The Conduct of Allaah’s Esteemed Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

by his eminence ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin ibn Hamad al-‘Abbaad al-Badr

Text [pdf] Audio [mp3]

See also (part 1) (part 2)

Note from Aboo Shaybah

The source of this book’s content was a lecture delivered by the author in 1383h (1963) at the Islaamic University of al-Madeenah. It was printed as an individual book, and it can also be found in the collection of the author’s writings entitled Kutub wa Rasaa’il ‘Abdil-Muhsin ibn Hamad al-‘Abbaad al-Badr (6/7-56). This translation was carried out based on the direct personal request made of me by the author while I was with him in his library at home on 6 Jumaadaa al-Oolaa 1439h (23 January 2018). During our discussion of various issues related to several books, he gave me a copy of the second edition of this book, printed in 1436h, and requested that I render it into English. By Allaah’s favour, that was completed not long afterwards and Allaah also subsequently facilitated having this book be part of the material I had the opportunity to present during the period of my collaboration with the Translation Department at al-Masjid al-Haraam. I beseech Allaah to accept this piece of work as a righteous deed completed sincerely for Him. I further implore Allaah to reward the author for thinking favourably enough of me to make his request, bless him with continued strength and wellbeing, and prolong his life in obedience to Allaah and in fulfilling the role of a scholar of the Sunnah as well as an inheritor of Allaah’s Prophets.

In the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of mercy


All praise is due to Allaah. He deserves praise that is abundant and filled with goodness. That is what our Lord loves and is pleased with. We praise Him, as He is perfect in every way, and we can never glorify Him sufficiently. He sent His Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) with guidance and the religion of truth so as to make that prevail over all other religions. Allaah was pleased with Islaam as His Prophet’s religion, and He made His Prophet’s conduct a personification of what the Qur’aan teaches. Allaah endowed him with virtuous characteristics and then commended him by saying, ((You most certainly have an admirable standard of conduct)).[1]

I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone, without any partner. All creation and command belong to Him, all goodness lies in His hand, and He is able to do all things. Out of His bounty, He grants to whom He wills; and out of His justice, He withholds from whom He wills. He allotted characteristics for every individual just as He allotted provision for them. The provision allotted for Allaah’s Chosen Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was just enough to sustain him, and the characteristics allotted for him were the most complete and virtuous of all. ((That is the bounty of Allaah which He grants to whomever He wills, and Allaah is the owner of infinite bounty)).[2]

I further bear witness that Muhammad is Allaah’s worshipping servant, most beloved Messenger, and chosen one among all of His creatures. Allaah sent him as a Messenger to all people in order to renew the connection between the heavens and the Earth. Thus, Allaah sent the Qur’aan down to him and it confirmed the truth contained in previous scriptures, clarified what had been distorted in them, and also abrogated some of their laws and directives. Allaah made that Messenger the last of all Messengers who would be sent, and made the scripture brought by that Messenger the last of all scriptures which would be revealed. Furthermore, Allaah made the Qur’aan that Messenger’s everlasting miracle. By him, Allaah directed people to the straight path and warned them against following the paths which lead to the hellfire. By him, Allaah rescued people from the depths of darkness and brought them to the light. By him, Allaah removed people from the desolation and instability which come from worshipping various false deities, and led them to the comfort and stability which are produced by devoting all worship to the Originator of the heavens and the Earth. Allaah bestowed immense blessings upon His Esteemed Messenger, and completed His favour to him – and also by him – since He sent that Messenger in order to perfect sound conduct and morals.

O Allaah, we implore You to mention Your worshipping servant and Messenger – our Prophet Muhammad – with commendation, grant him protection, and bestow Your blessings upon him. We further ask that for his family and Companions, all of whom You favoured to accompany Your Messenger, spread his Sunnah, and be the foremost of the righteous. We also ask the same for all who tread their path, follow in their steps, have hearts filled with love for them, continue to mention them favourably, commend them as they rightfully deserve, and pray for them as You instructed them to: ((“Our Lord, forgive us and forgive our brothers who preceded us in accepting eemaan[3], and do not place in our hearts any rancour towards people who have eemaan. Our Lord, You are surely the Most Kind, the Bestower of mercy”)).[4]

The topic of this lecture[5] is one which is beloved to the soul of every person who has eemaan. That topic is the conduct of Allaah’s Esteemed Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). There is no doubt that our souls eagerly desire to hear about the conduct of the Prophet whom Allaah sent as a mercy to all of creation. He is a Prophet whom we must love more than our own selves, our parents, and all other people, and we cannot have complete eemaan without that love. He is a Prophet to whose message our own inclinations must submit, and we cannot have complete eemaan without that submission. He is a Prophet whom we must invoke salaah upon[6] whenever he is mentioned to us, and a person who does not do that will eventually be disgraced.[7] O Allaah, mention him with commendation, grant him protection, and bestow Your blessings upon him. We also ask You to do the same for his family, Companions, and all who follow their path until the Day of Recompense.

Regarding this crucial topic which I have chosen to speak about, I must begin by admitting that I will not be able to give the topic its due in this lecture. In fact, I firmly believe that it is rare – or perhaps even impossible – to find a discourse which does justice to the topic. Nonetheless, as people say, if something cannot be done completely, that does not mean doing some of it should still be neglected.

I beseech Allaah – the Most Magnificent, the Lord and Owner of everything – to guide us all so that we adopt the conduct of His Esteemed Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). I further beseech Allaah to enable us to continue living in compliance with the religion of Islaam – the religion which He is pleased with for us to follow – and keep us steadfast in doing so until we pass away. Indeed, He is the One in control of that, and the One able to make it happen. There is neither might nor movement except by Him.

Before embarking upon the topic at hand, I would like to first speak briefly about the dire necessity which led up to the Messenger being sent, the fact that Allaah specifically chose and favoured him, how the mushrikoon[8] objected to Allaah choosing him, the favour which Allaah granted humanity by sending him, and the various factors Allaah put in place as precursors and preparation for His Messenger’s advent.

The dire necessity that led up to the Messenger being sent (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

The blessings which Allaah grants His servants are innumerable, and it is always necessary for them to express their gratitude to Him for those blessings which He reminded them of in His statement, ((If you attempted to enumerate all of Allaah’s blessings, you would never be able to do so)),[9] as well as His statement, ((Every blessing you have is from Allaah)).[10]

Moreover, the greatest blessing which Allaah bestowed upon all people is that He sent among them His esteemed Messenger, Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). He was sent in order to direct people to everything advantageous for them in the present and future, and also to warn them against all that would harm them in this world and the hereafter. Allaah sent him at a juncture when no Messengers had come for quite some time and the teachings of prior scriptures had faded away. It was a time during which misguidance had spread, ignorance prevailed, and humanity had fallen to the lowest of depths in their beliefs, acts of worship, and moral conduct. Thus, by sending that Messenger, Allaah rescued humanity from the misguidance in which they were entrenched, and elevated them to the heights of knowledge and guidance. By that Messenger, Allaah rescued people’s souls from being attached to other than their Creator and Originator, the Most Exalted who is perfect in every way. The Messenger directed humanity – both inwardly and outwardly – towards Allaah so that their hearts would not have a place for others besides Him. Rather, their hearts would be filled with love for Allaah, reverential fear of Him, hope in Him, trust in Him, penitence towards Him, and the willingness to fulfil His commands and avoid His prohibitions.

Ailments in people’s hearts which prevailed just prior to the Messenger’s advent (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), as well as how he treated them

Allaah created humans as a combination of two things: body and soul. He decreed that each one has certain things which nourish and develop it. He also directed us to treatments which cure both the body and soul from whatever ailments may affect them. Allaah bestowed an abundance of blessings upon His servants and He emphasized that by saying, ((He is the One who created for you all that the Earth contains)).[11]

There were numerous ailments of the soul that were prevalent and had taken firm root prior to the sending of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), so much so that souls became as though they were lifeless. Thus, Allaah restored life to them by the guidance and light with which He sent His Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Allaah said, ((If someone was deceased and We then restored him to life and granted him the light of guidance by which he walks forth among people, is he like someone else who is engulfed by misguidance, in the depths of its darkness, and cannot find his way out?)).[12]

Additionally, Allaah drew attention to the fact that curing the soul’s ailments and removing its diseases can only come about by way of what Allaah Himself sent down to His Messenger Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Allaah, who is perfect in every way, said, ((In this Qur’aan We reveal what provides healing and mercy for the people of eemaan)).[13] Allaah also said, ((Say: For the people of eemaan, the Qur’aan provides guidance and cure)).[14]

Allaah sent His Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) to a society in which various diseases of the heart were rampant. The absolute worst of those ailments were the attachment of people’s hearts to others besides Allaah, and giving created beings rights which none deserves except Allaah alone.

Thus, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) treated these dangerous ailments and chronic illnesses by first rooting them out and cleansing people’s hearts from their ill-effects. Then, he filled their hearts with love for Allaah, fear of Him, hope in Him, and devotion of all worship to Him alone, without any partner. That is because Allaah is perfect in every way, and He is the only One who creates things and brings them into existence. Thus, only He deserves to be worshipped and there is none besides Him who deserves any form of worship, no matter who they may be.

In the course of doing the preceding, the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) encountered various forms of harm. However, he persevered until Allaah granted him support and victory. The final outcome ended up being in favour of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and his followers. Allaah said, ((All honour belongs to Allaah, His Messenger, and the people of eemaan)).[15] Allaah also said, ((The best final outcome is for those who fulfil Allaah’s commands and avoid His prohibitions)).[16]

The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) encountered various forms of opposition and obstinance from the people to whom he was sent. Allaah described some of that in portions of Soorah al-Hijr, Soorah al-Israa’, as well as other parts of the Qur’aan. One instance of that comes in Soorah Saad where Allaah, the Most Mighty and Majestic, mentioned what was said by those who worshipped others besides Him. They said about Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((“Has he made all the gods into just one god? That is truly astonishing!” The prominent individuals among them set out and told the people, “Continue on your way and remain devoted to your gods. This is surely a scheme which he has contrived against you. We have never heard of this among our forefathers or the teachings of the Prophet ‘Eesaa who came prior to him. This is certainly nothing more than a fabrication. Out of everyone among us, is he the one to whom revelation has been sent down?”))[17]

It was arrogance and spite that prompted such remarks from those among the tribe of Quraysh who refused to accept the truth which Allaah had revealed. Allaah mentioned in Soorah al-Qamar that the people to whom the Prophet Saalih was sent made remarks that were similar to those of Quraysh. Allaah said, ((The people known as Thamood rejected the warnings of the Messengers. They said, “Are we all supposed to follow a single individual who is a man just like us? We would certainly go astray and end up suffering if we did that. Out of everyone among us, is he the one who received revelation? On the contrary, he is a conceited liar”)).[18]

The Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) effectively treated the ailment of worshipping others besides Allaah, which is the most dangerous of all ailments. The main technique he employed was using people’s acknowledgment of Allaah’s uniqueness in His Lordship to prove to them that they were further obliged to submit to Allaah’s uniqueness in being entitled to all worship.

I will suffice with citing two examples. The first is a passage from the Qur’aan which very clearly explains that method. Allaah said, ((Is Allaah better, or those whom they worship besides Him? Is it better to worship others, or to worship the One who created the heavens and the Earth, and sent down for you rain from the sky by which We cause beautiful lush gardens to bloom? You could not make their trees grow if He had not sent you rain. Is there anyone besides Allaah who does those things and, thus, deserves to be worshipped along with Him? Rather, those who worship deities besides Allaah are a people who have strayed from the truth by unjustly equating others with Him. Is it better to worship others, or to worship the One who made the Earth a place of settlement, made rivers run through it, placed firm mountains to anchor it, and placed a barrier between fresh and salt water? Is there anyone besides Allaah who does those things and, thus, deserves to be worshipped along with Him? Rather, most of those who worship others besides Allaah do not have correct knowledge about Him. Is it better to worship others, or to worship the One who answers those in distress when they call out to Him, relieves hardship, and makes you successors upon the Earth generation after generation? Is there anyone besides Allaah who does those things and, thus, deserves to be worshipped along with Him? Little do you take heed. Is it better to worship others, or to worship the One who guides you through the darkness on land and sea, and sends the winds as heralds of His mercy? Is there anyone besides Allaah who does those things and, thus, deserves to be worshipped along with Him? Allaah is exalted far above any partner they ascribe to Him. Is it better to worship others, or to worship the One who originates the creation, revives it after it perishes, and provides for you from the heavens and the Earth? Is there anyone besides Allaah who does those things and, thus, deserves to be worshipped along with Him? Tell them: Produce your proof if you are truthful in your claim that others besides Him deserve to be worshipped)).[19]

The second example is the vivid and remarkable similitude which Allaah mentioned in Soorah al-Hajj to establish that the deities which they worshipped besides Allaah were completely powerless. He said, ((Mankind, a similitude has been given, so listen to it carefully: Indeed, those whom you call upon besides Allaah will never be able to create a mere fly even if they combined all their efforts to do so. Furthermore, if a fly takes something away from them, they would be incapable of retrieving it from the fly. Those false deities who would seek what was taken from them, as well as the fly that took it, are both weak. People who worship others besides Allaah have not given Him His due right. Indeed, Allaah is undoubtedly Most Powerful and Almighty)).[20]

Other ailments which the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) treated using his deep wisdom included injustice, oppression, scorning the needy, and arrogantly boasting about prestige and lineage. The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) spread justice among people, and they began to live in calm and stability. The standard for virtue among them became taqwaa[21] instead of status and lineage. During the Farewell Hajj – the greatest gathering which the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) witnessed – he very clearly announced that standard by saying, “Indeed, no Arab has any virtue over a non-Arab, nor any dark-skinned person over a fair-skinned person, except by way of taqwaa. The most honourable of you to Allaah are those among you who observe taqwaa most.”[22]

