Our Connection With the Qur'aan, and the Ten Nights Ahead, from Sermons at al-Masjid al-Haraam

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The Muslim Ummah has an appointment with the Book of Allaah during the very month in which it was sent down. They will come together for it in a way that does not happen at any other time. They have an appointment during which they will listen to it attentively, in a state of tranquility and humility, in order for it to reach the depths of their hearts. They will recite the Book of their Lord in a truly awe-inspiring fashion so as to contemplate the speech of their Creator. It is speech that leaves minds astounded, makes eyes cry, and brings hearts to life. Ramadaan is the month of the Qur’aan. It is the month of taraaweeh which uplifts the heart of anyone who follows Allaah’s guidance. We greatly look forward to spending our nights in the masjid and finding comfort in our continually renewed recitation and understanding of the Qur’aan.

It is astonishing to find someone who remains unaffected by the aayaat that threaten him with punishment for doing wrong, and finds no motivation in the aayaat that promise him reward for doing what is right. It is astonishing to find someone hear the aayaat of Allaah yet not humble himself or repent. Rather, the aayaat merely pass in through one ear and pass out through the other. Is it conceivable that some of the jinn are better guided than certain people? When a group of jinns heard the Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) recite from the Qur’aan, they returned to their people and said, ((“Our people, we have certainly heard a scripture that was sent down after the time of Moosaa. It attests to the truth that was in scriptures prior to it, and it guides to the truth and to a straight path. Our people, if you respond to the Messenger calling you to Allaah and have eemaan in him, Allaah will forgive your sins and protect you from a painful torment”)) [46:30-31].

When hearts become heedless, they grow hard, and that prevents them from contemplation and sincere devotion to Allaah. He spoke the truth when He said, ((Do they not contemplate this Qur’aan, or are there locks upon their hearts?)) [47:24]. May Allaah protect us all from our hearts being heedless and growing hard.\{1}

The least that can be said about the social and religious circumstances in the Arabian Peninsula – and, in fact, the entire world – prior to the advent of the revelation of the Qur’aan is that life was dysfunctional and filled with transgression. It was devoid of light and lacked civilization. This took place until our Guardian Lord and Protector sent the best individual among all of creation as a Messenger in the purest of lands to convey the greatest scripture and most miraculous speech. Allaah, the Almighty Bestower, said, ((Mankind, a clear proof has come to you from your Lord, and We have revealed a clear light to you. As for those who have eemaan in Allaah and hold fast to His revelation, He shall grant them His mercy and bounty, and guide them to a straight path that leads to His reward)) [4:174-175].

Speaking about the Qur’aan involves many topics, yields tremendous benefits, allows us to appreciate guidance, and never causes us to lose interest. The Qur’aan is the speech of Allaah, the Originator, the Most Noble and Kind, and the One who shall hold everyone accountable for their deeds. Even the statements and writings of the most knowledgeable, wise, and well-spoken scholars fall short of bringing out absolutely all of its details and expressing all its intricacies. Allaah said, ((Say: if all the humans and jinns came together to produce something similar to this Qur’aan, they would be unable even if they all assisted each other)) [17:88]. That is only because the Qur’aan contains the most comprehensive rulings and laws, most noble of ethics, and loftiest of objectives. It tells us the soundest course to follow and conveys to us Allaah’s promise of the most magnificent rewards. Allaah explained the Qur’aan with remarkable, incomparable, and profound wisdom. By the Qur’aan, Allaah perfected the religion that He prescribed, as He said, ((By this Qur’aan, Allaah directs anyone who follows His guidance to the paths of safety, brings them out of darkness into the light by His permission, and guides them to a straight path)) [5:16]. Allaah also said, ((We sent the Qur’aan down to you as an elaboration of all things)) [16:89]. Jaabir ibn ‘Abdillaah (may Allaah be pleased with both of them) reported that the Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) said, “I have left something among you. If you adhere to it, you will never go astray. It is the Book of Allaah.” This was collected by Muslim.

