make it take place in reality’.” (as-Saheehah 3987)

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[2171] ‘Ubaydullaah ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn ‘Utbah ibn Mas‘ood narrated that ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas [(may Allaah be pleased with both of them)] informed him that Aboo Sufyaan ibn Harb [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] had informed him of the following: Heraclius (the leader of the Roman empire at the time) had sent a messenger to Aboo Sufyaan while he was travelling with a caravan belonging to Quraysh. The caravan consisted of merchants who had gone to the region of ash-Shaam during the period when Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had a truce with Aboo Sufyaan and the hostile non-Muslims among the tribe of Quraysh. Thus, Aboo Sufyaan and his company went to meet Heraclius in Eeliyaa’ (Jerusalem). Heraclius summoned them to his assembly where he was surrounded by senior Roman dignitaries. He then summoned them along with his interpreter and asked, “Who among you is most closely related to that man who claims he is a Prophet?” Aboo Sufyaan said, “I replied: I am the nearest to him in lineage.”

Heraclius then said, “Bring that one near me and place his companions close behind him.” He then instructed his interpreter, “Tell them: I am going to question this man. If he lies to me, you are to contradict him.” Aboo Sufyaan added, “I swear by Allaah, had I not been ashamed of them labelling me a liar, I would surely have lied about [the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)]. The first thing Heraclius then asked me about him was, ‘What is the status of his lineage among you?’ I replied, ‘He has respectable lineage among us.’ He asked, ‘Has anyone among you ever made this claim before him?’ I replied, ‘No.’ He asked, ‘Was anyone among his ancestors a king?’ I replied, ‘No.’ He asked, ‘Is it the nobles among the people who follow him, or the downtrodden among them?’ I replied, ‘It is the downtrodden among them.’ He asked, ‘Are his followers increasing or decreasing?’ I replied, ‘They are increasing.’ He asked, ‘Do any of his followers leave his religion due to resenting it after having entered it?’ I replied, ‘No.’ He asked, ‘Had you accused him of lying prior to him saying what he now says?’ I replied, ‘No.’ He asked, ‘Is he known for treachery?’ I replied, ‘No, but we presently have a truce with him and we do not know what he will do during it’. I could not find any opportunity to interject any statement against him except that single statement.” Aboo Sufyaan then continued recounting the exchange. He said, “Heraclius asked, ‘Have you ever waged war against him?’ I replied, ‘Yes.’ He asked, ‘What was the outcome of your war against him?’ I replied, ‘The battles between us and him are in turns: at times, he makes gains against us; and at others, we make gains against him.’ He asked, ‘What does he instruct you to do?’ I replied, ‘He says: worship Allaah alone, do not ascribe anything to Him as a partner, and renounce the wrong things that your forefathers say. Additionally, He instructs us to pray, be truthful, maintain integrity, and preserve ties of kinship.’

Heraclius then instructed the interpreter, ‘Tell him: I asked you about his lineage, and you said he has very respectable lineage among you. Such are the Messengers whom Allaah sends: they come from respectable lineage among their peoples. I asked if anyone among you had made this claim, and you said no. Had someone made this claim before him, I would have said he is merely a man who is imitating what was said by others prior to him. I asked you if any of his ancestors was a king, and you said no. Had there been among his ancestors a king, I would have said he is a man seeking to regain his ancestral kingdom. I asked if you had accused him of lying prior to him saying what he now says, and you said no. Thus, I realized that he cannot possibly refrain from lying about people, yet lie about Allaah. I asked you if the nobles among the people followed him or the downtrodden among them, and you said it was the downtrodden among them who followed him. They are, in fact, the ones who follow the Messengers. I asked you if they are increasing or decreasing, and you said they are increasing. That is what happens in the case of genuine acceptance of the truth and compliance with it, until that reaches completion. I asked you if any of his followers give up his religion due to resenting it after having entered it, and you said no. That is what results when the heart is permeated by the delight of genuinely accepting and complying with the truth. I asked you if he is known for treachery, and you said no. Such are the Messengers: they do not betray. I asked you what he instructs you to do, and you said he instructs you to worship Allaah and not ascribe anything to Him as a partner; he forbids you from worshipping idols; and he instructs you to pray, be truthful, and maintain integrity. If what you say is true, he will soon dominate the very spot beneath my own two feet. I was aware that he would come forth, but I did not think he would be from among you. If I knew I could reach him, I would surely be willing to endure hardship in order to meet him; and if I was there with him, I would certainly put myself at a level of such servitude to him that I would even wash his foot.’