When the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was apprised about a woman from the tribe of Makhzoom who was found guilty of robbery, he gave instructions to apply the prescribed criminal punishment by amputating her hand. Usaamah ibn Zayd (may Allaah be pleased with both of them) tried to make him reconsider his decision, but he reprimanded Usaamah and made a remark which undoubtedly proved his impartiality. He said, “I swear by Allaah that even if Faatimah – the daughter of Muhammad – was found guilty of robbery, I would have amputated her hand.” In his response to Usaamah ibn Zayd, the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) also mentioned that injustice was the cause behind the destruction of previous peoples. He said, “Destruction of those prior to you was indeed caused by the fact that when an important person among them stole, they would spare him; but when a weak or insignificant person among them stole, they would apply the criminal punishment to him.”[23]

When the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was dividing the spoils from the Battle of Hunayn[24], he gave a considerable amount to those whose hearts he hoped would become more inclined and firmly attached to Islaam. As a result, some of the Ansaar[25] felt discontented since they had not received the same amount as others. Thus, the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) went to them and said while addressing them, “Did I not come to you while you were astray and Allaah then guided you through me? Were you not divided and Allaah then united you through me? Were you not poor and Allaah then enriched you through me?”[26]

Furthermore, Allaah Himself reminded them in His Glorious Book that those were some of the greatest blessings which He granted them. He said, ((You must all adhere to the rope of Allaah[27] and you must not be divided among yourselves. Remember the blessings Allaah granted you since you were once enemies but Allaah united your hearts, and you became brothers by His favour. Prior to that, you were at the brink of a pit of the hellfire. However, Allaah saved you from it)).[28] In addition, Allaah, who is perfect in every way, told His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((If they wish to deceive you, be fully certain that Allaah will protect you from their plots. He is the One who granted you victory and supported you with the people of eemaan. He united their hearts. If you spent everything the Earth contains, you would not have been able to bring their hearts together. However, Allaah is the One who united them. Indeed, He is Almighty, Most Wise)).[29]

The preceding were some of the ills which prevailed prior to the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) being sent. Allaah, the Most Exalted, blessed all of humanity by sending His esteemed Messenger, Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), in order to rescue them from the humiliation of worshipping created beings and lead them to the honour of worshipping the Creator who is Most Majestic and Exalted. Allaah sent that Messenger to rescue them from oppression, injustice, and bloodshed, and lead them to justice, safety, and tranquility; from division and differing, to unity and harmony; from assisting each other in sin and transgression, to cooperating with each other in obeying Allaah and avoiding disobeying Him; from promoting wrong and preventing right, to promoting right and preventing wrong; from cheating and betrayal, to sincerity and loyalty; from impatience, panic, and dissatisfaction with Allaah’s decrees, to perseverance, steadfastness, and being pleased with Allaah’s decrees. In short, that Messenger was sent to rescue humanity from everything harmful, both short-term and long-term, and lead them to everything advantageous, both in this world and the hereafter.

Allaah, who is perfect in every way, directed people to express their gratitude for those blessings by sincerely devoting all their worship to Him alone, without any partner. He said, ((You should be filled with amazement due to the good life and safety Quraysh became accustomed to as they undertook their winter and summer journeys. Therefore, they must worship the Lord of this House. He is the One who fed them so that they did not have to remain hungry, and He is the One who protected them so that they did not have to remain in fear)).[30]

Allaah specifically choosing His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Allaah, who is perfect in every way, said, ((Your Lord creates whatever He wills, and He chooses to grant favour as He wills)).[31] This aayah establishes that Allaah, the Most Exalted, is the only One who creates. He says “Be” and what He wants then comes into existence. The aayah also establishes that Allaah did not make all of the things He created equal in every way. Rather, He chose to favour some over others, according to His will and infinite wisdom.

Out of all parts of the Earth, He chose Makkah and made it more virtuous than any other location. He protected it and made it the site of His Sanctified House. If someone enters it, that person is not to be harmed. Allaah drew people’s hearts to it, and He made it obligatory for every capable Muslim to perform Hajj there. He prohibited hunting its game animals and cutting its vegetation. He multiplied the reward for prayers performed within its precincts. He also warned people against disobeying Him while there, and He alluded to the punishment for even intending to do wrong while within its precincts. He said, ((And if someone intends to disobey Allaah within it, We shall make him taste an excruciating torment)).[32]

Following Makkah in virtue comes al-Madeenah, the blessed city to which Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) migrated. The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) prohibited cutting its vegetation and hunting its game animals. He also apprised people of the multiplied reward for prayers performed in his masjid[33] when he said, “One prayer in this masjid of mine is better than one thousand prayers anywhere else except al-Masjid al-Haraam.”[34]

In addition, out of all months, Allaah specifically chose Ramadaan and made it more virtuous than the rest. Allaah further chose one particular night of it, that being the one known as Laylatul-Qadr, and He gave it more virtue than all other nights. Allaah also chose the day of ‘Arafah and made it more virtuous than all other days.

Out of the days in each week, Allaah chose Friday and made it the most virtuous of them.

Out of all the angels, Allaah chose Jibreel, Israafeel, and Meekaa’eel, and He favoured them by making them responsible for the means of giving people life.

Out of all humans, Allaah chose His Prophets and Messengers, may He mention all of them with commendation and grant them protection. Allaah favoured them with more virtues than others.

Out of all His Messengers, He favoured the ones who had strongest resolve.[35]

Out of the Messengers with strongest resolve, Allaah further chose Ibraaheem and Muhammad, and He favoured them over the rest by making them His two khaleels. This means He granted them a degree of love which He did not grant others. May Allaah mention them with commendation and grant them protection. Moreover, Allaah made Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) the more virtuous of the two khaleels, and made his followers the best community of people overall.

Thus, Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) is the leader of all people of taqwaa[36], the most outstanding of the Messengers, the khaleel of the Lord of all creation, and the seal of the Prophets. Through him, Allaah conveyed His proofs to all humans and jinns, such that they are left with no further excuse for rejecting the truth. The grave of this Messenger is the first which will open when the horn is blown at the time of resurrection. No one will enter Jannah before him. Allaah will also favour him by granting him al-Maqaam al-Mahmood: a rank for which all former and latter people will commend him. This rank refers to the intercession he will make for judgment to begin on the Day of Resurrection, and that is the greatest intercession which will take place. It is intercession which even Aadam and the Messengers of strongest resolve will decline from, each of them saying, “I can only fend for myself. I can only fend for myself. Go to someone else besides me.” The people will go to various Prophets until they reach Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and he will say, “I am the one for that task.” He will then intercede and Allaah will accept his intercession. Allaah, the Most Great, certainly spoke the truth when He said, ((That is the bounty of Allaah which He grants to whomever He wills, and Allaah is the owner of infinite bounty)).[37]

Allaah, who is perfect in every way, further mentioned that He chooses and favours whatever He wants in His statement, ((Allaah chooses messengers among the angels and messengers among mankind. Indeed, Allaah hears all and sees all)).[38]

In addition, there is a hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim and other collections of hadeeth which mentions that Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “Indeed, Allaah chose Quraysh from Kinaanah, chose Banee Haashim from Quraysh, and chose me from Banee Haashim.”[39] This hadeeth makes it completely clear that Allaah’s Messenger Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was chosen from among a select group of people in terms of his lineage, just as he was chosen from a select group in terms of his virtue and rank with Allaah.

The objection of the mushrikoon to Allaah choosing Muhammad as His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

When Allaah sent His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) to all people in order to guide them to the straight path, the mushrikoon – those who worshipped others besides Allaah – countered the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) however they could by way of harm, antagonism, inciting people to oppose him, and warning them against him. They described him in the most awful of ways by saying he was a sorcerer and even saying he was insane.

They did that although they knew about his illustrious past better than any other people. However, their arrogance and spite led them to do what they did. Allaah told us about them in His Majestic Book. He said, ((They swore the most solemn oaths by Allaah that if a Messenger came to them warning them of Allaah’s punishment, they would be more observant in following Allaah’s guidance than any other people. However, when Muhammad came to them as a warner sent by Allaah, that did not increase them in anything besides forsaking the truth. That was because they considered themselves better than others upon the Earth, they were too arrogant to accept the truth, and they plotted to deceive people. However, evil plots will not seize anyone except those who contrive them)).[40]

Allaah, the Most Exalted, also said about them, ((They were astounded that a warner came to them from among themselves, and those who rejected the truth said, “He is a sorcerer and a liar”)).[41] Allaah later pointed out their spite by recounting their statement, ((“Out of everyone among us, is he the one to whom revelation has been sent down?”))[42]

Allaah, the Most Exalted, also said, ((When the truth came to them, they said, “This is witchcraft and we most certainly refuse to accept it”)).[43] Allaah later recounted their objection to His choice of the Noble Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Allaah told us, ((They said, “If only this Qur’aan had been sent down to a prestigious man from either of the two towns”)).[44]

Allaah reprimanded them for saying that, and He unequivocally affirmed that all command and creation belong exclusively to Him. Allaah also affirmed that all favour belongs to Him, He grants it to whom He wills, and He has best knowledge about who to entrust with His Message. Allaah, who is perfect in every way, said, ((Are they the ones who apportion your Lord’s mercy[45] and give it to whomever they want? Rather, it is We – Allaah – who apportioned provision for each of them in this world, and We raised some in rank over others so that some would employ others for work)).[46] Similar to this is Allaah’s statement, ((Thus We tested some of them by way of others, which caused the affluent among them who rejected the truth to say, “Are these poor people the ones whom Allaah favoured out of everyone among us by blessing them with guidance?” Is Allaah not the One who knows best which of His servants are truly grateful for His blessings?))[47] Allaah also said, ((And when Our clear proofs are recited to them, those who reject the truth say about the Qur’aan when it reaches them, “This is obvious witchcraft.” Or do they claim that the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) has fabricated it?))[48] Afterwards, Allaah instructed His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((Tell them: I am not the first ever Messenger whom Allaah sent, and I have no knowledge about what will be done with either me or you)).[49] Allaah further said, ((Is it inconceivable to people that We sent Our revelation to a man from among themselves, and instructed Him to warn all people, and to convey glad tidings to those who have eemaan that their Lord will reward them immensely for the righteous deeds they perform? However, those who reject the truth from Allaah say about His Messenger, “He is obviously a sorcerer, without any doubt”)).[50]

Al-Haakim collected a hadeeth with a chain of narration which he graded as satisfying the criteria of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. It mentions that Aboo Jahl told the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), “It is not you yourself we deny. Rather, we deny the message you have brought.” As a result, Allaah revealed, ((We certainly know that you are grieved by the words of your people and their apparent denial of you. However, it is not you yourself they deny. Within themselves, they believe that you are honest and trustworthy. The reality is that they oppose the truth due to their injustice, and it is the aayaat of Allaah that they deny)).[51]

Additionally, it was narrated that al-Akhnas ibn Shareeq went to Aboo Jahl and said, “Abul-Hakam, inform me about Muhammad: is he telling the truth or lying? There is no one here from Quraysh besides me and you to hear what we are saying.” Aboo Jahl replied, “What is the matter with you?! I swear by Allaah that Muhammad is telling the truth. Muhammad has never ever lied. However, if the descendants of Qusayy[52] are honoured with the privileges of providing water for worshippers, caring for the Ka‘bah, and bearing Prophethood, what will be left for the rest of Quraysh?”[53]

Aboo Jahl also said, “There was competition in nobility between us and the descendants of ‘Abd Manaaf [54]. They fed people and so did we. They courageously fought off opponents and so did we. They gave to others and so did we. That continued until we were neck-and-neck like two horses in a race. Then, they said, ‘Among us is a Prophet to whom revelation descends from the heavens.’ How can we ever catch up to them after that? I swear by Allaah that we will not believe in him or accept his message.”[55]

Such was the extent of the arrogance and spite which they harboured despite the fact that Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was calling them to what would bring them happiness in this world and the hereafter. Those feelings led them to completely ignore the truth and to outwardly display the opposite of what they themselves knew deep down in their hearts. They said things with their mouths that were not actually in their hearts. They did so following the lead of their chief in misguidance and spite: Iblees. He was expelled from all goodness due to him rebelling against the directive his Lord gave him to bow in prostration before Aadam. Iblees refused out of arrogance and spite, and he defended himself by claiming that he was better since he was created from fire while Aadam (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was created from clay.

The favour Allaah granted all humans and jinns by sending Muhammad as a Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Out of Allaah’s mercy towards His servants, He sent them Messengers who conveyed both warnings and glad tidings. Whenever one Prophet passed on, he was succeeded by another. That continued until Allaah sealed their succession with the Prophet of Mercy: Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Allaah said, ((We certainly sent to every people a Messenger telling them to worship Allaah and stay away from all other deities. Thus, Allaah guided some of them, but there were others who deserved to be left astray due to the misguidance they chose for themselves)).[56]

Out of all the Messengers, Allaah chose Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) as their leader and the best one among them. Allaah made him the seal of the Prophets and granted him distinguishing qualities which no other Prophet shared with him. Allaah also granted the followers of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) distinguishing qualities which no prior people were granted.

