أخبار القضاة، للقاضي وكيع، محمد بن خلف بن حيان

Attempted critical edition for portions of the book Akhbaar al-Qudaat (Reports About the Judges Throughout the Lands of Islaam) by Aboo Bakr Muhammad ibn Khalaf ibn Hayyaan, commonly referred to as Wakee‘ al-Qaadee (d. 306h).

Some portions of the critical edition were submitted as dissertations in the specialization of Hadeeth and its Sciences, at the Department of al-Kitaab was-Sunnah (the Qur’aan and Sunnah), in the College of ad-Da‘wah wa Usool ad-Deen (Islaamic Outreach and Religious Foundations), at Umm al-Qura University, Makkah.