Heraclius then called for a letter that Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had sent with [the Companion] Dihyah [ibn Khaleefah al-Kalbee (may Allaah be pleased with him)] to the governor of the Busraa region, and he then directed it to Heraclius. It contained the following: In every name of Allaah, the Possessor of Limitless Mercy, the Bestower of Mercy. From Muhammad, Allaah’s worshipping servant and Messenger; to Heraclius, ruler of the Romans. Allaah’s protection is attained by those who follow His guidance. As for what follows that prelude, I invite you to accept the call to Islaam. If you submit to Allaah in Islaam, you will attain Allaah’s protection, and Allaah will grant you a doubled reward. However, if you refuse, you will have to bear the sin of misguiding your subjects who follow your lead. I further invite you to Allaah’s statement, ((People of prior scriptures, come to a statement that is to be common between us and you: That we worship none besides Allaah, that we not ascribe anything to Him as a partner, and that none of us take others among us as Lords besides Allaah. However, if they turn away, then you – the people who accept and comply with the truth – are to say to them: Bear witness that we submit to Allaah in Islaam.)) [3:64].” Aboo Sufyaan continued, “After Heraclius said what he said and completed reading the letter, there was much commotion in his assembly, voices were raised, and we were ushered out. At that point, [as a way of ridiculing the Prophet by ascribing him to an obscure ancestor of his,] I said to my companions, ‘The phenomenon of that son of Aboo Kabshah has become so significant that even the ruler of the Romans is afraid of him.’ From that time onwards, I knew that the Prophet would become dominant in the near future, and that certainty remained with me all the way until Allaah eventually guided me to accept Islaam.

In addition, ibn an-Naatoor – the governor of Eeliyaa’ (Jerusalem) and close associate of Heraclius – was the religious authority among the Christians of the Shaam region. He recounted that when Heraclius once came to Jerusalem, he awoke in the morning troubled and lethargic. Some of his advisors said to him, ‘We notice that you appear to be disturbed.’ Ibn an-Naatoor also mentioned that Heraclius was a foreteller and astrologer. Thus, when they asked him what happened, he replied, ‘When I looked at the stars at night, I saw that the ruler of those who practice circumcision had become dominant. Who practices circumcision among the people of the current time?’ The advisors replied, ‘None of them practice circumcision besides the Jews. Thus, there is no need for you to ever feel unsettled at all because of them, and you can write to the various regions of your empire so that they execute the Jews among them.’ While still discussing that topic, a man was brought to Heraclius. He was an envoy sent by the King of Ghassaan conveying news about Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). After Heraclius inquired about what news the envoy brought, he told his advisors, ‘Go and see whether that man is circumcised or not.’ They checked the envoy and informed Heraclius that he was circumcised. Heraclius then asked the envoy if that was done among the Arab people of the time. The envoy replied, ‘They do practice circumcision.’ At that, Heraclius remarked, ‘What I saw in the stars was about the dominance of these people.’

Heraclius then wrote to his governor in Roomiyah (the Roman capital) who was just as knowledgeable as him, and Heraclius travelled to Hims (the seat of authority for the empire at that time). Before reaching Hims, a written reply from his governor reached him. The governor agreed with Heraclius regarding the Prophet coming forth (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and the fact that he was indeed a Prophet. Consequently, Heraclius issued an announcement for the Roman dignitaries to assemble at his palace in Hims. When they assembled, he ordered that all its doors be closed. He then emerged and said, ‘Assembly of the Roman empire, if you seek success, guidance, and the longevity of your empire, would you pledge allegiance to this Prophet?’ Upon hearing that, they fled toward the palace doors the way a herd of wild donkeys or zebras would flee, but they found the doors closed. When Heraclius then saw their aversion and despaired of accepting and complying with the truth on his part and their part as well, he said, ‘Bring them back to me.’ He further told them, ‘Indeed, I said what I just said merely to test the strength of your adherence to your current religion, and I have seen [what is beloved to me].’ They then prostrated before him and remained pleased with him, and that was the last of what happened with Heraclius in that regard.” (as-Saheehah 3607)

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[2172] ‘Aa’ishah [(may Allaah be pleased with her)] stated: Descriptions of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) written in the previous Scripture called the Injeel were that he would not be rude, not be harsh, and not be clamorous in the marketplaces; and he would not reciprocate bad with its like, but instead, he would pardon and overlook. (as-Saheehah 2458)

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[2173] ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn Ya‘laa ibn Murrah narrated from his father that his grandfather [– Ya‘laa ibn Murrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) –] stated: I saw three things from the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) which no one had witnessed before me:

[a] I was with him on the path to Makkah when he passed by a lady accompanied by a son of hers afflicted with a mental disorder, the severity of which I had not seen before. She said, “Messenger of Allaah, this son of mine is as you see.” Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “If you want, I will supplicate Allaah for him.” He then supplicated Allaah for him and proceeded onwards.