One of the distinguishing features which were unique to this Messenger – and we ask Allaah to mention him and all of the Prophets with commendation and grant them protection –is that Allaah sent him to people of all races. In fact, Allaah sent him to both jinns and humans. Allaah, who is perfect in every way, informed us that a group of jinns had listened to the Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) reciting some of the Qur’aan, and they then returned to their own people to convey the admonition and warning which they heard. They said, ((Our people, respond to this Caller sent by Allaah, believe in what he has brought, and act in compliance with it. If you do so, Allaah will forgive your sins and save you from a painful torment. If anyone does not respond to the Caller sent by Allaah, such a person cannot escape punishment no matter where he may try to flee throughout the Earth, and there will be no one besides Allaah to protect him from torment. All such people are in clear misguidance)).[57]

There is an authentic hadeeth collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim in which the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “I was granted five things which no Prophet prior to me was granted,” and one of the things he mentioned was, “Previous Prophets were sent specifically to their respective peoples. However, I was sent to all people.”[58] In that regard Allaah said, ((We have undoubtedly sent you to all people as a conveyor of glad tidings and as a warner)).[59] Allaah also instructed His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((Say: Mankind, I am Allaah’s Messenger to all of you)).[60]

Muslim collected a hadeeth in which the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) elaborated on this point by saying, “I swear by the One in whose hand my soul lies: if anyone among the people to whom I have been sent – whether Jew, Christian, [or otherwise] – hears of me but passes away without accepting the message I have brought, that person will be among the inhabitants of the hellfire.”[61] Sa‘eed ibn Jubayr (may Allaah have mercy upon him) explained that this is affirmed in the Qur’aan where Allaah, the Almighty and Most Majestic, said, ((As for those who reject the Qur’aan among the followers of other paths and religions, the hellfire will be their appointed destination)).[62]

There is no doubt that the greatest blessing Allaah granted all people upon this Earth was sending His Esteemed Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). By him, Allaah completed the religion which He prescribed and left people with no further excuse for rejecting the truth.

In His Glorious Book, Allaah told us that as the Prophet Ibraaheem (may Allaah grant him continued protection) and his son, the Prophet Ismaa‘eel (may Allaah grant him continued protection), constructed the Ka‘bah, they prayed to Allaah for those who reside within the sacred sanctuary of Makkah. They made several supplications including, ((“Our Lord, send among them a Messenger from themselves who recites Your aayaat to them, teaches them the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and purifies them. You are certainly the Almighty, Most Wise”)).[63]

Allaah accepted their prayer by sending Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) to the unlettered people as well as others. He sent him with guidance and the religion of truth in order to make that prevail over all other religions. Allaah alluded to this auspicious blessing in various aayaat of the Qur’aan. Among them is His statement, ((He is the One who sent among the unlettered people a Messenger from themselves. The Messenger recites to them Allaah’s aayaat, purifies them, and teaches them the Qur’aan and Sunnah, whereas they were in clear misguidance prior to that. Allaah also sent him to other people who would come later on, and Allaah is Almighty and has complete wisdom in all His decrees and directives. That is the bounty of Allaah which He grants to whomever He wills, and Allaah is the owner of infinite bounty)).[64] Allaah also said, ((Allaah most certainly bestowed an immense favour upon the people of eemaan by sending among them a Messenger from themselves. He recites to them Allaah’s aayaat, purifies them, and teaches them the Qur’aan and Sunnah, whereas they were in clear misguidance prior to that)).[65] Allaah further said, ((Furthermore, in completion of Our blessings to you – mankind in general – We have sent among you a Messenger from yourselves, reciting to you Our aayaat, purifying you, teaching you the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and teaching you what you had no prior knowledge of. Therefore, remember Me and make mention of Me; if you do so, I will remember you and make mention of you. Be grateful to Me and never be ungrateful for My favours)).[66] In addition, Allaah said, ((There has indeed come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. He is grieved by any suffering you may experience. He is concerned about you, and is kind and merciful to the people of eemaan)).[67]

Sending Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) as a Messenger to all people is the greatest blessing which Allaah granted His servants because – for those whom Allaah guides – it is the means to salvation from endless torment. That salvation is attained by accepting the directives of Allaah and His Messenger; complying with them in one’s beliefs, words, and deeds; and completely avoiding shirk – worshipping others besides Allaah – which is something that Allaah does not forgive. He said, ((Indeed, Allaah does not forgive people for worshipping others besides Him, but He forgives anything less for whomever He wills)).[68] He also said, ((If people worship others besides Allaah, He will bar them from ever entering Jannah, and their abode will be the hellfire. Those who commit such a grave injustice shall not have anyone to assist them against Allaah’s punishment)).[69]

Preparing the Messenger for his mission (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Out of Allaah’s wisdom and favour, He put various factors in place for His Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) as preparation for his mission which was yet to come. Those factors afforded him honour, respect, and credibility. In addition, Allaah endowed him with characteristics that assisted him in bearing the tremendous responsibility which Allaah chose him for and favoured him with: that of being a Messenger. The following are some examples of those factors and characteristics, and I will explain how they paved the way for the mission of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).

1- [Ancestry]

Allaah decreed that the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) be of noble ancestry and esteemed lineage. Allaah chose him from the most respected tribe of the Arab people, the tribe of Quraysh, whose prominence and leadership were attested to by all other tribes. In fact, Allaah decreed that this be the case for all of His Messengers, as mentioned in the exchange that took place when the Roman emperor Heraclius asked Aboo Sufyaan about Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Heraclius inquired, “What is the status of his lineage among you?” Aboo Sufyaan replied, “He has respectable lineage among us.” Heraclius later said, “Such are the Messengers: they come from respectable lineage among their peoples.”[70]

Allaah chose all of His Messengers in a similar way so as to preclude the possibility of their enemies attacking their integrity.

2- [Being poor and orphaned]

The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) grew up poor and as an orphan under the care of his grandfather, ‘Abdul-Muttalib, and then his uncle, Aboo Taalib.

Those were among the factors which made him a humble person who was adorned with praiseworthy traits, and was also keen to avoid blameworthy characteristics such as arrogance and injustice.

Allaah drew attention to this while recounting the blessings which He granted His Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) by sheltering him, guiding him, and enriching him. Allaah said, ((Did He not find you an orphan, then give you shelter? Did He not find you without knowledge about the correct religion, then guide you? Did He not find you poor, then enrich you?))[71] Afterwards, Allaah directed the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) to be grateful for those blessings by being caring towards orphans and the needy, and also by mentioning the favours which Allaah bestowed upon him. Allaah said, ((Therefore, do not be harsh or unjust towards the orphan, and do not rebuke the person in need who asks for assistance. And as for your Lord’s blessings, you must continue to mention them)).[72]

This was what Allaah taught the Prophet of mercy (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Allaah mentioned this in His Majestic Book to remind His obedient servants that they too must embody those qualities along with other praiseworthy traits as well. They must do so out of gratitude to Allaah – who is perfect in every way – for guiding them after they were astray, enriching them after they were poor, and granting them many other blessings.

The meaning implied is that you must not be harsh or unjust to the orphan, since you were once an orphan and you would not have liked to be dealt with harshly or unjustly. You must also not rebuke anyone who is in need and asks for your assistance, since you were once in need and you would not have liked to be rebuked.

There is no doubt that reminding a person about the blessings Allaah granted him is one of the strongest factors that drives him – by Allaah’s guidance – to do what is right and refrain from wrong.

3- [Righteous upbringing]

Allaah, the Most Exalted, provided His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) with a righteous upbringing. Allaah allowed him to grow up in the best way, adorned with every virtuous trait and kept him far removed from every blameworthy quality. This was attested to by both friends and foes. However, if Allaah does not will guidance for someone, such a person would turn a blind eye to all of that. Out of arrogance and spite, that person would outwardly exhibit the opposite of what he knows within himself to be true.

The fact that Allaah guided His Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) to embody praiseworthy characteristics and avoid blameworthy ones left no room for the Prophet’s opponents to disparage him. It left them silenced and unable to find him at fault in any genuine way whatsoever. Among the things which the Roman emperor Heraclius asked Aboo Sufyaan about Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was, “Is he known for treachery?” Aboo Sufyaan replied, “No,” and in spite of his staunch animosity towards Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) at that time, all he could manage to add after saying he was not treacherous was, “But we presently have a truce with him and we do not know what he will do during it.” Aboo Sufyaan himself commented about that by saying, “I could not find any other opportunity to interject a single word against him except this one.”[73] Aboo Sufyaan was quite wary of lying due his fear of the Roman emperor. Thus, even the enemies of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) were unable to attribute any legitimate flaw to him.

As for the lies they told about him, those included accusing him of being a sorcerer, poet, and fortune teller. Allaah protected him from all their aspersions and, in fact, from every flaw. Allaah also censured the mushrikoon for fabricating lies about him, and absolved him from all of their claims by saying, ((Thus, I swear by everything you can see, and by everything you cannot see: this Qur’aan is the speech of Allaah which is recited to mankind by an esteemed Messenger. It is not the word of a poet; little do you believe. Nor is it the word of a soothsayer; little do you contemplate. Rather, it is revelation sent down from the Lord of all creation)).[74] Allaah also said, ((We did not teach him poetry, and it is certainly unbefitting for him to be a poet. What he brought is nothing but a reminder and a Qur’aan which is clear, to warn all whose hearts are alive and to justify Allaah’s decree of punishment against those who deserve it due to their rejection of the truth)).[75] Another instance can be found in Allaah’s statement, ((Those who rejected the truth said, ‘This Qur’aan is nothing but a lie he fabricated with the assistance of other people.’ The individuals who said that certainly committed a grave injustice and uttered a terrible lie)).[76]

4- [Not knowing how to read or write]

The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) grew up unlettered, in a society whose vast majority was unlettered as well. He could not read or write, yet he brought this Qur’aan from Allaah who said about it, ((Say: If all humans and jinns came together to produce something similar to this Qur’aan, they would still be unable produce anything like it, even if they all assisted each other in attempting to do so)).[77]

The fact that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) grew up unlettered left no grounds for certain arguments to be levelled against him regarding the message he brought from Allaah. If the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) knew how to read or write, those who rejected the truth would have had grounds to support their argument that his message was merely stories of people from long ago which he read or wrote down. Allaah explained this in His statement, ((You have neither read any scripture prior to this Qur’aan, nor have you ever written anything with your right hand)).[78] Allaah then drew attention to the doubt which opponents of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would have if he could read and write: ((Had any of that been the case, those who seek to deny the truth may have had grounds to doubt you)).[79]

Despite Allaah leaving no grounds for such arguments, by making His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) an unlettered individual who could neither read nor write, his opponents still lied about him knowing fully well that he was unable to do what they claimed. Allaah told us that they alleged, ((He is certainly taught by another human being)).[80] However, Allaah would only accept for His light to reach completion and His religion to prevail. Thus, He refuted their argument by saying that the language of the person whom they alleged taught the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was foreign, whereas the message he brought them was in the clear Arabic language.

This is why we find that when Allaah addressed the people to whom the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was sent and censured them for their opposition and rejection, He also drew their attention to the illustrious past of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and reminded them of their complete familiarity with all the details of his life. Allaah said, ((Or is it that they do not know the Messenger sent to them, and that is why they reject him?))[81] Furthermore, Allaah told His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((And when Our clear aayaat are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us say, “Bring us a different Qur’aan or change this one.” Tell them, “I do not go about changing it myself. I only follow what is revealed to me. I certainly fear the torment of a momentous day if I were to disobey my Lord”)).[82]

Allaah also instructed His Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) to tell those people that his duty is only to convey Allaah’s message to them; and if Allaah willed, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would not recite any of the Qur’aan to them, and they would have no way of knowing anything about Allaah’s message. Allaah said, ((Tell them: if Allaah willed, I would not have recited this Qur’aan to you, nor would He have made it known to you)).[83] Allaah further reminded them about the Messenger’s (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) past, prior to the Qur’aan being revealed to him, and the various praiseworthy characteristics he was known for. Allaah reminded them that Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had lived among them for forty years before being commissioned as a Messenger, and he was known throughout that entire duration for constantly doing what garnered respect, and remaining far away from anything that led to degradation. In that regard, Allaah instructed him to tell them, ((I lived among you for a long time before my Lord revealed it to me and before I recited it to you)).[84] Then, Allaah censured them for accusing the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) of lying although they were the most knowledgeable of all people about who he truly was. Allaah informed them that doing such a thing contravened being of sound nature as well as having sound mind. Thus, Allaah said, ((Will you people not use your intellects?))[85] After that, Allaah stated that no one could be more unjust or commit a crime worse than two types of people: those who lie against Allaah, or those who reject what has come from Allaah. He said, ((Thus, could anyone be more unjust than someone who fabricates lies against Allaah or denies His clear evidences? Surely, those who commit the crime of persisting in their rejection will never be successful)).[86]

5- [Dreams]

Another one of the precursors that paved the way for the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) being entrusted with his duty was the dreams he had which would then materialize in reality. There was no dream he saw while asleep except that it came into being as clearly as the sunlight appears after daybreak, as reported in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree and other collections of hadeeth.[87]

6- [Tending sheep]

The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) used to tend to sheep while in Makkah. This was also among the factors which paved the way for him to be sent to all people in order to guide them to what is beneficial for them in this world and the hereafter, and warn them against all that would harm them in both the short term and the long term.

Being a shepherd prepared him for his mission as a Messenger because it is a task which leads one to adopt the best of traits including humility, tranquility, and composure. It also occupies the shepherd with those under his care and prompts him to do all that is necessary in order to protect them and provide for them. Thus, he takes care of them, seeks fertile pasture for them, keeps them away from barren lands, guards them from predators, guides them along paths which are easy to traverse, and leads them away from harsh terrain.

Allaah decreed that all of His Messengers be shepherds at some point before the beginning of their mission, and we were informed of this fact by His final Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) who spoke the truth and received revelation which was the truth.[88] Allaah has immense wisdom in making His Messengers shepherds at some point before the beginning of their mission because it trains the soul and prepares it to bear the responsibilities of Messengership. There is no doubt that it provided practical training for Allaah’s Messengers – may He mention all of them with commendation and grant them protection – which endowed them with experience and insight so that they could eventually advance from nurturing their flocks to nurturing their people.

The Messenger’s conduct (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Linguistically, the Arabic term for conduct – “khuluq” – can refer to a person’s nature, innate characteristics, and religious practice. This definition was given by ibn al-Atheer in his lexicon entitled an-Nihaayah fee Ghareeb al-Hadeeth wal-Athar.

Contextually, as found in the texts of Islaam, “conduct” has two basic meanings, one being more comprehensive than the other.

Firstly, it can be used to refer to any praiseworthy or blameworthy characteristic which is firmly ingrained in a person.

Secondly, it can be used to refer to a person’s adherence to the directives and manners taught by Islaam in terms of what to do or avoid doing.