Al-Imaam ash-Shaatibee (may Allaah have mercy upon him) commented, “It is well-established that the Qur’aan is the central point of reference for all directives of Islaam. It is the foundation of Islaam, source of all wisdom, clear sign of Allaah’s Message, and it enlightens our vision and insight. There is no way to Allaah except by the path to which it guides, and there is no salvation without it. Nothing which contradicts it deserves to be followed.” [See al-Muwaafaqaat 3/346].\{2}

Allaah said, ((All praise is due to Allaah who sent down to His servant the Qur’aan and did not make it divergent from the truth in any way. Rather, He made it straight. He sent it to warn of severe punishment from Himself, and also to convey glad tidings telling the people who have sound beliefs and perform righteous deeds that they will be granted the finest reward)) [18:1-2]. Living in the shade of the Qur’aan is a blessing whose extent no one knows unless he has actually tasted its sweetness. It is a blessing that fills life with goodness, brings happiness to our hearts, and provides us with guidance. What blessing could be greater for weak servants like us than having our most majestic Lord speak to us by way of the Qur’aan? Allaah said to His Messenger, ((Is the fact that We revealed to you this Qur’aan which is recited to the people not enough to prove your truthfulness to them? It certainly contains mercy and admonition for people who have eemaan)) [29:51]. Thus, it is a blessing, mercy, and admonition. Allaah further said, ((Say: all people should be glad to have the bounty and mercy of Allaah. That is better than anything in this world which people can amass for themselves)) [10:58]. Scholars of tafseer explained that the bounty of Allaah refers to Islaam and His mercy refers to the Qur’aan.

Our souls must be filled with happiness because of this Qur’aan, and that happiness must be radiant upon our faces and extend to our homes and societies. This magnificent scripture teaches the Ummah of Muhammad (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) the correct course to follow in life. It is the message of Islaam to be carried by any caller, the admonition to be given by anyone who wishes to move people’s hearts, and the words to be used by any khateeb when he stands on his podium. It suffices all our needs, provides us with admonition, and gives us guidance. The value of any type of knowledge is proportional to how close it is to the Qur’aan.

The Qur’aan we have with us is the very same Qur’aan that was recited by the foremost generations of Islaam, and it is still as fresh now as it was at that time. However, people’s hearts are not the same. Allaah said, ((Do they not contemplate this Qur’aan, or are there locks upon their hearts?)) [47:24]. Even so, Allaah has given us keys by which those locks can be opened.

The first of those keys is to know the One who spoke this Qur’aan, that being Allaah, the Most Majestic. He alone is your Lord, the Lord of your ancestors, and the Lord of all creation. He alone gives life and causes death. He is the provider and the owner of infinite power. The significance of any speech hinges on the significance of the speaker. No matter how great any speech might be, it still remains inferior to the speech of Allaah. That is to say nothing of those who forsake the speech of Allaah and preoccupy themselves with speech that is nothing but falsehood and distraction.

The second key to opening the locks is knowing the blessings which come from the Qur’aan. Allaah said to His Messenger, ((This is a Book We have sent down to you replete with blessings in order for people to contemplate its aayaat, and in order for people of sound intellect to take heed)) [38:29]. The blessings which the Qur’aan provides for our souls, families, and societies are blessings that are comprehensive, and apply to both this world and the hereafter.

The Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) said, “If someone reads one word from the Book of Allaah, one righteous deed would be recorded for him, and he will be granted the reward of ten like it.” This hadeeth is authentic. It was collected by at-Tirmithee.

The Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) also said, “Read the Qur’aan because it will come on the Day of Resurrection interceding for those who were constantly in its company. Read Soorah al-Baqarah and Soorah Aali ‘Imraan as the two of them will provide you with plenty of light. On the Day of Resurrection, the two of them will come as though they are two clouds, two shades over your heads, or two flocks of birds with their wings outstretched such that there are no gaps between them. The two of them will argue in favour of the people who were constantly in their company. Read Soorah al-Baqarah because taking hold of it leads to blessings, forsaking it leads to regret, and people involved in sorcery cannot cope with it.” This was collected by Muslim.

The Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) further said, “There is a soorah in the Qur’aan which consists of thirty aayaat. It will intercede for a person until he is forgiven. It is ((Allaah is the One whose bounty is infinite, and all dominion lies in his hand)) [67:1].” This hadeeth is authentic. It was collected by Ahmad, at-Tirmithee, and ibn Maajah.

The Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) also said, “Someone who was constantly in the company of the Qur’aan will be told in the hereafter, ‘Read and rise. Recite as you used recite in the world you left behind. Your level will be according to the last aayah you read’.” This hadeeth is authentic. It was collected by Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, and at-Tirmithee.

In addition, the Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) said, “If someone reads the Qur’aan proficiently, he will be in the company of angels who are Allaah’s honourable and obedient scribes. Furthermore, if someone reads the Qur’aan but stutters when doing so and experiences difficulty, he will receive two rewards.” This was collected Muslim.

The third key to opening the locks is du‘aa’. Al-Imaam Ahmad and others collected an authentic hadeeth in which ibn Mas‘ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) said, “If a mu’min ever experiences worry, sorrow, or distress, Allaah would relieve him if he says,

اللهُمَّ إِنِّي عَبْدُكَ، وَابْنُ عَبْدِكَ، وَابْنُ أَمَتِكَ، نَاصِيَتِي بِيَدِكَ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ، أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ، سَمَّيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ، أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أَحَدًا مِنْ خَلْقِكَ، أَوِ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الْغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ، أَنْ تَجْعَلَ الْقُرْآنَ رَبِيعَ قَلْبِي، وَنُورَ صَدْرِي، وَجِلَاءَ حُزْنِي، وَذَهَابَ هَمِّي

‘O Allaah, I am Your servant, the son of Your male servant, the son of Your female servant. My forelock is in Your hand, I am subject to Your judgement, and all that You decree for me is just. O Allaah, by every name You have – whether You named Yourself with it, taught it to any of Your creation, revealed it in Your scriptures, or kept it as knowledge which only You have – I ask You to make the Qur’aan the solace and light of my heart, and the removal of my sorrow, worry, and distress’.” The Companions said, “Messenger of Allaah, we must learn these words.” He replied, “That is correct. Everyone who hears them should learn them.”

We implore Allaah to open the locks that seal our hearts and forgive our prior sins, guide us to recite His Book during the night and at the ends of the day, and guide us to contemplate its aayaat and admonitions. Immense goodness and reward are in store for those who fill their time with the Qur’aan and make it their constant companion.\{3}

Realize that we are in Ramadaan. You must make every effort you can to perform righteous deeds during it. You must receive this month in its entirety by feeling elated that it bears Allaah’s bounty and mercy. That is in contrast to receiving it the way that unconstructive mischief-makers do. They see the month as nothing more than a time for engaging in useless activities that only harm them instead of benefit them, and a time of shameless entertainment which shows complete disregard for the sanctity of the month. In reality, it is a month in which we are to leave off our attachments to this world and its luxuries. It is a month when people who fast step back from their busy lives so as to call out to their Lord, beseeching Him to wipe away their sins and their overstepping the bounds He set. It is a month in which people of firm resolve become even more sensitive to the conditions of their Muslim brothers who will not be fasting as they themselves fast, will not pray as they pray, will not break fast as they break fast, and will not have their meal at the end of the night the way they do. Wars have left those brothers of theirs in weakness and fear. All they can spread beneath themselves is their poverty, and all they can cover themselves with is their hunger. Servants of Allaah, you must come to this month with your hearts full of compassion and sympathy. Receive the month of generosity by being generous, the month of the Qur’aan by devoting your attention to it, the month of du‘aa’ by making du‘aa’, and the month of repentance by repenting. The month arrived a short time back but it will pass by quickly. It will not wait for the lazy or tolerate the heedless. Its motto is the Prophet’s statement (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection), “If someone prays during the nights of Ramadaan, and does so out of his eemaan and his hope in Allaah’s reward, that person’s prior sins would be forgiven.” This was collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. In contrast, the consequences of laziness and negligence can be found in the Prophet’s statement (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection), “May a person be disgraced if Ramadaan comes to him and then leaves prior to him being forgiven.” This hadeeth is authentic (saheeh). It was collected by at-Tirmithee and others.\{4}