[b] A camel then passed by him stretching out its neck and growling, so he said, “Bring me its owner” and he further said, “This animal is saying, ‘I produced offspring for these people and they made use of me. That continued until I became old, and now they want to slaughter me’.” Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) then proceeded onwards.

[c] He then saw two trees at a distance from each other and he told me, “Go and instruct the two of them to converge.” The two of them then converged, he fulfilled his need, and he told me, “Go and instruct the two of them, and they will separate.” Then he proceeded onwards.

After departing, he passed by the aforementioned child while he was playing with other children, and his mother had prepared for him six sheep. She gave two of them to him as a gift and said, “Nothing of that disorder has returned to him.” Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) then said, “There is not a single thing that does not know that I am Allaah’s Messenger. The only exception is those who reject the truth from Allaah” – or he said, “those who defiantly disobey Allaah” – “among jinns and humans.” (as-Saheehah 3311)

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[2174] Aboo Ayyoob al-Ansaaree [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that when the Prophet ate or drank (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), he would supplicate, “All praise belongs to Allaah who has provided food, provided drink, eased its entry, and made a way out for it.” (as-Saheehah 705)

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[2175] Aboo Sa‘eed al-Khudree [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that when the Prophet sat (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), he would have his legs drawn up to his chest. (as-Saheehah 827)

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[2176] [‘Abdullaah] ibn Mas‘ood [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated: When the Prophet became angry (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), his two [cheeks]{1} would redden. (as-Saheehah 2079)


{1} This is the wording as found in as-Saheehah 2079 itself as well as in the original source books of the hadeeth. However, in the summary of as-Saheehah that we are reading from, the wording says “his two eyes”, and we opted to retain the wording of the original sources.

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[2177] Aboo Sa‘eed al-Khudree [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated: When the Prophet disliked something (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), we recognized that from his facial expression. (as-Saheehah 2085)

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[2178] Anas ibn Maalik [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that when the Prophet walked (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), it was as though he was leaning forward or walking briskly. as-Saheehah (2083)

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[2179] Jaabir [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that when the Prophet would walk (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), he would not divert his gaze all over.” as-Saheehah (2086)

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[2180] Sahl ibn Sa‘d [(may Allaah be pleased with both of them)] stated: I heard Zayd ibn Thaabit [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] say, “Whenever revelation would descend upon the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), he became heavy and drops of sweat flowed down his forehead like pearls, even when the weather was cold.” (as-Saheehah 2088)

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[2181] ‘Aa’ishah [(may Allaah be pleased with her)] stated: I was asked, “What did Allaah’s Messenger do while at home (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)?” She said in response, “He was a human just like other humans: he would examine his garment for fleas, milk his sheep, and serve himself.” (as-Saheehah 671)

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[2182] Aboo Nadrah al-‘Awaqee stated: I asked Aboo Sa‘eed al-Khudree [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] about the seal that was upon Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), and Aboo Sa‘eed replied, “The Seal of Prophethood was upon his back as a protruding portion of flesh.” (as-Saheehah 2093)

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[2183] Aboo Hurayrah [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was fair in complexion, as if moulded from silver in fairness and radiance, and his hair was neither very straight nor very curly. (as-Saheehah 2053)

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[2184] Aboo Hurayrah [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had long arms; he had long, thick eyelashes; he had broad shoulders; he would face you fully, and turn away fully; he was not obscene in his nature, and did not endeavour to be vulgar; and he was not clamorous in the markets. (as-Saheehah 2095)

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[2185] ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas‘ood [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had a donkey called ‘Ufayr. (as-Saheehah 2098)

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[2186] Ziyaad ibn Sa‘d [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was not asked to reconsider more than thrice. (as-Saheehah 2108)

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[2187] Aboo Umaamah al-Haarithee [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would sit with his legs drawn up to his chest. (as-Saheehah 2124)

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[2188] ‘Aa’ishah [(may Allaah be pleased with her)] stated: the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) used to be guarded until the passage of the Qur’aan saying ((And Allaah will protect you from the people)) was sent down. After that happened, Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) stuck his head out of his tent and said to those present, “People, you are to depart, since Allaah has indeed granted me protection.” (as-Saheehah 2489)

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[2189] [‘Abdullaah] ibn ‘Abbaas [(may Allaah be pleased with both of them)] stated that the way in which the Prophet would walk (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) showed that he was neither feeble nor lazy. (as-Saheehah 2140)

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[2190] [‘Abdullaah] ibn ‘Umar [(may Allaah be pleased with both of them)] stated that the oath sworn most often by Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was, “I swear by the One who directs all hearts.” (as-Saheehah 2090)