An instance of the first usage can be found in what the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said to an individual known as al-Ashajj from the tribe of ‘Abd al-Qays. The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) told him, “You certainly have two characteristics which Allaah loves: intelligence and deliberateness.”[89] Al-Ashajj asked, “Messenger of Allaah, are they characteristics I acquired or ones that were ingrained in me?” The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) replied, “The two of them were ingrained in you.” Al-Ashajj then said, “All praise is due to Allaah for ingraining in me two characteristics which He loves.”[90]

An instance of the second usage can be found in the statement of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), “Obedience to Allaah is observing sound conduct (i.e. adhering to the directives and manners taught by Islaam).”[91]

Another instance of the second usage can be found in the explanation which ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) gave for the statement of Allaah, ((You most certainly have an admirable standard of conduct)).[92] In reference to the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), she said, “His conduct was the Qur’aan.”[93] This sums up the linguistic and contextual usages of the term “conduct”, or “khuluq” in Arabic.

We will now proceed to speaking about the exemplary conduct and remarkable traits embodied by the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) in all stages of his life. He was the best of all people in conduct. Commendable qualities in their entirety could not be found combined altogether in any one person except him. Allaah also protected him from every quality which people could find the least fault with.

All of that was due to his Lord’s immense blessing and favour to him, in order to silence his enemies who were always looking for a way to deride him, obstruct his call, harm him, and warn others against him, and who loved nothing more than finding something they could use to disparage him. However, they had no way of doing so.

From the beginning of his life until his very last moment, the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) remained adorned with the best of qualities, and far removed from those which were blameworthy. He was the most knowledgeable of people, most loyal, most sincere, most articulate, most eloquent, and had the strongest sense of shame. He became cited as the example of what trustworthiness, honesty, and chastity should be. Allaah nurtured him in the best way. Thus, out of all people, he was the one most sound in judgment, virtuous in conduct, truthful in speech, prominent in standing, and kind at heart. He was the greatest of them in care, compassion, generosity, strength, courage, forbearance, and keenness to avoid all ills.

In short, he had the greatest share of every good trait a person should have. At the same time, he was the farthest of people from every negative trait. Both his allies and his opponents affirmed this about him.

The following are examples of testimonies made by friends and foes which clearly demonstrate that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) consistently observed virtuous conduct even before he was sent as a Messenger by Allaah, the Most Exalted. This is a fact which is established in our religion beyond any doubt whatsoever.

1- Testimony of Khadeejah (may Allaah be pleased with her)

After Allaah sent revelation down to His Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) for the very first time in the cave of Hiraa’, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) returned to his wife Khadeejah (may Allaah be pleased with her), told her what happened, and said, “I certainly feared for myself.” However, Khadeejah reassured him by saying, “Not at all. I swear that Allaah would never disgrace you. You uphold ties of kinship, help others who cannot make do on their own, give to the destitute, honour guests, and help the deserving who are stricken with adversities.” This was collected by al-Bukhaaree.[94]

2- Testimony of the non-Muslims of Quraysh when they were reconstructing the Ka‘bah

Prior to the Prophethood of Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), the tribe of Quraysh undertook the task of reconstructing the Ka‘bah. While doing so, they disputed about who would put the Black Stone back in its place. So they came to an agreement that the first person who entered the gate to the location where they were gathered would be the one to decide the matter. The first person to enter was the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), and all of them were happy about that. They said, “The trustworthy one has come! Muhammad has come!”[95] Prior to that incident, they had given him the title “the trustworthy one” due to the honesty and integrity they had known him for.

3- Testimony of the non-Muslims of Quraysh concerning the Messenger’s honesty (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

It is established in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree that when Allaah revealed His instruction, ((And warn the nearest of people to you in lineage))[96], the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) ascended the hill known as as-Safaa and began to call out the various sub-tribes of Quraysh, “Banee Fihr, Banee ‘Adee,” and so on until they assembled. Anyone unable to attend deputed someone else on his behalf to find out what was happening. Thus, Aboo Lahab and people from Quraysh came, and the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said to them, “If I warned you there is cavalry in the valley coming to raid you, would you believe me?” They responded, “Yes, we would. We have never known you to say anything besides the truth.” He then told them, “If that is the case, you must realize that I have indeed been sent to warn you that severe punishment is imminent if you continue to worship others besides Allaah.” Aboo Lahab said, “May you lose everything and be destroyed! You gathered us just for that?!”[97]

4- Testimony of Aboo Jahl concerning the Messenger’s honesty (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Previous mention was made[98] of the hadeeth collected by al-Haakim with a chain of narration he graded as satisfying the criteria of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, in which Aboo Jahl told the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), “It is not you yourself we deny. Rather, we deny the message you have brought.” As a result, Allaah revealed, ((We certainly know that you are grieved by the words of your people and their apparent denial of you. However, it is not you yourself they deny. Within themselves, they believe that you are honest and trustworthy. The reality is that they oppose the truth due to their injustice, and it is the aayaat of Allaah that they deny)).[99]

Mention also preceded[100] about what was narrated regarding al-Akhnas ibn Shareeq going to Aboo Jahl and saying, “Abul-Hakam, inform me about Muhammad: is he telling the truth or lying?” Aboo Jahl replied, “What is the matter with you?! I swear by Allaah that Muhammad is telling the truth. Muhammad has never ever lied…”

5- Testimony of Aboo Sufyaan in the court of the Roman emperor Heraclius concerning the honesty and loyalty of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Al-Bukhaaree collected a narration in his Saheeh from ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with both of them) in which Aboo Sufyaan ibn Harb recounted that Heraclius sent a messenger to him while he was travelling with a caravan belonging to Quraysh. The caravan consisted of merchants who had gone to the region of Shaam during the period when the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had a truce with Aboo Sufyaan and the non-Muslims of Quraysh. Thus, Aboo Sufyaan and his company went to meet Heraclius in Jerusalem.

He invited them into his court where he was surrounded by senior Roman dignitaries. He then summoned them along with his interpreter and asked, “Who among you is most closely related to that man who claims he is a Prophet?” Aboo Sufyaan replied, “I am the nearest to him in lineage.” Heraclius then said, “Bring that one near me and place his companions close behind him.” He then instructed his interpreter, “Tell them: I am going to ask him about the man who claims he is a Prophet. If this companion of yours lies to me, you are to contradict him.” Aboo Sufyaan added, “I swear by Allaah, had I not been ashamed of them labelling me a liar, I would have lied about him.”

Aboo Sufyaan then recounted the exchange that took place. He said, “The first thing Heraclius asked me was, ‘What is the status of his lineage among you?’ I replied, ‘He has respectable lineage among us.’

He asked, ‘Has anyone among you ever made this claim before him?’ I replied, ‘No.’

He asked, ‘Was anyone among his ancestors a king?’ I replied, ‘No.’

He asked, ‘Is it the nobles of the society who follow him, or the downtrodden?’ I replied, ‘The downtrodden.’

He asked, ‘Are his followers increasing or decreasing?’ I replied, ‘They are increasing.’

He asked, ‘Do any of his followers leave his religion due to resenting it after having entered it?’ I replied, ‘No.’

He asked, ‘Have you ever accused him of lying prior to him saying what he now says?’ I replied, ‘No.’

He asked, ‘Is he known for treachery?’ I replied, ‘No, but we presently have a truce with him and we do not know what he will do during it’.” Aboo Sufyaan added, “I could not find any other opportunity to interject a single word against him except this one.”

Aboo Sufyaan then continued recounting the exchange. He said, “Heraclius asked, ‘Have you ever had a war with him?’ I replied, ‘Yes.’ He asked, ‘What is the outcome of your battles against him?’ I replied, ‘War between us is in turns; at times he is victorious over us, and at others we are victorious over him.’

He asked, ‘What does he command you to do?’ I replied, ‘He says: worship Allaah alone, do not associate anything as a partner along with Him, and renounce what your forefathers say. He commands us to pray, be truthful, remain chaste, and maintain ties of kinship.’

Heraclius then instructed the interpreter, ‘Tell him: I have asked you about his lineage, and you said he has respectable lineage among you. Such are the Messengers – they come from respectable lineage among their peoples.

I asked if anyone among you ever made this claim, and you said no. Had someone made this claim before him, I would have said he is merely a man who is imitating what has been said by others prior to him.

I asked you if any of his ancestors was a king, and you said no. Had there been among his ancestors a king, I would have said he is a man seeking out the kingdom of his forefather.

I asked if you had ever accused him of lying prior to him saying what he now says, and you said no. Thus, I realized that he cannot possibly refrain from lying about people, yet lie about Allaah.

I asked you if the nobles of society follow him or the downtrodden, and you said it was the downtrodden ones who follow him. They are, in fact, the ones who follow the Messengers.

I asked you if they are increasing or decreasing, and you said they are increasing. That is what happens to true belief and acceptance until they reach completion.

I asked you if any of his followers give up his religion due to resenting it after having entered it, and you said no. That is what results from the delight of true belief and acceptance permeating the heart.

I asked you if he is known for treachery, and you said no. Such are the Messengers – they do not betray.

I asked you what he commands you to do, and you said he commands you to worship Allaah and not associate anything as a partner with Him, he forbids you from worshipping idols, and he commands you with prayer, truthfulness, and chastity.

If what you said is true, he shall soon dominate the very spot beneath my feet. I knew he would appear, but I did not think he would be from you. If I knew I could reach him, I would surely be willing to endure difficulties in order to meet him; and if I reached him, I would most certainly wash his feet.’ Heraclius then called for a letter which the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had sent to him with Dihyah ibn Khaleefah al-Kalbee, and proceeded to read it.”

Aboo Sufyaan continued, “After Heraclius made the preceding remarks and had reached the end of the letter, there was a large outcry, voices were raised, and we were asked to leave. At that point, I told my companions, ‘The phenomenon of the son of Aboo Kabshah[101] has become so significant that even the Roman emperor fears him!’ From that time, I knew that the Prophet would dominate in the near future, and I remained certain about it all the way until Allaah guided me to Islaam.”[102]

This narrative contains clear signs and proofs which establish the Prophethood of Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and his integrity regarding the message he brought. The part of the narrative most pertinent to our topic of discussion was what Aboo Sufyaan ibn Harb said about Muhammad’s (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) honesty and loyalty. Although Aboo Sufyaan was among the staunchest of people in enmity towards Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) at the time, he still affirmed that the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was truthful even before Allaah commissioned him as a Messenger and that they had never accused him of lying about anything. Aboo Sufyaan also affirmed that the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was loyal and not known for treachery.

6- Testimony of as-Saa’ib al-Makhzoomee concerning the kind nature and dealings of the Messenger prior to his mission (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Aboo Daawood and others collected a hadeeth stating that as-Saa’ib al-Makhzoomee was a business partner of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) prior to the period of Prophethood. Then, on the day when the Conquest of Makkah took place, as-Saa’ib came to him and said, “I welcome you, my brother and my business partner. You did not oppose or dispute.”[103] Another narration says, “You were my business partner prior to Islaam, and you were the best of partners. You did not oppose me or dispute with me.”[104] Yet another narration has the wording, “You were my partner and you were the finest partner. You did not oppose or dispute.”[105]

7- Testimony of ‘Abdullaah ibn Salaam (may Allaah be pleased with him) concerning the honesty of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Ahmad and compilers of the Sunan works collected that ‘Abdullaah ibn Salaam (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “When the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) arrived in al-Madeenah, I was among those who went to him in haste. When his face became clear to me, I knew that his was not the face of a liar. I heard him say, ‘Spread the salaam[106] among yourselves, feed others, uphold ties of kinship, and pray at night while people are asleep. If you do those things, you will enter Jannah in safety.”[107]

8- Testimony of Mikraz ibn Hafs ibn al-Ahnaf concerning the faithfulness of the Messenger throughout all stages of his life (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

During the year of al-Hudaybiyah[108], Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) concluded a treaty with the tribe of Quraysh stating that he would go back to al-Madeenah without performing ‘Umrah, and then return to Makkah for ‘Umrah the following year. One of the terms of the agreement stipulated by Quraysh was that the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and those with him must enter Makkah with their weapons sheathed, not prepared for combat. Thus, when he came to perform ‘Umrah the next year, he prepared cavalry and arms, but not for the purpose of entering the haram boundaries with them; rather, he made those preparations so that they be accessible to him in case the tribe of Quraysh breached their agreement. When the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was near the haram boundaries, he sent his preparations to a valley known as Ya’jaj. Word about those preparations reached Quraysh, so they sent Mikraz ibn Hafs ibn al-Ahnaf along with others from the tribe of Quraysh to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). They said, “Muhammad, you were never known for treachery, neither as a child nor an adult. Are you entering the presence of your people within the haram boundaries while armed for combat although you gave them your word that you would only enter with your weapons sheathed?” He replied, “I am not entering their presence armed for combat. We sent our weapons to Ya’jaj.” Mikraz then said, “This is the way we have always known you to be: you keep your promises and remain faithful.”[109]

Conduct of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) as found in the Qur’aan

Allaah, the Most Exalted, blessed His beloved Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) by guiding him to personify the most elevated standard of conduct. That is Allaah’s favour which He grants to whom He wills, and Allaah is the Owner of infinite bounty. Allaah then commended His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) in numerous aayaat of the Qur’aan and drew attention to praiseworthy qualities which he embodied. I will mention some examples of that.

Allaah, the Most Exalted, said, وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَى خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ ((You most certainly have an admirable standard of conduct.”[110] In this glorious aayah, Allaah informed us about the level of character which His Chosen Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) embodied, and He described it as being admirable. Allaah also stressed that fact with three linguistic elements used for emphasis in the Arabic language. Firstly, there is an oath at the beginning of Soorah al-Qalam, which contains the foregoing aayah. Allaah swore an oath by the pen and by all that the angels write. Secondly, the Arabic word “inna” was used in the aayah and it conveys the meaning of “certainly.” Thirdly, there is the Arabic letter “laam” at the beginning of the predicate in the aayah. All three of these linguistic elements serve to emphasize what was said.

