Insight about the Rites of Hajj and ‘Umrah in Light of the Qur’aan, Sunnah, and Reports from the Companions

by ash-Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin ibn Hamad al-'Abbaad

Note from Aboo Shaybah

We extend much appreciation and gratitude to our esteemed elder brother in Islaam, Dr. Tahir Wyatt, who had expressed interest during 1435h (2014) in using an earlier version of our translation of this book as the basis for some of the lessons he would be delivering in English at al-Masjid an-Nabawee (the Prophet’s Mosque in al-Madeenah) throughout the days leading up to Hajj that same year. At the time, our brother Tahir was completing his PhD at the Islaamic University of al-Madeenah, and despite being occupied with numerous activities, he still made time while preparing his lessons to send us many corrections, suggestions, and notes regarding things we had written in the earlier version of our translation. Our brother also took the further initiative of presenting our subsequent revised translation to the author of the Arabic original, and requesting his approval for the translation. The author – his eminence ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad – did give the approval requested, and we beseech Allaah to grant him continued wellbeing, as well as strength in upholding the religion of Allaah and being a beacon of sound direction to all who seek knowledge of Islaam. We also beseech Allaah to greatly reward our brother Tahir, grant him continued guidance in all his endeavours, protect him from all harms, and bless him with wellbeing in both this world and the hereafter.