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[2191] [‘Abdullaah] ibn Buraydah reported that his father [– Buraydah ibn al-Husayb (may Allaah be pleased with him) –] stated: Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “When we reached Bayt al-Maqdis, Jibreel pierced a hole in the rock with his finger and tied the Buraaq there.” (as-Saheehah 3487)

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[2192] [‘Abdullaah] ibn ‘Abbaas [(may Allaah be pleased with both of them)] stated: Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “After the night in which I was taken on al-Israa’ (the journey by night to Bayt al-Maqdis) and I was back in Makkah by daybreak, I felt apprehensive about what took place and I knew that the people would belie me.” Thus, Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) sat withdrawn and saddened. Aboo Jahl – an individual who was an enemy to Allaah – then came by and approached until he sat with Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Then Aboo Jahl said to him in a scoffing manner, “Did something happen?” So Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) replied, “Yes.” Aboo Jahl inquired, “What is it?” He replied, “I was taken on a journey during this night.” Aboo Jahl inquired, “Where to?” He replied, “To Bayt al-Maqdis.” Aboo Jahl said, “And then you were back among us by daybreak?” He replied, “Yes.” Aboo Jahl decided to not immediately belie Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) fearing that he would deny having said anything if Aboo Jahl was to summon his people there. Aboo Jahl asked him, “If I were to call your people, would you apprise them of what you just told me?” Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) replied, “Yes.” Thus, Aboo Jahl called out, “People of Banee Ka‘b ibn Lu’ayy, come quickly.” At that, all gatherings promptly disassembled and came to sit with the two of them. Aboo Jahl said, “Tell your people what you told me.” Thus, Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) stated, “I was taken on a journey during this night.” They inquired, “Where to?” He replied, “To Bayt al-Maqdis.” They said, “And then you were back among us by daybreak?” He replied, “Yes.” The people either clapped their hands, or placed their hands on their heads, out of astonishment at what they perceived to be a lie that he fabricated. They said, “Would you be able to describe the Masjid for us?”; and among the people were those who had traveled to that land and seen the Masjid. Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “I began describing it, and continued doing so until I was unsure about some details. Then, the Masjid was brought before my eyes until it was placed closer than Daar ‘Iqaal” – or he said, “ ‘Uqayl” – “and I described it while looking at it.” He added, “Despite this, there was still a detail I did not remember.” He continued, “Nonetheless, the people said, ‘As for the description, we swear by Allaah that he has given it correctly’.” (as-Saheehah 3021)

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[2193] ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas‘ood [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated: During the Battle of Badr, there was one camel for every three of us to take turns riding. ‘Alee and Aboo Lubaabah were partnered with Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). When it was the turn of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), the two of them said, “Ride, Messenger of Allaah, so that we walk instead of you.” Thus, he responded, “The two of you are no stronger than me to walk, and I am in no less need of the reward than the two of you.” (as-Saheehah 2257)

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[2194] Aboo Hurayrah [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated: Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “It is not me who gives you anything or withholds it from you. I am nothing but a treasurer; I distribute as I have been instructed.” (as-Saheehah 2221)

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[2195] [‘Abdullaah] ibn Buraydah reported that his father [– Buraydah ibn al-Husayb (may Allaah be pleased with him) –] stated that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had said, “No one has been harmed to the extent that I have been harmed for the sake of Allaah, the Almighty and Most Majestic.” (as-Saheehah 2222)

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[2196] ‘Aa’ishah [(may Allaah be pleased with her)] stated about the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection): He did not pass away until Allaah had permitted him to marry of women as he willed. (as-Saheehah 3224)

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[2197] ‘Aa’ishah [(may Allaah be pleased with her)] stated: Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) never struck a servant or a woman; in fact, Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) never struck anything with his hand except during struggle in Allaah’s path that was of a military nature. In addition, he was never given the choice between two matters except that the more beloved of the two to him was the easier one so long as that did not involve anything sinful. If it did involve something sinful, he was the farthest of people from committing any sin. He also did not exact retribution for any wrong that was done to him personally; but in the event that the prohibitions of Allaah – the Almighty and Most Majestic – were perpetrated, he would exact retribution for the sake of Allaah, the Almighty and Most Majestic. (as-Saheehah 507)

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[2198] ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas‘ood [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated: Some nobles of Quraysh passed by Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) while Suhayb, Bilaal, ‘Ammaar, Khabbaab and other similarly downtrodden Muslims were with him. Thus, they said, “Muhammad, get rid of them. Are you satisfied with these from among your people? Do you expect us to follow people like these? Are they the ones among us whom Allaah has favoured? Perhaps if you banish them, we will come to you.” The passage of the Qur’aan saying the following was then sent down: ((And do not turn away those who call upon their Lord, in the earlier and latter parts of the day, sincerely seeking His face. You are not responsible for their reckoning in any way, and they are not responsible for your reckoning in any way. If you turn them away, you would then be among those who do injustice.)) [al-Anaam (6):52]. (as-Saheehah 3297)