That admirable conduct of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was explained by various individuals among the righteous Salaf [111] using different expressions that convey a similar meaning.

Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with both of them) said that the Messenger’s (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) admirable conduct refers to the most admirable religion, that being the religion of Islaam. This explanation was also given by Mujaahid, as-Suddee, ar-Rabee‘ ibn Anas, ad-Dahhaak, and others.

Al-Hasan explained that it refers to the conduct mentioned in the Qur’aan. To this effect, there is a hadeeth collected by al-Bukhaaree, Muslim, and others which mentions that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) was asked about the conduct of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and she said, “His conduct was the Qur’aan.”[112] This means that complying with Allaah’s directives in the Qur’aan – fulfilling its commands and avoiding its prohibitions – became innate to him and was essentially his very nature.

In another hadeeth collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) alluded to this same meaning when she said, “While in both the rukoo‘ and sujood positions of prayer, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would say, ‘O Allaah, My Lord, You are perfect in every way, and I praise You. O Allaah, I ask Your forgiveness.’ He said that in compliance with the Qur’aan.”[113]

By that, she meant that the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said this supplication in compliance with Allaah’s directives in Soorah an-Nasr where He said, ((Then proclaim your Lord’s perfection, praise Him, and ask His forgiveness. Indeed, He is the One who continually accepts repentance)).[114]

Allaah also stated that He made His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) merciful and kind towards the people of eemaan, keen to have them do what would benefit them in this world and the hereafter, and sympathetic towards them whenever they face adversity. Allaah, who is perfect in every way, reminded the people of eemaan about this tremendous blessing in His statement, ((There has indeed come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. He is grieved by any suffering you may experience. He is concerned about you, and is kind and merciful to the people of eemaan)).[115] Allaah also said, ((Those who follow the Messenger and unlettered Prophet whose description they find written in the Tawraah and Injeel, which are the scriptures they already have with them. That Messenger commands them to do what is right, forbids them from doing wrong, permits wholesome things for them, forbids them from all that is repulsive, and relieves them of the burdens they previously bore)).[116] In addition, Allaah said to the Companions, ((You must realize that the Messenger of Allaah is among you. If he were to comply with your choices regarding many matters, you would surely experience hardship)).[117] Allaah also drew attention to the kindness and compassion of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) towards his followers in His statement, ((It was due to Allaah’s mercy that you were lenient in dealing with your Companions. Had you been harsh or hard-hearted, they would have most certainly dispersed from around you)).[118]

As for the Prophet’s trustworthiness, sincerity, and conveyance of Allaah’s message in the most complete way – just as Allaah wanted – Allaah Himself mentioned that in His statement, ((I swear by the stars when they set, that your companion – the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) – is neither mistaken nor has he strayed from the path of sound guidance. He does not speak from his own inclinations. Rather, what he conveys is nothing besides revelation that is sent to him)).[119]

Furthermore, Allaah, the Most Exalted, said in reference to the Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((and he is not daneen concerning the unseen)).[120] It is also legitimate to read the word “daneen” as “thaneen.” Both of these are valid ways of recitation. If recited as “thaneen,” the meaning conveyed is: he is not to be accused of any wrongdoing. If recited as “daneen,” the meaning conveyed is: he is not miserly.

The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) is absolved of both these meanings. As for the first, there are no legitimate grounds whatsoever for accusing him of concealing any portion of Allaah’s revelation. As for the second, he is not miserly by withholding Allaah’s revelation and keeping it to himself; on the contrary, he conveys it to everyone.

Conduct of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) as found in his Sunnah and the statements of his Companions

Even prior to the period of being commissioned with Allaah’s greatest message, the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was the ideal embodiment of sound conduct with respect to honesty, trustworthiness, kindness, generosity, forbearance, courage, chastity, contentment, and other similar traits. Any individual would attain distinction and prominence by embodying just one of those traits, let alone having all of them.

Then, when Allaah made him a Messenger and sent him with light and guidance to all jinns and humans, Allaah blessed him with further endurance and strength in embodying those admirable traits which he already had, such that he reached the greatest extent humanly possible. The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) spoke the truth when he said, “I have indeed only been sent to complete righteous conduct.”[121]

In many aayaat of the Qur’aan, Allaah mentioned the blessings and favours that He bestowed upon His beloved Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). For instance, Allaah told the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((Had Allaah not blessed you with His grace and mercy, a group of them would have resolutely attempted to mislead you. However, even if they were to attempt doing so, they would be misleading no one besides themselves, and they would not be able to harm you in any way. Allaah has sent down to you the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and taught you what you had no prior knowledge of; and Allaah’s grace to you has been truly immense)).[122] Allaah also told the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((Just as We sent revelation to previous Prophets, We have revealed this Qur’aan to you by Our command, and it gives life to people and their hearts. Prior to it, you had no knowledge of previous scriptures or the details of eemaan. However, We made this Qur’aan a light by which We guide whomever of Our servants We wish, and you most certainly guide to a straight path: the path of Allaah who owns all things in the heavens and the Earth. Indeed, all matters return to Allaah)).[123] Allaah further told His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((We have certainly granted you a manifest triumph[124] so that Allaah would forgive your past and future sins, complete His favour to you, and guide you upon a straight path. And so that Allaah would enable you to prevail with invincible victory)).[125]

In addition to what preceded, Allaah favoured His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) with Companions who were the best individuals among the best collective of people. The followers of Allaah’s Messenger, Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), as a whole comprise the best collective of people to Allaah, and the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) are the greatest individuals among that collective. The Companions of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) devoted their lives to conveying his call and preserving his Sunnah. What they did was part of the actualization of Allaah’s statement, ((Indeed, We revealed the thikr[126] and We will most certainly preserve it)).[127] They inherited all of the truth which was brought by their Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), and they imparted it to those who came after them. That continued until Allaah brought about individuals who formally documented and compiled it. At the head of them were the two outstanding scholars, al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, as well as other scholars of hadeeth. May Allaah grant all of them the best of rewards. They dedicated their lives to carefully documenting and organizing the precious pearls which they inherited from their Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) by way of connected golden chains containing individuals like Maalik, Naafi‘, Shu‘bah, Ahmad, ‘Alee ibn al-Madeenee, and others who were some of the most outstanding personalities among the Prophet’s followers (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). The precious jewels which they inherited and imparted comprised the best possible inheritance. They consisted of the Prophet’s words, actions, approvals, physical description, and description of his conduct. This is why the scholars of hadeeth define a hadeeth as being whatever is attributed to the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) whether statement, action, approval, physical description, or description of conduct.

Those esteemed inheritors took great care to document and organize everything that reached them about their Prophet in general (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), as well as what pertained to his conduct in particular. Some of them devoted entire works specifically to the subject, while others devoted specific chapters to the subject in their more comprehensive works. Those scholars mentioned instances of the reverential fear which the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had for Allaah, his hope in Allaah, and his humility towards Allaah. They cited qualities of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) including his generosity, selflessness, modesty, loyalty, trustworthiness, honesty, sincerity, gratitude, perseverance, forbearance, endurance, courage, humility, and fairness. They mentioned that he had a pleasant demeanor, smiled often, pardoned others, dealt with his Ummah gently, strove to make things easy for them, remained content, upheld ties of kinship, kept his focus on the hereafter rather than this world, cared about matters of the religion, and disliked to see Allaah disobeyed. The scholars mentioned these as well as other facets of the Prophet’s (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) exemplary conduct.

Details about some aspects of the Messenger’s conduct (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection)

Providing adequate discussion of the few aspects of the Messenger’s conduct mentioned in the foregoing list would require several lectures. This single lecture will only suffice to elaborate on some of the virtuous qualities with which the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was endowed.

1- Generosity

The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) reached a level of generosity that was unsurpassed by anyone else; he reached the highest level humanly possible. Furthermore, Allaah blessed and guided him such that his generosity grew to even greater levels during times which had certain virtues. There is a saheeh hadeeth in which ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with both of them) said, “The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was the most generous of people, and his generosity reached its peak during the month of Ramadaan when Jibreel would meet him. Every night of Ramadaan, Jibreel would meet him and review the Qur’aan with him. Thus, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would become more generous than the freely blowing wind.”[128]

The Messenger’s generosity (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was so great that he even gave his own self in Allaah’s path, to such an extent that one of his front teeth was broken, his face was wounded, and he bled due to his injuries.[129] Giving one’s own self is the utmost extent of giving.

The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was also generous in using his status to assist others. An example of that was his intercession on behalf of Mugheeth, the husband of Bareerah (may Allaah be pleased with her). When Bareerah was emancipated from slavery, she chose to be separated from her husband, and the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) suggested to her – on grounds of compassion – that she remain married to her husband, Mugheeth.[130]

Another instance of the Prophet’s generosity (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) in using his status – and one that is exclusive to him – is what he informed us about regarding his intercession which will take place when all people are gathered after resurrection, waiting for judgment to begin. The Messengers of strongest resolve shall excuse themselves from the task of interceding with Allaah at that time. People will continue to ask the Messengers until they reach the Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and when they ask him, he will reply, “I am the one for this task.”[131]

There is also a saheeh hadeeth which mentions that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “Allaah granted every Prophet a supplication which He guaranteed would be answered. Each of the previous Prophets used that one supplication and was answered. However, I saved my supplication so I may use it as intercession for my Ummah on the Day of Resurrection.”[132]

In addition, the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was generous in giving the wealth which Allaah granted him. Whenever he was asked for any worldly possessions he had, he never refused.

A woman once came to him with a knitted garment and said, “I wove it with my own hands so I could give it to you to wear.” The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was in need of a garment at the time; thus, he accepted it and wore it. A man among the Companions said, “Messenger of Allaah, would you allow me to have that garment?” He replied, “Yes.” He then returned to his dwelling, folded the garment, and sent it to that person. Some of the other Companions told that man, “You did not do a good thing! Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) wore it while he was in need of it, and then you asked him for it knowing fully well that he does not refuse to give those who ask of him!” The man replied, “I swear by Allaah that I did not ask him for it in order to wear it. I only asked him for it so that I could be shrouded in it when I pass away.” Sahl ibn Sa‘d (may Allaah be pleased with him) added, “That garment did end up being his shroud.”[133]

This is just one instance of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) embodying this noble quality. Is there any other person whose generosity or selflessness surpasses his?

In the Qur’aan, Allaah described the Ansaar[134] as being selfless by saying, ((They give others priority even when they themselves may be in need)).[135] This splendid characteristic they had – as well as all other aspects of noble conduct – resulted from them following the example of the best individual among all the descendants of Aadam (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Allaah, who is perfect in every way, told us, ((You most certainly have a perfect role model in the Messenger of Allaah)).[136]

After the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) returned from Hunayn[137], some bedouins surrounded him and they persisted in asking him to give them things until they forced him against a thorny tree and one of its spikes caught his upper garment, pulling it off. He then stopped and said, “Give me my garment. If I had as many camels or livestock animals as the thorns on this tree, I would most certainly divide them among you, and you would not find me to be a miser, liar, or coward.”[138]

There were times when the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) gave generously to certain people in order to draw their hearts towards Islaam. He would often give more generously to those who recently accepted Islaam than he would to those whose sound beliefs and obedience to Allaah had taken firm root within their souls. After the Battle of Hunayn, he gave hundreds of camels to prominent individuals among Quraysh, one of them being Safwaan ibn Umayyah. Muslim collected in his Saheeh that Safwaan said, “The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) gave me what he gave me at a time when he was the most despised of people to me. He continued to give me until he became among the most beloved of people to me.”[139]

Muslim also collected that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “Any time Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was asked for something that would encourage people’s acceptance of Islaam, he would give it. A man once came and the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) gave him sheep that filled the span between two mountains. That man returned to his people and said, ‘My people, you should accept Islaam. Muhammad certainly gives with the generosity of someone who does not fear poverty.’ There were times when someone would accept Islaam only because he wanted worldly possessions. However, it was not long before Islaam became more beloved to him than this world and everything it contains.”[140]

The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) gave that man sheep so numerous that they filled an entire valley. What was the outcome? The objective of giving was achieved: the man called others to accept Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Out of that man’s own accord, he became a messenger to his own people on behalf of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). That man called his people to Islaam, told them about the magnanimity of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), and informed them that he gave with the generosity of someone who does not fear poverty.

That was how the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) gave material wealth in order to support Islaam, call to it, and encourage others to embrace it. He received the wealth that Allaah granted him and then gave it in Allaah’s path. He continued to do so until Allaah took him back and, at the time, even his own armour was given to someone as security for a debt he incurred.[141]

2- Humility and approachability

No other person had all of the remarkable qualities with which Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was endowed, and no one else reached the greatest level humanly possible as he did. He was the exemplar of human perfection and admirable conduct, both before and after Prophethood.

Allaah blessed him with unique characteristics which distinguish him from all other people, in this world and the hereafter. He was made the most virtuous of the Messengers, who are themselves the best of mankind. Allaah made him the seal of the Prophets, as well as their leader and the most outstanding one among them. He will be the first of them to come out of his grave, the first of them to intercede, and the first of them whose intercession will be accepted.

The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) mentioned the favours Allaah blessed him with, and explained to his Ummah the rank which Allaah conferred upon him. He informed his followers of those things so that they would hold them as their unwavering beliefs. He also did that in order for them to emulate him and give him the respect, reverence, and love to which he is entitled. He said, “I will be the most prominent among all of Aadam’s descendants on the Day of Resurrection. I will be the first person who emerges from his grave, I will be the first to intercede, and I will be the first whose intercession is accepted.” This was collected by Muslim and Aboo Daawood, from Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him).[142] Although the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was endowed with these favours which elevated him to a level that was not reached even by the Messengers of strongest resolve – let alone anyone else – he was still the humblest of people. He was the nearest of people to the weak and needy. He was also the farthest of people from any trace of pride or arrogance.

