Oven Cleaning Bradford on Avon

Cleaning the Oven in Bradford on Avon, England

Using our 8-Step Professional Oven Cleaning System


A first-step evaluation

As soon as we arrive at the appliance, we inspect its fan, controls, and seals. We also check the bulb and the bulb housing for damage.

Before we begin any cleaning, we will inform you if there is anything that needs to be fixed during the inspection.

Preparation / 2

You can imagine how messy it is to clean an oven.

Everything around your appliance must be kept dry to avoid getting ruined by spills.

So we're putting down dust sheets and other barriers to keep this from happening!

A fan and bulb are also included in the racks.

We begin dipping after removing all of the rack and rack holder covers, as well as the light bulb cover.

In some models, the fan and/or rack holders may not be removable due to the custom nature of each oven; in these cases, the oven interior must be cleaned.

Four. Dicing

Now that the temperature in our top-of-the-line dip tank has been reached to its maximum, we remove the removed components and place them in the van for a final dip.

Even the most adamant carbon cannot stand a chance against this technique. Be aware that not all items can be submerged in a baking soda and water solution.

Keep the Interior of the Oven Clean

Before we begin scrubbing, we apply heat to the oven's interior.

We will rinse the oven TWICE to ensure that no residue is left in it after it has been cleaned to our satisfaction.

Doors are stripped bare.

Remove the panels on some doors to reveal the interior glass; this is possible on some but not all.

Remove and clean any open doors or grease gutters during this step. The door must first be thoroughly cleaned before the glass panel can be reassembled and reinserted.

Seven. The final touches

Finally, we wipe down and dry the oven both inside and out so it's sparkling clean.

Whenever possible, we'll apply a special stainless steel oil to prevent any visible fingerprints.

8. Clean up and make sure everything is in order.

Our protective sheets and cleaning supplies must be neatly arranged before we can conduct our final oven inspections and make any final adjustments.

You can rest assured that your oven is ready to use right away if we heat it up to see if there's any cleaning residue that we missed.

Why Hire a Professional to Clean Your Oven?

The consequences of not cleaning an oven can be disastrous, even if you don't use harsh chemicals to do it.

A lot of fat in a roast dinner can lead to a lot of mess when you're cooking in an oven.

In the event of a fire, the smoky flavour of this residue could permeate your oven's other food.

Untreated food residue contains germs that will contaminate subsequent food in your oven and infect your meals, as well as the rest of the members of your family.

A kitchen appliance's health is an important consideration when purchasing one. The same food residue can adhere to the mechanical parts and filters of the oven, reducing its efficiency and even causing the oven to fail completely if left there.

To save money in the long run, clean your oven on a regular basis to avoid having to buy a new one.


If so, does your oven resemble this one in any way?


Make sure you keep your home in top condition when you have guests over so you can protect the value of your most important asset!

A dirty oven is terrifying to think about when hosting guests!

In order to keep guests coming back and encourage them to bring friends, you should have your oven professionally cleaned at least once per year.

So, what's the big deal about hiring a pro?

Professionalism is in our name, and we've got the right skills, equipment, and cleaning solutions to get the job done RIGHT for you.

Oven malfunctions can result from improperly removing the door or breaking one of the heating elements.

To ensure your safety, we know when it's best to avoid stripping doors based on our many years of experience.

The process of reassembling some oven doors is more difficult than removing them in the first place.

Every step of our process has been meticulously planned to ensure the best possible results while minimising the risk of damaging the oven.

If you hire a professional to clean your oven, your food will taste better and look better because there will be no smoke flavour or risk of germs from food residue.

Plastering or putting in a new boiler are two home improvement projects you might enjoy taking on on your own.

You're probably going to hire a professional to fix your oven.


However, the fact that our insurance company has never been called does not diminish the importance of proper insurance as a professional company.

Whatever may happen, you can be confident in our ability to respond to any issues that arise.

If you're unsure about anything, give us a call and we'll explain everything to you.

We are always available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

Before hiring anyone, especially a tradesman, be sure to ask about this because there are some cowboys out there who may overlook this detail.

We welcome your inquiries, so please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

We're always here to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our services.

Bath and Wiltshire Proclean 2022