Upholstery Cleaning Chippenham

Upholstery Cleaning Chippenham


Our 8-Step Professional Upholstery Cleaning Method

You can see how quickly dirt and soil build up on fabric furnishings in homes like yours because they are so frequently used.

Having your fabric furniture professionally cleaned not only restores their original lustre, but it also extends the life of the item..

It is our technicians' responsibility to properly identify the fabrics and select the most effective cleaning method for each.

Do-it-yourself cleaning can result in fabric damage because of improper cleaning techniques.

Many different fabrics are used in upholstery work, and it's critical to know which ones are which.

Everything from the initial vacuum to the use of a wet or dry cleaning system is meticulously planned to ensure excellent results each and every time, just like our carpet cleaning.

Step 1: Inspection

Because there are so many fibre and fabric types in upholstery, this step is even more critical because there is a greater risk of things going wrong if they are not correctly identified.

Using a variety of methods, we hope to learn more about the upholstery's history as well as how it's constructed.

2) Crush and croc testing

These are additional tests to aid in the selection of the best cleaning solution and method for your upholstery in order to avoid any damage.

Dye bleeding is also being checked to make sure the clean is not affected by colour run-off from the dye.

3rd, extraction of dry soil

Upright commercial twin motor hoover is used to thoroughly clean the upholstery.

80% to 85% of dirt is dry soiling, which should be removed first to prevent the particles from adhering to the fibres and causing wick back.

4.Prespray and Agitation

In order to get rid of any stubborn dirt stuck to the furniture, we must work the prespray into the fibres with a cloth, mit, or drill brush.

We may not agitate some items because of their delicate fibres, which will be determined at the time of inspection.

Finally, extraction is necessary.

When performed by trained professionals, spray extraction provides the deepest clean possible for your carpets.

Upholstery hand tools and our top extraction machine remove the rinse after it has been applied to the fabric. This process is called "rinsing."

Six. Spot Therapy

Our technicians will then inspect your upholstery once more to see if there are any spots or stains that need to be addressed.

Environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals are used whenever possible.

Pile Broom:

Once the cleaning process is complete, use a special brush to go over the furniture and reposition the hairs in their proper place.

Pile damage and uneven coloration can occur if this step is skipped, which is why it is so frequently neglected.

8. Stain Resistance

The stain protector will be applied at this point if you selected it as an option.

Stain protectors can aid in the removal of future spills and dirt, but they aren't bulletproof!

Cleaning your soft furnishings is a good idea for a number of reasons.

You can put your health at risk by allowing bacteria and pathogens to flourish and collect on your soft furnishing surfaces.

These microorganisms can be released into the environment every time someone sits down on a sofa or chair.

Your soft furnishings have numerous places to hide, including down the arm, under the cushions, and many others. All of these areas have accumulated crumbs, dirt, dust, and the occasional piece of pocket change.

You might be surprised at what you find if you just lift up your cushion and peek underneath.

Leaving it unchecked can have a negative impact on your and your family's health, especially if there are germs and dust mites around.

Comfortable and saves you money, in that order.

You've probably spent a lot of money on your sofa and chairs, so you want them to last as long as possible for your enjoyment and comfort.

Their health and well-being can both be improved by having them professionally cleaned on a regular basis.

Wear and tear may begin to appear if they are left unattended.

Fibers can begin to break down in areas where grease, dirt and sweat have built up over time, leading to patches or even holes in the fabric.


When we have guests like family and friends over, it's important to us that our home looks its best.

You can ensure that your guests return to your home by having your soft furnishings cleaned by a pro.

What's the point of hiring a professional?

In the word "professional," we have the correct training, knowledge, and experience as well as the best equipment and the most up-to-date cleaning solutions to get the job done correctly.

Choosing the wrong cleaning method or solution could cause irreversible damage to soft furnishings (more so than carpets).

Everything we do is designed to give the best possible results while avoiding any harm to your soft furnishings.

Manufacturing them with the expectation that they will need to be cleaned is a design goal

The words "clean them regularly" and "use a professional" can be found on the care label of nearly every sofa and chair.

Do what the manufacturer says and don't deviate from it.

Would you like to try your hand at plastering or installing a new boiler in your home, or do both?

No, I don't think so. Consider your upholstery the same way you'd choose a professional.


Insurance is critical for any business, but we have never had to file a claim.

Whatever may happen, you can be confident in our ability to respond to any issues that arise.

To avoid cowboys, you should always check before hiring anyone, and this goes without saying for any tradesmen you bring in to perform work for your business.

When in doubt, just give us a call and we'll clear things up for you.

There is no problem too big or small that we can't help with.


A claim with our insurance has not yet been necessary, but it is critical that we have all the appropriate insurance in place as a professional company.

It's good to know that if something does go wrong, we've got a plan in place to handle it.

Since many cowboys will overlook this aspect of their business, you should always check before hiring anyone, and this goes without saying for any tradesmen you bring in to do work.

But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to call us.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Proclean Bath and Wiltshire 2022