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[2199] [‘Abdullaah] ibn ‘Abbaas [(may Allaah be pleased with both of them)] stated: Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) departed and appointed Aboo Ruhm Kulthoom ibn Husayn al-Ghifaaree as a deputy in charge of al-Madeenah. He set out after ten days had elapsed from Ramadaan, so he fasted and the people fasted along with him. That continued until he was at al-Kadeed, which lies between ‘Usfaan and Amaj, at which point he broke his fast.{1}

Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) then proceeded onwards until settling at Marr ath-Thahraan{2} along with ten thousand of the Muslims. There were those from Muzaynah and Sulaym, and every tribe had significant representation, all of whom were people who had submitted to Allaah in Islaam. The Muhaajireen and Ansaar all departed along with Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), and none of them remained behind. When Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) settled at Marr ath-Thahraan, it was a time at which news was prevented from being conveyed to Quraysh, so no information reached them about Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and they did not know what he was doing. On that same night of his arrival, Aboo Sufyaan ibn Harb, Hakeem ibn Hizaam, and Budayl ibn Warqaa’ went on a reconnaissance mission to see whether they could find any information or hear anything about him. Al-‘Abbaas ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib had also gone to Allaah’s Messenger and had met with him while he was still on his way (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).

In addition, Aboo Sufyaan ibn al-Haarith ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib and ‘Abdullaah ibn Abee Umayyah ibn al-Mugheerah both went seeking to meet Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) at a location between Makkah and al-Madeenah. The two of them urgently requested permission to enter, and Umm Salamah [(may Allaah be pleased with her)] spoke to him on their behalf. She said, “Messenger of Allaah, they are: the son of your paternal uncle, and the son of your paternal aunt who is also your in-law.” He replied, I have no need for the two of them. As for the son of my paternal uncle, he disparaged my character{3}; and as for the son of my maternal uncle who is also my in-law, he is the one who said what he said to me in Makkah.”{4} When the two of them were informed of that – and Aboo Sufyaan [ibn al-Haarith] had a young child of his with him at the time – he said, “I swear by Allaah that he absolutely must allow me permission to meet with him, or else I will most certainly take the hand of this son of mine, and we will most certainly wander off into the desolate land until we die out of thirst and hunger.” When that reached Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), he felt pity for the two of them, and he granted both of them permission to meet with him. The two of them (i.e. Aboo Sufyaan ibn al-Haarith and ‘Abdullaah ibn Abee Umayyah) then entered and they both accepted Islaam.{5}

[Returning to the previous portion of the narrative involving al-‘Abbaas ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib, Aboo Sufyaan ibn Harb, and others:] When Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) settled at Marr ath-Thahraan, al-‘Abbaas said, “Quryash, be warned of imminent danger! I swear by Allaah that if Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) enters by force before they seek amnesty from him, that will certainly mean the destruction of Quraysh until the end of time.” Al-‘Abbaas continued, “I mounted the white female mule that belonged to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and rode it until I reached a location called al-Araak, and I thought to myself: I hope I meet a wood vendor, milk vendor, or anyone who had some other purpose that would take him to Makkah so that such a person could inform its people about the location of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and they could then come out to him and seek amnesty prior to him entering Makkah by force.”

Al-‘Abbaas continued, “I swear by Allaah that while I was riding that mule, having set out to achieve my purpose, I heard the voices of Aboo Sufyaan [ibn Harb] and Budayl ibn Warqaa’ as they were conversing. Aboo Sufyaan was saying, ‘I have never before seen such fires and troops.’ Budayl replied, ‘I swear by Allaah that these are the fires of the Khuzaa‘ah tribe. War has set them ablaze.’{6} Aboo Sufyaan said, ‘I swear by Allaah that the Khuzaa‘ah tribe is too lowly and depraved for these to be its fires and troops’.” Al-‘Abbaas continued, “I recognized his voice so I said, ‘Aboo Hanthalah!’ and he also recognized my voice so he inquired, ‘Abul-Fadl?’ I (i.e. al-‘Abbaas) said, ‘Yes!’ He said, ‘What are you doing here? I would ransom even my own father and mother to ensure that no harm comes to you.’ I said, ‘May Allaah grant you His mercy, Aboo Sufyaan. What you are seeing is Allaah’s Messenger amidst those people (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). I swear by Allaah that there is trouble in store for Quraysh in the morning.’ Aboo Sufyaan asked, ‘So what can we do to avoid that? I would ransom even my own father and mother to ensure that no harm comes to you.’ I (i.e. al-‘Abbaas) said, ‘I swear by Allaah, if he manages to capture you, he will undoubtedly strike your neck. Therefore, ride this mule with me so that I can take you to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and seek amnesty for you.’ Thus, he rode behind me and his two companions went back.”