When the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) explained to his Ummah some of the exclusive qualities which Allaah granted him, he began by saying, “I will be the most prominent among all of Aadam’s descendants.” However, before speaking further, he added a comment to clear himself of any pride regarding what he had mentioned – and may Allaah forbid that he would ever say or do anything blameworthy. He added, “and I am not saying this to boast.” This was collected by at-Tirmithee, ibn Maajah, and al-Imaam Ahmad, from Aboo Sa‘eed (may Allaah be pleased with him). At-Tirmithee graded it hasan saheeh.[143] The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) only informed the Ummah about his rank with Allaah because they would have no other way of knowing that except from him. Since Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) is the final Prophet, there will be no Prophets coming after him who will inform people about his tremendous rank the way he informed us about the virtues of Prophets prior to him. May Allaah mention all of His Prophets with commendation, grant them protection, and bestow His blessings upon them.

When Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was given the choice between being either a worshipping servant and Messenger, or a king and Prophet, he chose to be a worshipping servant and Messenger. This was collected by al-Imaam Ahmad in his Musnad.[144]

Al-Bayhaqee collected that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) entered Makkah on the Day of the Conquest so humbly that his chin almost touched his saddle.”[145]

Ibn Ishaaq collected in the book he compiled containing narrations about Seerah[146] that “the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) lowered his head in humility when he saw the conquest Allaah honoured him with, so much so that his beard almost touched the middle of his saddle.”[147]

Ibn Katheer commented, “This was his humility under those circumstances, even as he entered Makkah in the midst of a huge army. It is in stark contrast to what was done by the imprudent among Banee Israa’eel when they were told to enter the gate of Bayt al-Maqdis while bowing and saying ‘hittah.’[148] Rather than doing what they were instructed, they entered sliding on their rear ends while saying ‘hintah fee sha‘rah’[149] in mockery of Allaah’s command.”[150]

Al-Bukhaaree collected that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “There were instances when even a female slave among those owned by the residents of al-Madeenah would have Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) accompany her if she needed something, and she would direct him wherever she wanted.”[151]

Muslim collected in his Saheeh, from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him), that there was a woman who suffered from a psychological disorder and she said, “Messenger of Allaah, I require your assistance.” He replied, “Mother of so-and-so, choose any path you wish so that I may accompany you and address your need.” Thus, he set out with her along a public pathway, out of the earshot of others, until her need was addressed.”[152]

In Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, there is a hadeeth from al-Aswad who said, “I asked ‘Aa’ishah what the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would do while at home. She said, ‘He would be in the service of his household and when the time for prayer came, he would go for prayer’.”[153]

Al-Bukhaaree collected in his Saheeh, from Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “If I were invited to a meal consisting of a bone that does not have much meat, I would accept; and if a bone with little meat was given to me as a gift, I would accept.”[154]

When the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would pass by children, he would extend the salaam to them. Muslim collected in his Saheeh from Shu‘bah, from Sayyaar who said, “I was walking with Thaabit al-Bunaanee when he passed by some children and said salaam to them. Thaabit narrated that he himself was walking with Anas when he passed by some children and said salaam to them. Anas narrated that he was walking with the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) when he passed by some children and said salaam to them.”[155]

The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would also mix with his Companions and jest with young children. Al-Bukhaaree collected in his Saheeh that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would certainly mix with us and he would even tell a young brother of mine, ‘Aboo ‘Umayr, tell me about the nughayr’.”[156]

In another narration, Anas said, “The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had the best conduct of all people. I had a brother called Aboo ‘Umayr” – a sub-narrator said: I think Anas added, “who had just been weaned” – “and when the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would come, he would say, ‘Aboo ‘Umayr, tell me about the nughayr,’ in reference to a bird which my brother used to play with.”[157]

In the Two Saheeh collections, Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “I served the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) for ten years and he never said to me ‘You are irritating me’, ‘why did you do such-and-such’, or ‘if you would only do such-and-such.”[158]

When the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would ride his mount, he would sometimes have one of his Companions ride behind him on the same animal. He directed his followers to embody humility and he encouraged them to adorn themselves with this trait. One of the things he said in that regard was, “When someone remains humble for Allaah, he would be elevated by Allaah.” This was collected by Muslim.[159]

The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was the humblest of all people and a role model for them in that regard. Allaah raised him to the highest of ranks, elevated his status, and immortalized his mention.

Despite Allaah having blessed His worshipping servant, Messenger, and beloved one – Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) – with the aforementioned humility and sublime conduct, there were still some among his Companions who had so much respect for him that they could not bring themselves to look at him in full.

Muslim collected a narration from ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allaah be pleased with him) in which he said, “There was no one more beloved or respectable to me than Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). I could not bring myself to take a full look at him due to the extent of my respect for him. If I were asked to describe him, I would be unable to do so because I never really took a full glance at him.”[160]

3- Mercy, gentleness, and care

By Allaah’s favour and mercy to the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), he was merciful and gentle towards his followers. Allaah described him by saying, ((It was due to Allaah’s mercy that you were lenient in dealing with your Companions. Had you been harsh or hard-hearted, they would have most certainly dispersed from around you)).[161]

No other human had – or even came close to having – the gentleness and mercy embodied by Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).

Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that a bedouin once urinated in a certain area of the masjid. As a result, people rushed towards him in order to chastise or hit him. However, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) told them, “Leave him alone, and pour a pail of water over the urine. You have been sent to make things easy for people, and you have not been sent to make things difficult.” This was collected by al-Bukhaaree and others.[162]

In Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, Aboo Mas‘ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “A man went to the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and said, ‘I come late to the Fajr prayer because such-and-such person leads us and makes the prayer quite long.’ I never saw the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) angrier in any admonition he delivered than he was on that day. He said, ‘My people, there are individuals among you who chase others away. If any of you leads others in prayer, make it brief because the congregation contains people who are elderly, ill, or have needs to which they must attend’.”[163]

Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “When any of you leads others in prayer, he should keep it short because among them are people who are weak, ill, or elderly. However, when any of you prays by himself, he may make the prayer as long as he likes.”[164]

Aboo Qataadah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “There are certainly times when I stand to lead the prayer, intending to prolong it, but then I hear the cry of an infant so I keep the prayer short because I dislike making matters difficult for the infant’s mother.”[165]

Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “I was never led in prayer by anyone whose performance of prayer was lighter – yet still entirely complete – than that of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). There were indeed times when he would hear the cry of an infant and then keep the prayer brief as a result, fearing that the infant’s mother would face difficulty otherwise.”[166]

Aboo Qataadah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that “the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) once came out to us while carrying Umaamah, the daughter of Abul-‘Aas[167], on his shoulder and led us in prayer. He would place her down when he bowed and carry her again when he stood.”[168]

The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) also said, “If it were not for the fact that I dislike making things difficult for my followers, I would have instructed them to use the siwaak[169] at the time of each prayer.”[170]

All of the preceding hadeeth are in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree.

The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) initially led his Companions in prayer during the nights of Ramadaan. However, when he feared that this prayer would become obligatory for them, he discontinued leading them. In the Two Saheeh collections, ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) narrated that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) prayed in the masjid and a group of people followed him in prayer. When the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) prayed on the second night, the group behind him grew larger. Then, on the third or fourth night, people assembled but the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) did not come out to lead them. In the morning, he said, “I know what you did, and nothing prevented me from coming out to lead you besides the fact that I feared it would become obligatory for you to perform that prayer.” That took place during Ramadaan.[171]

In the Two Saheeh collections, ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) narrated that “although the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) loved to perform certain acts of worship, he would indeed withhold from performing them out of fear that people would emulate him and those acts of worship would then become obligatory for everyone.”[172]

When the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) fasted consecutive days without eating in between and some of the Companions – may Allaah be pleased with all of them – found out about that, they did the same. However, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) forbade them from doing so out of his care for them and his mercy towards them. Due to their desire to emulate him, they inquired about his prohibition by saying, “How come you fast consecutive days without eating in between?” He replied, “I am not the same as you in that regard.”

In the Two Saheeh collections, Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) forbade fasting consecutive days without eating in between. Thus, one of the Muslims said, ‘Messenger of Allaah, you fast consecutive days without eating in between.’ He replied, ‘Who among you is the same as me? My Lord gives me food and drink throughout the night.’ However, when some of the people refused to refrain from fasting in the aforementioned manner, he led them in doing so for two days, but then they sighted the crescent marking the start of the following month. Thus, he told them, ‘If the crescent had been delayed, I would have led you in fasting like that for even more days’. He said that to reprimand them for their refusal to stop.”[173]

This was an instance of the practical guidance and discipline which he (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) used with his noble Companions, may Allaah be pleased with all of them. He wanted to make them realize their weakness, and experience first-hand how difficult it would be to fast consecutive days without eating in between, so that they themselves would eventually choose to refrain from doing so.

This discipline used by the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) is similar to what parents might do if they saw their child eagerly attempting to play with fire. A parent may protect the child from its harm by taking the child’s hand and gently putting one of his fingers near the edge of a coal in order to make the child realize how much harm it could cause. That would alert the child to its danger and encourage him to stay away from it, because his parent taught him about the damage which it could do.

In Saheeh Muslim, there is a narration mentioning that a man once sneezed during prayer and Mu‘aawiyah ibn al-Hakam as-Sulamee (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “yarhamukallaah”[174] to him. That led some of the Companions to express disapproval concerning what Mu‘aawiyah did. He later said, “May my own parents be sacrificed for Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). I never saw another teacher – neither before nor after him – whose method was better than his. I swear by Allaah that when he concluded the prayer, he did not rebuke me, hit me, or revile me. He merely said, ‘Indeed, this prayer is not the place for any of the talk which people normally engage in. Rather, it is to consist of glorifying Allaah, saying the phrase ‘Allaahu akbar’[175], and reciting the Qur’aan’.”[176]

At times, when it would reach the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) that any of the Companions did something which required correction, he would say during his address, “Why is it that some people do such-and-such,” or “why is it that some people from my Ummah say such-and-such,” and other similar remarks. He would do that so the person who did or said the things he mentioned would cease, and so that others who did not do or say them would beware and refrain.

4- Forbearance and pardoning

Just as the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had utmost mercy and compassion, he was also utmost in pardoning others, overlooking their faults, bearing their treatment, being forbearing, and remaining patient. His remarkable life is filled with instances which demonstrate this.

In the Two Saheeh collections, Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Companions set out along with the Messenger of Allaah for an expedition in the direction of Najd. Jaabir mentioned that Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) caught up with them in a valley which had many thorny trees. The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) settled beneath a tree to rest, and hung his sword on one of its branches. The people dispersed throughout the valley, taking shade under its trees. The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) recounted, “A man came up to me while I was asleep and took my sword. I then woke up only to find him standing right over my head. I was unaware of what happened, and all I knew was that the sword was unsheathed in his hand. He asked me, ‘Who will protect you from me?’ I replied, ‘Allaah.’ He asked a second time, ‘Who will protect you from me?’ I replied, ‘Allaah.’ He then put the sword back in its sheath, and this is him sitting right here.” Jaabir added, “The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) then let him be.” This wording was collected by Muslim.[177] The wording collected by al-Bukhaaree states that the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) “did not punish the man, and he then sat.”[178]

In the Two Saheeh collections, ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) narrated that a group of the Jews came to Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and said, “May saam (i.e. death) be upon you.” ‘Aa’ishah said, “I understood what they meant so I said back to them, ‘May saam be upon you as well, and may Allaah expel you from His mercy’!” However, Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “‘Aa’ishah, do not get worked up. Allaah most certainly loves gentleness in all matters.” ‘Aa’ishah asked, “Messenger of Allaah, did you not hear what they said?” He replied, “I told them, ‘Upon you as well’.”[179]

In the Two Saheeh collections, ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) also narrated, “The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was never given a choice between any two matters except that he chose the easier of the two so long as it did not involve any sin. If anything was sinful, he was the farthest of people from it. Additionally, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) never exacted retribution as revenge for his own self. However, if any of Allaah’s prohibitions were perpetrated, he would exact retribution for Allaah by implementing the prescribed measures.”[180]

Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim also collected that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “I was once walking with Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) while he was wearing an upper garment from the region known as Najraan, and the garment had a coarse hem. A bedouin came up to him and pulled his garment very forcefully.” Anas commented, “I looked at the side of the Prophet’s neck (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) and saw that the garment’s edge had left a mark there due to how hard it was pulled. The man then said, ‘Muhammad! Give me some of Allaah’s wealth which you have.’ The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) turned to him, smiled kindly, and then issued instructions for the man to be given a certain amount.”[181]

5- Sincerity in calling to Allaah’s religion

When Allaah sent His Messenger Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) with the sound religion, the Messenger shouldered that responsibility in the most complete way and he patiently persevered through all the harm he faced along his path.

Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim collected that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) inquired, “Messenger of Allaah, did you ever experience a day more severe than the Battle of Uhud?” He replied, “I have experienced much from your people, and the worst day I faced was that of al-‘Aqabah when I myself presented Islaam to ibn ‘Abd Yaaleel ibn ‘Abd Kulaal, but he did not respond as I had hoped. Thus, I left sad and distressed. I proceeded onwards unsure of where I was going, and I did not regain full composure and awareness of my surroundings until I had reached Qarn ath-Tha‘aalib[182]. I raised my head and noticed a cloud was shading me. When I looked at it closely, I saw Jibreel there. He called out to me saying, ‘Allaah, Most Mighty and Majestic, certainly heard what your people said to you and how they responded. He has sent to you the angel who is entrusted with the mountains, and you may instruct him to do to them whatever you wish.’ The angel entrusted with the mountains then extended the salaam to me and said, ‘Muhammad, Allaah indeed heard what your people said to you. I am the angel entrusted with the mountains. Your Lord sent me for you to instruct me as you wish. What would you like me to do? If you wish, I can make al-Akhshabayn[183] converge upon them’.” The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) replied, “Rather, I hope that Allaah will make their descendants people who worship Him alone without ascribing any partner to Him.”[184]

This is a manifestation of truly remarkable conduct. The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was faced with much harm and surrounded by hardships. As a result, he left sad and distressed. Then, Allaah’s angels presented to him the option of putting an end to his enemies by closing in the two mountains of Makkah upon them. However, he declined that offer and, instead, gave a response which proved his utmost sincerity and his love for none to be worshipped besides Allaah alone. He said, “Rather, I hope that Allaah will make their descendants people who worship Him alone without ascribing any partner to Him.”