In addition to what preceded and in light of the fact that we are now in the last ten of Ramadaan, we must bear in mind that there is a hadeeth in the Two Saheeh collections in which ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said, “When the final ten of Ramadaan began, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) would spend his nights worshipping Allaah. He would wake his family and he would exert himself in devotion to Allaah.” That was the practice of Allaah’s chosen Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) despite the fact that his prior and latter sins were forgiven. Therefore, it is so much more imperative for us to make that our practice since we all bear the burden of our sins and misdeeds.

May Allaah enable all of us to stand and pray to Him during Laylatul-Qadr. There is a hadeeth in the Two Saheeh collections in which the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) said, “If someone stands to pray at night during Laylatul-Qadr, out of eemaan and hope in Allaah’s reward, his prior sins would be forgiven.” We further beseech Allaah, by His bounty and favour, to record us, our leaders, our scholars, our parents, and all the Muslims among those whom He frees from the hellfire. Indeed, Allaah is Most Generous and Kind.

We are also now present in this virtuous location – this sacred mosque: al-Masjid al-Haraam – which is the qiblah that all Muslims face when they pray. We praise Allaah for granting His visitors the magnificent blessings of being able to perform ‘Umrah, devote themselves in worship Allaah, and visit the Two Holy Mosques. We praise for Allaah blessing them with eemaan and allowing them to fulfil their acts of worship. Allaah deserves all praise, and He alone is the one who granted us the blessings of safety, stability, unity, and prosperity. These are momentous blessings for which we must be grateful to Allaah. They are blessings that also require from us that we bear in mind the sanctity of this blessed location and give it the reverence it deserves. Furthermore, our esteemed visitors have come to these sacred precincts in order to perform ‘Umrah and other acts of worship hoping to attain what lies with Allaah. This means they should devote themselves to what they came for: performing ‘Umrah or visiting the Prophet’s Masjid (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) in the manner prescribed by the Sunnah.

This blessed masjid was founded upon tawheed (sincerely devoting all worship to Allaah alone), and it is only fitting for the Sunnah of the Messenger (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) to be upheld within it, far from the differing of math-habs and sectarian - or even racist - affiliations. It is our brotherhood in Islaam that brings us together. We are to make a concerted effort to exemplify the values, moderation, and conduct taught by this religion, especially between the people of Islaam themselves. People should not crowd, push, or harm each other. It is not right to crowd and push other Muslims at the entrances to the Mosque or at the Black Stone. People should also not pray in the pathways or the areas designated for Tawaaf and Sa‘y. We must try our best to keep those areas clear for the visitors who have come to perform ‘Umrah and Tawaaf, and we pray that Allaah accepts all of our righteous deeds.

We have to preserve the blessings that Allaah gives us. One of them is Zamzam water, which must not be wasted. The same applies to Iftaar meals. For us to show full respect for Allaah’s blessings, they must not be wasted.

It is also necessary for women who submit to Allaah in Islaam to observe the guidelines of Islaam regarding coming to al-Masjid al-Haraam. They should adorn themselves with proper hijaab, dignity, chastity, modesty, and they should avoid being around men. They should strive to pray in the rows to the rear of al-Masjid al-Haraam as well as any other masjid. This is based on the statement of the Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection), “The best rows for women are the rearmost.” The Prophet (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) also said, “Do not prevent the female worshipping servants of Allaah from going to the masaajid of Allaah. However, their homes are better for them. If they go out, they are to do so tafilaat.” That term implies not wearing fragrance, not displaying the inherent beauty they already have, and not beautifying themselves even further. This is because they are coming to worship Allaah and they are asking His forgiveness, seeking to please Him, and hoping He admits them to Jannah due to their deeds.