Al-‘Abbaas continued, “I then set off with him{7}. Every time I passed by a fire that had been lit by the Muslims, they asked, ‘Who is this?’ Then, when they saw the mule of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) they said, ‘It is the paternal uncle of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) riding the mule that belongs to him.’ That continued until we passed the fire lit by ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him). He asked, ‘Who is this?’ and he stood from his place and came to me. When he saw Aboo Sufyaan on the rear end of the [mule]{8} he remarked, ‘Aboo Sufyaan! The enemy of Allaah! All praise belongs to Allaah who has surrendered you to us during the absence of any treaty or promise of protection.’ ‘Umar then swiftly set out to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and the mule I was riding started galloping. It overtook him as a slow riding animal would overtake a slow man. Upon arrival, I jumped off the mule and entered the presence of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), and so did ‘Umar who said, ‘Messenger of Allaah! Here is Aboo Sufyaan! Allaah has surrendered him to us without any treaty or promise of protection. I would like you to allow me to strike his neck’.”

Al-‘Abbaas continued, “I said, ‘Messenger of Allaah, he (i.e. Aboo Sufyaan) is under my protection.” I then sat close to Allaah’s Messenger, held his head, and said, “I swear by Allaah that no one is to privately converse with him tonight without me.” However, when ‘Umar persisted regarding him, I said, ‘ ‘Umar, hold on. I swear by Allaah that if he was a man from the descendants of ‘Adee ibn Ka‘b (i.e. ‘Umar’s own ancestors), you would not speak this way. However, you know he is an individual among the descendants of ‘Abd Manaaf.’ He replied, ‘ ‘Abbaas, you hold on. I swear by Allaah that on the day you accepted Islaam, your Islaam was more beloved to me than al-Khattaab accepting Islaam if he was he to do so; and the only reason I have for that is because you accepting Islaam is more beloved to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) than al-Khattaab accepting Islaam if he was to do so.’ Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) then said, ‘Take him to your dwelling, ‘Abbaas; and when he reaches the morning, bring him to me’.”

Al-‘Abbaas continued, “I took him to my dwelling where he spent the night with me, and I took him to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) when the morning arrived. When Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) saw him, he said, ‘May Allaah grant you His mercy, Aboo Sufyaan. Has the time not arrived for you to know for sure that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah?’ Aboo Sufyaan responded, ‘I would ransom even my own father and mother to ensure that no harm comes to you. What a kind [and forbearing] person you are, and one who is so keen to uphold ties of kinship. I swear by Allaah that I am certain that if there was any other god besides Allaah he would have surely availed me in some way [already].’ Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, ‘May Allaah grant you His mercy, Aboo Sufyaan. Has the time not arrived for you to know for sure that I am the Messenger of Allaah?’ He responded, ‘I would ransom even my own father and mother to ensure that no harm comes to you. What a forbearing and kind person you are, and one who is so keen to uphold ties of kinship. I swear by Allaah that I have felt something about that within my soul all the way up until this very moment’.”{9} Al-‘Abbaas said, “May Allaah grant you His mercy, Aboo Sufyaan. Accept Islaam and bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, before your neck is struck.” He then bore witness to the truth and accepted Islaam. Al-‘Abbaas continued, “I said, ‘Messenger of Allaah, Aboo Sufyaan is indeed a man who likes to have some prominence, so give him something like that.’ He said, ‘Yes, I will. Anyone who enters the home of Aboo Sufyaan will be granted protection, anyone who shuts his own door will be granted protection, and anyone who enters the Masjid will be granted protection’.”