The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) left people upon a bright and clear path which leads all who follow it to honour in this world and happiness in the hereafter. This was the outcome of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) having the qualities of complete sincerity, articulate speech, and utmost trustworthiness. If there was anything which would bring people nearer to Allaah, the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) did not fall short in directing them to it and encouraging them to do it. He also did not neglect to warn them against the opposite of that. Thus, he was not at all negligent in conveying Allaah’s directives or in utilizing the clearest and most effective means to do so.

Muslim collected a narration in his Saheeh from Salmaan al-Faarisee (may Allaah be pleased with him) who mentioned that someone mockingly told him, “Your Prophet taught you absolutely everything, even how to go to the bathroom!” Salmaan responded, “Yes, he did. He forbade us from facing the direction of prayer while relieving ourselves, using our right hands to clean ourselves, using less than three stones when cleaning ourselves, and using pieces of dung or bone to clean ourselves.”[185]

During the Farewell Hajj, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) proclaimed in the largest gathering he ever witnessed that he had fulfilled his obligation of conveying Allaah’s message. He also asked people to bear witness to that fact, and they testified that he did truly fulfil his task of conveying his Lord’s message in the most sincere and complete way. That can be found in the long narration in which Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) described how the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) performed Hajj, as collected by Muslim in his Saheeh. The hadeeth mentions that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) addressed the masses on the Day of ‘Arafah and he said in his sermon, “I have left something for you. If you adhere to it firmly, you will never go astray: it is the Book of Allaah. You shall be asked about me, so what will you say?” They replied, “We will testify that you have conveyed your message, fulfilled the duty entrusted to you, and given sincere counsel.” He raised his forefinger towards the sky and then pointed it towards the people and said “O Allaah, be witness. O Allaah, be witness.” He said it thrice.[186]

The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) utilized every feasible technique to provide clarification, make people understand things, encourage them to obey Allaah, and discourage them from disobeying Allaah. He did not neglect using any method to achieve those objectives as he called people to Allaah and cautioned his followers against straying from Allaah’s impeccable directives.

One of the techniques he employed was presenting similitudes which provided tangible examples of certain abstract ideas. In Saheeh Muslim, Aboo Moosaa al-Ash‘aree (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “The similitude which applies to myself and the message Allaah has sent me with is that of a man who comes to his people and says, ‘My people, I have seen an army with my very eyes, and I am an unmistakable warner to you. Thus, you must do all you can to save yourselves.’ As a result, a group of his people took heed and departed slowly in the early part of the night, while another group of them rejected what he said. The latter group remained in their place, and the army attacked them in the morning and wiped them out. That is the similitude of those who obey me and accept the message I have brought, as well as those who disobey me and reject the truth I have brought.”[187]

In Saheeh Muslim, there is also a hadeeth from Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) who narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “The similitude that applies to myself and you is that of a man who kindled a fire and then the locusts and moths began to fly into it even while he tried to ward them off. I take firm hold of you to pull you away from the hellfire yet some of you still seek to slip out of my grip.”[188] This hadeeth was also collected by both al-Bukhaaree and Muslim from Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him).[189]

If the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was asked about a matter but something else was more important than it, he would alert the questioner to the more important matter in a way that was gentle and wise. In the Two Saheeh collections, Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that a man asked the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) when the Final Hour would be. The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) replied, “What have you prepared for it?” The man said, “Nothing besides the fact that I love Allaah and His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).” The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) told him, “You will be with those whom you love.”[190]

There are also various other methods which the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) utilized as he provided guidance and direction to people.

7- Strength and courage

“The strong mu’min[191] is better and more beloved to Allaah than the weak mu’min, though there is good in both.” This was mentioned by the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), as collected in Saheeh Muslim.[192]

Allaah combined various forms of strength in His worshipping servant and Messenger, Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Not only did Allaah grant him strong and complete eemaan, Allaah also granted him physical strength. The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) used that physical strength to worship Allaah, obey Him, and hasten to do all that would draw him closer to Allaah. Thus, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was the role model for his Ummah in doing all good things.

Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim collected from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would stand to pray until cracks appeared on his feet. Thus, ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) asked, “Messenger of Allaah, you exert yourself this much although Allaah has forgiven your past and future sins?” He replied, “‘Aa’ishah, should I not then desire to be a grateful worshipping servant?”[193]

In the Two Saheeh collections, there is a hadeeth in which ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with both of them) said, “The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was the most generous of people, and his generosity reached its peak during the month of Ramadaan when Jibreel would meet him. Every night of Ramadaan, Jibreel would meet him and review the Qur’aan with him. Thus, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) would become more generous than the freely blowing wind.”[194]

In the Two Saheeh collections, there is also a hadeeth in which Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was the best of people, most generous of people, and bravest of people. One night, a sound caused panic to spread among the people of al-Madeenah. When they went towards the sound to determine its cause, they found that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was already returning from that direction. He reassured them, “There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to fear.” He was riding an unsaddled horse that belonged to Aboo Talhah and there was a sword slung around his neck. The Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) commented, “I found the horse to be a very swift one.”[195]

Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) was also at the forefront of his Companions during battle in Allaah’s path. In the Battle of Uhud, his face was wounded and one of his front teeth was broken.[196]

During the Battle of Hunayn, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) held his ground at a time when many of those with him retreated. In the Two Saheeh collections, al-Baraa’ ibn ‘Aazib (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that a man asked him, “Aboo ‘Umaarah, did you[197] retreat and leave Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) during the Battle of Hunayn?” Al-Baraa’ replied, “Nonetheless, Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) did not retreat. The tribe of Hawaazin were expert archers, but when we faced them during battle and launched our offensive, they fled in defeat. Then, when our people went forth to gather the spoils, Hawaazin shot their arrows at us and some of the people retreated. However, I most certainly saw Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) – while Aboo Sufyaan ibn al-Haarith[198] held the reins of his mule which was whitish in colour – saying, ‘I am the Prophet and that is no lie. I am the descendant of ‘Abdul-Muttalib’.”[199]

Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy upon him) cited this hadeeth in his explanation of the Qur’aan and then commented, “This truly demonstrates ultimate bravery and courage. On that day, he was in the midst of intense battle and some of his army had retreated. In addition, he was riding a mule which is not swift and is not suited for advancing, retreating, or fleeing. Yet despite that all, he still charged towards the enemies while on the mule, proclaimed his presence, and identified himself by name so that anyone who may have been unaware would know exactly who he was. May Allaah continue to mention him with commendation and grant him protection until the Day of Recompense. All of that was only done out of his complete trust in Allaah and reliance upon Him, as well as certainty that Allaah would grant him victory, allow him to complete the mission entrusted to him, and allow his religion to prevail over all others.”[200]

The responsibility of the Messenger’s followers towards him (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), and his responsibility towards them

Since this lecture has presented various examples of the conduct of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), perhaps it would be most fitting for me to conclude with an overview of the responsibilities which his followers have towards him, as well as his responsibility towards his followers.

When his followers fulfil the responsibilities they have towards him (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), that will guarantee their happiness. Their responsibilities include testifying that Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) truly is Allaah’s Messenger sent to all humans and jinns, that the directives he brought will remain until the Final Hour, that those directives apply to everyone, and that no one is exempted from complying with them.

Muslim collected in his Saheeh, from Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “I swear by the One in whose hand my soul lies: if anyone among the people to whom I have been sent – whether Jew, Christian, [or otherwise] – hears of me but passes away without accepting the message I have brought, that person will be among the inhabitants of the hellfire.”[201]

The Messenger’s (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) followers must also testify that his directives and teachings are suitable for every time and place; that people cannot attain happiness in this world or salvation in the hereafter without following his path; that he is the role model for all of his followers; that he spoke the truth and received revelation which was the truth; and that everything he informed us about is true, whether regarding the past, the future, and all matters which are unseen to us.

As his followers, our hearts must be filled with love for him that is even greater than the love we have for ourselves, our parents, our children, and all other people. Having love for the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) entails having love for his directives, revering them, complying with them, and making them our point of reference for all matters. Allaah, the Most Exalted, instructed His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), ((Say to the people: If you truly love Allaah, follow me. If you do so, Allaah will love you and forgive your sins)).[202]

We are to sincerely devote all our worship to Allaah alone, and we are to perform our worship in the manner taught by the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Thus, Allaah is not to be worshipped except by way of what the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) prescribed. There is a saheeh hadeeth in which the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “Anyone who performs a deed that does not conform to our command shall have it rejected.”[203]

A remarkable comment was made by Aboo ‘Uthmaan an-Naysaabooree in which he said, “When a person complies with the Sunnah in his words and deeds, wisdom will emanate from him when he speaks. However, if a person complies with disobedient inclinations in his words and deeds, bid‘ah will emanate from him when he speaks.”[204]

The aforementioned responsibilities were comprehensively summarized in a concise statement of Shaykh al-Islaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhaab (may Allaah have mercy upon him) in which he explained what is meant by testifying that Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) is the Messenger of Allaah. He said, “Obeying his instructions, believing in what he informed us about, avoiding what he forbade, and not worshipping Allaah except by way of what he prescribed.”[205]

Other responsibilities which the Messenger’s followers (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) must fulfil towards him include constantly mentioning him with commendation as he rightfully deserves; while, at the same time, avoiding going to extremes in that regard, since doing so would not please Allaah or His Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). The followers of Allaah’s Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) must also mention his Sunnah with commendation, explain its merits to people, and clarify that all people are in need of accepting it and adhering to it.

Additionally, the followers of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) should constantly invoke salaah and salaam upon him. Thus, O Allaah, we implore You to send salaah, salaam, and blessings upon Your Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad, as well as upon his family, his Companions, and all who follow his path.

The truly miserly person is the one in whose presence the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) is mentioned yet that person does not invoke salaah upon him.[206] Furthermore, Allaah will disgrace those to whom the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) is mentioned yet they do not invoke salaah upon him.[207] An individual who refrains from invoking salaah upon the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) is, in fact, even more miserly than someone who greedily refrains from giving material wealth to others. O Allaah, send the most complete salaah and salaam upon the Prophet as well as upon his family, Companions, and all who follow their path until the Day of Recompense.

As for the responsibility of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) towards his followers – as well as towards all people in general – that entails conveying their Lord’s message to them, and directing them to all that would bring them happiness in this world and the hereafter. Allaah, the Most Exalted, said, ((The Messenger’s responsibility is only to articulately convey the message)).[208] Allaah, the Most Exalted, also said, ((Are the Messengers responsible for anything besides articulately conveying the message?))[209]

Al-Bukhaaree collected in his Saheeh that ibn Shihaab az-Zuhree (may Allaah have mercy upon him) said, “The message comes from Allaah, the Messenger bears the duty of conveying, and it is our duty to submit.”[210]

Allaah bestowed an immense favour upon the people of eemaan by sending His esteemed Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) who fulfilled the task of conveying His message in the best and most complete manner. During the Farewell Hajj, towards the end of the Messenger’s (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) life, Allaah revealed His statement, ((Today, I have perfected your religion for you, I have completed My favour to you, and I am pleased with Islaam as a religion for you)).[211]

The Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said in a sermon of his during the Farewell Hajj, “I have left something for you. If you adhere to it firmly, you will never go astray: it is the Book of Allaah. You shall be asked about me, so what will you say?’ The people replied, ‘We will testify that you have conveyed your message, fulfilled the duty entrusted to you, and given sincere counsel.’ He raised his forefinger towards the sky and then pointed it towards the people and said, ‘O Allaah, be witness. O Allaah, be witness.’ He said it thrice.” This was collected by Muslim.[212]

Thus, the message itself which Allaah sent was complete, and the Messenger’s imparting of the message was also complete (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). The followers of the Messenger (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) bear the responsibility of submitting to that message which has come from Allaah.

The people who are guided to do that in their beliefs, words, and deeds are the ones who will be truly fortunate. On the other hand, those who do the opposite are the ones who will ultimately be unfortunate and forsaken.

I implore Allaah – the Most Generous, the Lord of the Noble Throne – to guide all of us so that we emulate the conduct of His esteemed Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).

I further pray that Allaah blesses us to tread the path of His Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection), enables us to follow in his steps during our lives, allows us to leave this world while still adhering to his Sunnah, gathers us among his followers in the hereafter, and makes us among those who will be granted his intercession on the Day of Resurrection.

Allaah is the only One who controls all of that, He is the only One who is able to bring it about, and there is neither movement nor might except by Allaah.

Our Lord, accept this from us, as You most certainly hear and know all things.

O Allaah, send salaah upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, just as You sent salaah upon Ibraaheem and upon the family of Ibraaheem. Indeed, You are Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.

O Allaah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, just as You blessed Ibraaheem and the family of Ibraaheem. Indeed, You are Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.


[1] Soorah al-Qalam (68):4.

[2] Soorah al-Hadeed (57):21, Soorah al-Jumu‘ah (62):4.

[3] The beliefs, words, and actions which please Allaah.

[4] Soorah al-Hashr (59):10.

[5] Originally delivered at the Islaamic University of al-Madeenah in 1383h, corresponding to 1963.

[6] In other words, we are to implore Allaah to mention him with commendation to the inhabitants of the heavens.

[7] As mentioned in a saheeh hadeeth which can be found in Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (7451), Jaami‘ at-Tirmithee (3545).

[8] Those who worshipped others besides Allaah.

[9] Soorah Ibraaheem (14):34, Soorah an-Nahl (16):18.

[10] Soorah an-Nahl (16):53.

[11] Soorah al-Baqarah (2):29.

[12] Soorah al-An‘aam (6):122.