In addition, we are all to focus on worship, thikr, and reading the Qur’aan. We should stay far away from all that obstructs us from those things. Some people preoccupy themselves with their mobile phones, or with pictures and videos. That takes them away from the worship they came for and also harms their brothers and sisters in Islaam who are around them. Thus, we appeal to our brothers and sisters who have been distracted from acts of worship by being preoccupied with pictures, videos, smartphones, and other such devices. We ask them to dedicate themselves to their real purpose. Days are few, time is limited, and every breath is counted. Ramadaan is now coming to a close, its days are fleeting, and we are now in nights that contain immense blessing. Therefore, we must take great care to make the best use of our time.

We also request that those in I‘tikaaf at the Two Holy Mosques give due consideration to the conduct taught by Islaam. They should take care to maintain the cleanliness and sacredness of these Two Mosques. They should not make these locations places for unnecessary chatter and spreading rumours, or desecrate them by doing anything that contravenes sound dignified conduct.

This is an incredible time of the year, and Allaah placed this blessed nation, and these massive efforts and projects, at the service of the Two Holy Mosques. All Muslims are thanked for their understanding and cooperation during the current circumstances as large projects are still currently underway, so they should avoid crowding and pushing others around them during these blessed days.

In addition, your brothers and sisters who are the security personnel have also expended much effort to maintain your safety. They have been deployed to serve Allaah’s religion, first and foremost, and then this blessed nation, the Two Holy Mosques, and all of the visitors. Therefore, we must all cooperate to preserve the safety of the Two Holy Mosques and all who come to them. We must also cooperate in complying with regulations and precautions that have been put in place. That would be an indication of Muslims’ awareness, perceptiveness, understanding, and cooperation with the responsible authorities who have only been deployed at the service of the Muslims themselves. Assisting them in fulfilling their duties will allow you to perform your acts of worship in safety, comfort, and ease. We ask Allaah to guide us all and accept our righteous deeds. We further implore Allaah to allow us all to be people whom He frees from the hellfire, and enable us to worship Him during Laylatul-Qadr. We also ask Him to make these final ten nights ones of honour, victory, and strength for Islaam and all who submit to Him in Islaam.\{5}

O Allaah, rectify the conditions of Muslims in all places. O Allaah, forgive the men and women who have submitted to You in Islaam. Forgive the men and women who have eemaan. Forgive them whether they are alive or have passed away. O Allaah, forgive the deceased Muslims who bore witness that none has the right to be worshipped besides You, and that Muhammad is Your Prophet and Messenger. O Allaah, owner of all majesty and kindness, rectify us as individuals and set our hearts right. O Allaah, rectify for us the affairs of our religion, which protect us from displeasing You. Rectify for us the affairs of this world, which contain our livelihood. Rectify for us the affairs of the hereafter to which we shall finally return. Make life a source of more good for us, and make death a source of rest for us from every evil. O Allaah, enable us to make full use of the opportunities by which we can attain Your blessings. Allow us to use them as a path to earning Your mercy. O Allaah, allow us to [make the most of] Ramadaan. O Allaah – Lord of all creation, owner of all majesty and kindness – enable us to fast and pray for its duration and make us among those whom You free from the hellfire.{6}


{1} Foregoing segment adapted from (34) in “Sermons from al-Masjid al-Haraam (1437h).”

{2} Foregoing segment drawn from (c.) in “Sermons from al-Masjid al-Haraam (Some of 1435h and Prior).”

{3} Foregoing segment drawn from (33) in “Sermons from al-Masjid al-Haraam (1437h).”

{4} Foregoing segment drawn from (34) in “Sermons from al-Masjid al-Haraam (1437h).”

{5} Foregoing segment adapted from short speech of ash-Shaykh as-Sudays just prior to the Taraaweeh prayers on the 21th night of Ramadaan 1436h.

{6} Foregoing segment drawn from (34) in “Sermons from al-Masjid al-Haraam (1437h).”