Al-‘Abbaas continued, “When he was preparing to leave, Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, ‘ ‘Abbaas, keep him in the narrow part of the valley, at the mountain gorge overlooking it, so that the troops of Allaah pass by him and he can see them.’ I then took him and kept him where Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) told me to keep him. The tribes carrying their respective banners passed by him, and with the passing of each tribe he would inquire, Who are these?’ For one of them, I said, ‘Sulaym’ and he said, ‘What do I have to do with Sulaym?’ Then another tribe passed and he asked, ‘Who are these?’ I said, ‘Muzaynah’ and he said, ‘What do I have to do with Muzaynah?’ That continued until the tribes ended. No tribe passed except that he would ask, ‘Who are these?’ I would reply, ‘They are such-and-such tribe’ and he would say, ‘What do I have to do with such and such tribe?’ Then, when Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) passed by in his armoured battalion containing both the Muhaajireen and Ansaar, nothing of them could be seen except the pupils of their eyes because of all the iron. Aboo Sufyaan remarked in astonishment, ‘Subhaanallaah (Allaah is perfect in every way)! ‘Abbaas, who are these?’ I said, ‘This is Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) among the Muhaajireen and Ansaar.’ Aboo Sufyaan said, ‘Neither can anyone hope to stand against forces like this set of people, nor attain the strength required. Abul-Fadl, I swear by Allaah that the dominion of your paternal nephew has grown to immense proportions this morning.’ I said, ‘Aboo Sufyaan, it is indeed because of prophethood.’ He replied, ‘What you said is correct since this is the case.’ I said, ‘Now go save your people’.”

Al-‘Abbaas continued, “Aboo Sufyaan then left and when he reached the people, he called out at the top of his voice, ‘People of Quraysh, Muhammad has come with forces whom you have no hope of standing against. Thus, anyone who enters the home of Aboo Sufyaan will be granted protection.’ His wife, Hind bint ‘Utbah stood, took hold of his mustache and said to those present, ‘Kill this scrawny dark-skinned man{10}. What a horrible sentry he is for his people!’ He said, ‘May Allaah grant all of you His mercy. Do not ever let this woman fool you regarding your own selves. Forces have come whom you have no hope of standing against. However, anyone who enters the home of Aboo Suyfaan will be granted protection.’ They said, ‘May ruin come to you. How will your home be enough for all of us?’ Aboo Sufyaan continued, ‘And anyone who shuts his own door will be granted protection, and anyone who enters the Masjid will be granted protection.’ The people then dispersed to their homes and to the Masjid.” (as-Saheehah 3341)


{1} [ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee commented regarding this sentence:] I would add here that a narration collected by al-Bukhaaree (4275) contains the wording: “That continued until he reached at al-Kadeed, the body of water that lies between Qudayd and ‘Usfaan, at which point he broke his fast.” Amaj is in the area surrounding al-Madeenah, at a distance of two or three days from it, as mentioned in Mujam al-Buldaan. Thus, the location mentioned here in the wording presented (i.e Amaj) may not be entirely accurate, and Allaah knows best.

{2} Ath-Thahraan is a valley near Makkah, and a village is there called Marr which is ascribed to the valley. (Mujam).

{3} [ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee commented:] The character mentioned here [called al-ird in Arabic] is what makes an individual praiseworthy or blameworthy, whether due to his own traits, or those of his offspring or anyone under his guardianship. (an-Nihaayah)…

{4} [ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee commented:] This is a reference to [‘Abdullaah ibn Abee Umayyah – the brother of Umm Salamah, a Mother of the people who accept and comply with the truth from Allaah –] and his statement along with a group of mushrikeen as in the Noble Qur’aan, “We will not accept what you tell us until you cause a spring to gush forth for us out of the ground here in Makkah...” [al-Israa’ (17):90-93], and Allaah knows best. See Tafseer ibn Katheer (3/62-63).

{5} This is the way the order of events was mentioned in this narration of the hadeeth. This portion comes as a sort of interjection in between the events that led up to the other Aboo Sufyaan mentioned earlier – Aboo Sufyaan ibn Harb – accepting Islaam.

{6} [ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee commented:] That is to say that they had been be lit as an indication of war.

{7} [ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee commented:] This is the wording in the original source (i.e. al-Mu‘jam al-Kabeer 8/12) and Majmaaz-Zawaaid. However, in as-Seerah [by ibn Is-haaq], the wording is, “I then took him,” and each is acceptable.

{8} This is the wording as found in the original source books of the hadeeth. However, the wording in as-Saheehah 3341 itself as well as in the summary of as-Saheehah that we are reading from says “camel”, and we opted to retain the wording of the original sources.

{9} [ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee commented:] This is the wording in the original source and Majmaaz-Zawaaid. However, in as-Seerah [of ibn Is-haaq], the wording is, “As for this, I swear by Allaah that my soul indeed feels something about it even until this very moment...” and the additions (i.e. between square brackets in this paragraph) are from this source as well.

{10} [ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee commented about the Arabic terms used in this expression that:] they mean black and having little flesh. In other words, “this lowly dark-skinned man.” She said that to him in an insulting manner. This is mentioned in an-Nihaayah (daal, seen, meem; haa, meem, sheen).

\End of notes.