[13] Soorah al-Israa’ (17):82.

[14] Soorah Fussilat (41):44.

[15] Soorah al-Munaafiqoon (63):8.

[16] Soorah Taa Haa (20):132.

[17] Soorah Saad (38):5-8.

[18] Soorah al-Qamar (54):23-25.

[19] Soorah an-Naml (27):59-64.

[20] Soorah al-Hajj (22):73-74.

[21] Fulfilling Allaah’s commands and avoiding His prohibitions.

[22] See Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah (2700).

[23] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (3475), Saheeh Muslim (1688).

[24] In the year 8h, following the Conquest of Makkah.

[25] The Companions from the tribes of al-Aws and al-Khazraj who resided in al-Madeenah when the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) migrated there.

[26] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (4330), Saheeh Muslim (1061).

[27] Referring to the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

[28] Soorah Aali ‘Imraan (3):103.

[29] Soorah al-Anfaal (8):62-63.

[30] Soorah Quraysh (106):1-4.

[31] Soorah al-Qasas (28):68.

[32] Soorah al-Hajj (22):25.

[33] The Arabic word “masjid” refers to a place of prostration or worship. It is usually translated as “mosque.”

[34] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (1190), Saheeh Muslim (1394).

[35] “Messengers of strongest resolve” as in Soorah al-Ahqaaf (46):35 refers to the Prophets Nooh, Ibraaheem, Moosaa, ‘Eesaa, and Muhammad, according to the most prevalent explanation mentioned by the scholars. See Jaami‘ al-Bayaan (22/145), Tafseer al-Quraan al-‘Atheem (7/305).

[36] Those who obey Allaah’s commands and avoid His prohibitions.

[37] Soorah al-Hadeed (57):21, Soorah al-Jumu‘ah (62):4.

[38] Soorah al-Hajj (22):75.

[39] Saheeh Muslim (2276), Jaami‘ at-Tirmithee (3605).

[40] Soorah Faatir (35):42-43.

[41] Soorah Saad (38):4.

[42] Soorah Saad (38):8.

[43] Soorah az-Zukhruf (43):30.

[44] Soorah az-Zukhruf (43):31. Makkah and at-Taa’if are the two towns being referred to.

[45] Mercy here refers to granting Prophethood.

[46] Soorah az-Zukhruf (43):32.

[47] Soorah al-An‘aam (6):53.

[48] Soorah al-Ahqaaf (46):7-8.

[49] Soorah al-Ahqaaf (46):9.

[50] Soorah Yoonus (10):2.

[51] Soorah al-An‘aam (6):33. This narration was collected in al-Mustadrak (3290) and was cited by ibn Katheer in Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-‘Atheem (3/251). See also Saheeh as-Seerah an-Nabawiyyah by al-Albaanee (pg. 203). Some scholars have mentioned that its chain of narration is broken, as in Jaami‘ at-Tirmithee (3064), ‘Ilal ad-Daaraqutnee (474), and Allaah knows best.

[52] The fifth forefather of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). This line of ancestry was one sub-tribe of Quraysh. Aboo Jahl was also from Quraysh, but from a different line of ancestry.

[53] Cited by ibn Katheer in Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-‘Atheem (3/252). See also Jaami‘ al-Bayaan (11/333). Its chain of narration is broken.

[54] The fourth forefather of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).

[55] Cited by ibn Katheer in Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-‘Atheem (3/251). See also Seerah ibn Ishaaq (pg. 189-190), Dalaa’il an-Nubuwwah (2/206). Its chain of narration is broken.

[56] Soorah an-Nahl (16):36.

[57] Soorah al-Ahqaaf (46):31-32.

[58] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (335), Saheeh Muslim (521).

[59] Soorah Saba’ (34):28.

[60] Soorah al-A‘raaf (7):158.

[61] Saheeh Muslim (153). See also al-Bahr al-Muheet ath-Thajjaaj (4/241-243).

[62] Soorah Hood (11):17.

[63] Soorah al-Baqarah (2):129.

[64] Soorah al-Jumu‘ah (62):2-4.

[65] Soorah Aali ‘Imraan (3):164.

[66] Soorah al-Baqarah (2):151-152.

[67] Soorah at-Tawbah (9):128.

[68] Soorah an-Nisaa’ (4):48, 116.

[69] Soorah al-Maa’idah (5):72.

[70] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (7), Saheeh Muslim (1773).

[71] Soorah ad-Duhaa (93):6-8.

[72] Soorah ad-Duhaa (93):9-11.

[73] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (7), Saheeh Muslim (1773).

[74] Soorah al-Haaqqah (69):38-43.

[75] Soorah Yaa Seen (36):69-70.

[76] Soorah al-Furqaan (25):4.

[77] Soorah al-Israa’ (17):88.

[78] Soorah al-‘Ankaboot (29):48.

[79] Soorah al-‘Ankaboot (29):48.

[80] Soorah an-Nahl (16):103.

[81] Soorah al-Mu’minoon (23):69.

[82] Soorah Yoonus (10):15.

[83] Soorah Yoonus (10):16.

[84] Soorah Yoonus (10):16.

[85] Soorah Yoonus (10):16.

[86] Soorah Yoonus (10):17.

[87] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (3), Saheeh Muslim (160).

[88] See Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2262).

[89] The Arabic terms for these two characteristics are “al-hilm” and “al-anaah.” The respective meanings cited above may be understood from hadeeth explanations including Fadl Allaah as-Samad (1/572), al-Bahr al-Muheet ath-Thajjaaj (1/367). Some scholars also explain the terms to respectively mean deliberateness and composure. These meanings may be understood from Mirqaah al-Mafaateeh (8/3163), and Allaah knows best.

[90] Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (24009/54), al-Adab al-Mufrad (585). See also Sunan Abee Daawood (5225).

[91] Saheeh Muslim (2553).

[92] Soorah al-Qalam (68):4.

[93] Saheeh Muslim (746), Sunan Abee Daawood (1342), Sunan an-Nasaa’ee (1601), al-Adab al-Mufrad (308).

[94] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (3), Saheeh Muslim (160).

[95] See Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (15504). See also Saheeh as-Seerah an-Nabawiyyah by al-Albaanee (pg. 45), al-Masjid al-Haraam Taareekhuhu wa Ahkaamuhu (215-216).

[96] Soorah ash-Shu‘araa’ (26):214.

[97] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (4770), Saheeh Muslim (208).

[98] See pg. 36-37.

[99] Soorah al-An‘aam (6):33.

[100] See pg. 37.

[101] By saying “the son of Aboo Kabshah,” Aboo Sufyaan was referring to the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Aboo Kabshah was one of his ancestors, and the custom of the Arabs at that time when they intended to deride someone was to ascribe the person to one of his relatively obscure ancestors.

[102] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (7).

[103] Al-Mustadrak (2412). See also Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (15505).

[104] Sunan ibn Maajah (2287).

[105] Sunan Abee Daawood (4836).

[106] Saying to one another “assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu” (may Allaah grant you His protection, mercy, and blessings).

[107] Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (23784), Sunan at-Tirmithee (2485), Sunan ibn Maajah (3251).

[108] The treaty of al-Hudaybiyah took place in the year 6h.

[109] Al-Maghaazee by al-Waaqidee (2/734), Dalaa’il an-Nubuwwah by al-Bahyaqee (4/321). Its chain of narration is inauthentic, and Allaah knows best.

[110] Soorah al-Qalam (68):4.

[111] The early generations of Muslims. They are considered the best of people as the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) said, “The best of people are my generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them.” Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2652), Saheeh Muslim (2533).

[112] Saheeh Muslim (746), Sunan Abee Daawood (1342), Sunan an-Nasaa’ee (1601), al-Adab al-Mufrad (308).

[113] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (817), Saheeh Muslim (484).

[114] Soorah an-Nasr (110):3.

[115] Soorah at-Tawbah (9):128.

[116] Soorah al-A‘raaf (7):157.

[117] Soorah al-Hujuraat (49):7.

[118] Soorah Aali ‘Imraan (3):159.

[119] Soorah an-Najm (53):1-4.

[120] Soorah at-Takweer (81):24.

[121] Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (8952).

[122] Soorah an-Nisaa’ (4):113.

[123] Soorah ash-Shooraa (42):52-53.

[124] Referring to the Treaty of al-Hudaybiyah.

[125] Soorah al-Fath (48):1-3.

[126] Referring here to the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

[127] Soorah al-Hijr (15):9.

[128] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6), Saheeh Muslim (2308). “The freely blowing wind” conveys the meaning that the generosity and goodness which emanated from the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) reached far and wide, just as the wind reaches and encompasses everything in its path.

[129] See Saheeh Muslim (1791). See also the chapter heading in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree just before hadeeth 4069.

[130] See Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5283).

[131] See Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (7510), Saheeh Muslim (193).

[132] See Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6305), Saheeh Muslim (200).

[133] See Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2093).

[134] The Companions from the tribes of al-Aws and al-Khazraj who resided in al-Madeenah when the Prophet migrated there (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).

[135] Soorah al-Hashr (59):9.

[136] Soorah al-Ahzaab (33):21.

[137] In the year 8h, following the Conquest of Makkah.

[138] See Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2821).

[139] Saheeh Muslim (2313).

[140] Saheeh Muslim (2312).

[141] See Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2068), Saheeh Muslim (1603). The debt referred to was a quantity of barley which the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) had purchased as food for his own family.

[142] Saheeh Muslim (2278), Sunan Abee Daawood (4673).

[143] Jaami‘ at-Tirmithee (3148), Sunan ibn Maajah (4308), Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (10987).

[144] Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (7160).

[145] Dalaa’il an-Nubuwwah (5/69), and cited by ibn Katheer in al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah (6/547-548). Its chain of narration is broken.

[146] The biography of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).

[147] Seerah ibn Hishaam (2/405), Dalaa’il an-Nubuwwah (5/68), and cited by ibn Katheer in al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah (6/547). Its chain of narration is broken.

[148] A word meaning that they were asking Allaah to pardon their sins.

[149] Words meaning “a grain of barley.”

[150] Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah (6/548).

[151] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6072). See also Fath al-Baaree (10/490).

[152] Saheeh Muslim (2326).

[153] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6039).

[154] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2568).

[155] Saheeh Muslim (2168).

[156] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6129).

[157] Saheeh Muslim (2150).

[158] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6038), Saheeh Muslim (2309).

[159] Saheeh Muslim (2588).

[160] Saheeh Muslim (121).

[161] Soorah Aali ‘Imraan (3):159.

[162] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6128), Jaami‘ at-Tirmithee (147), Sunan Abee Daawood (380), Sunan an-Nasaa’ee (56).

[163] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (7159), Saheeh Muslim (466).

[164] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (703).

[165] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (707).

[166] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (708).

[167] Abul-‘Aas ibn ar-Rabee‘ was the husband of Zaynab (may Allaah be pleased with her), the eldest daughter of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). Umaamah was their daughter and, thus, the granddaughter of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection).

[168] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5996), Saheeh Muslim (543).

[169] A type of twig used as a toothbrush.

[170] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (887), Saheeh Muslim (252).

[171] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (1129), Saheeh Muslim (761).

[172] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (1128), Saheeh Muslim (718).

[173] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (1965), Saheeh Muslim (1103).

[174] Meaning “may Allaah have mercy upon you.”

[175] Meaning “Allaah is the Greatest.”

[176] Saheeh Muslim (537).

[177] Saheeh Muslim (843).

[178] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2910).

[179] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6024), Saheeh Muslim (2165).

[180] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6786), Saheeh Muslim (2327).

[181] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (3149), Saheeh Muslim (1057).

[182] A location between the cities of Makkah and at-Taa’if. Later on, the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection) designated Qarn ath-Tha‘aalib as one of the points where ihraam is assumed for Hajj and ‘Umrah.

[183] Two large mountains in Makkah, as explained by the author in the next paragraph.

[184] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (3231), Saheeh Muslim (1795).

[185] Saheeh Muslim (262).

[186] Saheeh Muslim (1218).

[187] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (7283), Saheeh Muslim (2283).

[188] Saheeh Muslim (2285).

[189] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6483), Saheeh Muslim (2284).

[190] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (3688), Saheeh Muslim (2639).

[191] Person who has eemaan, meaning that he strives to comply with Allaah’s directives in his beliefs, words, and deeds.

[192] Saheeh Muslim (2664).

[193] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (4837), Saheeh Muslim (2820).

[194] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6), Saheeh Muslim (2308).

[195] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (6033), Saheeh Muslim (2307).

[196] Saheeh Muslim (1791). See also the chapter heading in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree just before hadeeth 4069.

[197] Referring to the Companions who were present during the battle.

[198] This is Aboo Sufyaan ibn al-Haarith ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib. He was a cousin of the Prophet (may Allaah mention him with commendation and grant him protection). He is different from Aboo Sufyaan ibn Harb ibn Umayyah who was mentioned earlier in the meeting with Heraclius.

[199] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2864), Saheeh Muslim (1776).

[200] Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-‘Atheem (4/128).

[201] Saheeh Muslim (153). See also al-Bahr al-Muheet ath-Thajjaaj (4/241-243).

[202] Soorah Aali ‘Imraan (3):31-32.

[203] Saheeh Muslim (1718).

[204] Hilyah al-Awliyaa’ (10/244), az-Zuhd al-Kabeer by al-Bayhaqee (319), al-Jaami‘ li-Akhlaaq ar-Raawee wa Aadaab as-Saami‘ (186).

[205] Ad-Durar as-Saniyyah fil-Ajwibah an-Najdiyyah (1/130).

[206] Jaami‘ at-Tirmithee (3546), Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (1736).

[207] Jaami‘ at-Tirmithee (3545), Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad (7451).

[208] Soorah an-Noor (24):54, Soorah al-‘Ankaboot (29):18.

[209] Soorah an-Nahl (16):35.

[210] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (section heading before 7530).

[211] Soorah al-Maa’idah (5):3.

[212] Saheeh Muslim (1218).