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[2200] Aboo Sa‘eed al-Khudree [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated: One day, while Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was distributing wealth, Thul-Khuwaysirah – a man from the tribe called Banee Tameem – came to him and said, “Muhammad, you must be just. I swear by Allaah that all this time you have not been just.” The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) then replied, “I swear by Allaah that you (i.e. the people) will not find anyone after me who is more just when dealing with you.” He repeated that thrice. ‘Umar then said, “Messenger of Allaah, would you permit me to strike his neck?” He responded, “No. He will have company, and one of you would think little of his own prayers when compared to theirs…” until the end of the hadeeth.{1} (as-Saheehah 2406)


{1} [ash-Shaykh Mash-hoor commented]: This is the way ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee mentioned it (may Allaah have mercy upon him). See also as-Sunnah of ibn Abee ‘Aasim (924, 925).

\End of notes.

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[2201] “The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was born during the year in which the event with the elephant happened.” This was collected from ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas as well as from Qays ibn Makhramah [(may Allaah be pleased with them)]. (as-Saheehah 3152)

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[2202] Umm Haani’ bint Abee Taalib [(may Allaah be pleased with her)] stated: On the day of the conquest of Makkah, I gave protection to two men among my in-laws. I admitted them into a dwelling and closed the dwelling’s door while they were inside. Thereafter, the son of my own mother – ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib – came and unsheathed his sword upon the two of them. I then went to look for the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and could not find him, but I found Faatimah (i.e. his daughter). However, she was even more stern with me than her husband (i.e. ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib). Eventually, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) came having traces of dust upon him, and I informed him of what took place. He then said, “Umm Haani’, we will protect whomever you protect, and grant safety to whomever you grant safety.” (as-Saheehah 2049)

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[2203] Rabee‘ah al-Aslamee [(may Allaah be pleased with him)] stated: I used to serve Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). He gave me a plot of land and also gave Aboo Bakr a plot of land, then things of this world came along and we disputed about a cluster of date palms. Aboo Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “It is within the boundaries of my plot” and I said, “It is within my boundaries.” Words were exchanged between Aboo Bakr and myself, and he uttered about me a statement that I detested, but he felt remorse so he told me, “Rabee‘ah, respond to me with a similar statement so that we can be even.” I said, “I will not do it.” Aboo Bakr then said, “You absolutely must say it, or else I will make an appeal to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) for assistance against you.” I said, “I will certainly not do it.”

Rabee‘ah continued: Aboo Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) no longer cared about the land and, instead, he set out to the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and I set out trailing behind him. People from the tribe of Aslam (i.e. the same tribe that Rabee‘ah belonged to) then came along and said, “May Allaah have mercy upon Aboo Bakr. Why is he going to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) seeking assistance against you although he is the one who said what he said to you?” I said, “Do you know who this individual is? This is Aboo Bakr as-Siddeeq! He is the second of the two, and is respected as senior in age among the people who submit to Allaah in Islaam. So beware lest he turn around, see you trying to assist me against him, and become angry as a result. He would then go to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) who would then become angry due to his anger; then Allaah would be angry due to the anger of both of them; then, as a result, Rabee‘ah would be destroyed.” They said, “What do you instruct us to do?” I said, “Go back.” Thus, Aboo Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) went to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and I followed him on my own. I continued trailing him until he reached the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and apprised him of the situation as it had occurred. He then raised his head to me and said, “Rabee‘ah, what is the matter between you and as-Siddeeq?” So I told him, “Messenger of Allaah, such and such happened, and he uttered about me a statement that I detested. Then he said to me, ‘Say as I have said so that we can be even’ [but I refused]”. Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “You did the right thing. Do not reply to him. Rather, you must say: may Allaah forgive you, Aboo Bakr.”

Rabee‘ah added: [so I said, “May Allaah forgive you, Aboo Bakr”]. Thus, Aboo Bakr (may Allaah have mercy upon him) left while weeping.” (as-Saheehah 3145)

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[2204] ‘Aasim ibn Humayd as-Sakoonee stated: When the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had dispatched Mu‘aath, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) set out with him,{1} advising him while seeing him off. Mu‘aath was riding and Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was walking beneath the level of his mount. When he concluded, he said, “Mu‘aath, it may well be that you will not meet me after this year of mine; [or] perhaps you will later pass by this Masjid of mine, [or] maybe even my grave.” Upon hearing that, Mu‘aath ibn Jabal wept severely, overcome by grief due to parting with Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). As a result, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “Do not weep in this way, Mu‘aath. Weeping in this way is indeed from shaytaan.” (as-Saheehah 2497)


{1} [ash-Shaykh Mash-hoor commented:] In as-Saheehah and Musnad Ahmad (5/235) it says, “He set out to Yemen with him,” and the correction [without that added wording] is from Musnad Ahmad (36/377-378, no. 22054).

\End of notes.