Carpet Cleaning Devizes

Rug Care Devizes

Process for Professional Carpet Cleaning

1/ Carpet Inspection

We inspect in 5 points.

Check the carpets' tightness.

Identify the carpet's structure and fibre.

Find out the carpet pile's PH.

Check for any leftover chemicals.

Test dye bleed to avoid colour bleed.

Dry Extraction

Our two-motor upright vacuum thoroughly cleans the carpets.

Dry soiling accounts for 80-85% of carpet dirt.

It must be eradicated.

3 Pre-Spray Carpet

We will have identified your carpet fibre and chosen an eco-friendly pre spray after your carpet survey.

This is sprayed directly into your carpet to start breaking down dirt and soil before extraction.

4. Animacy

We use a professional grade contra rotating brush to work the prespray deeper into the fabric.

This lifts the pile and loosens the soil.

Spray Extraction

Spray extraction cleans your carpets thoroughly (when done by skilled specialists).

Our top-of-the-line extraction machine sprayed the carpet with an acidic rinse.

6. Spot Treat

Inspect your carpets again after the spray extraction to look for any spots or stains that need to be treated further.

We'll treat the stain properly, avoiding harsh chemicals.

7. Anti-stain

If you requested a stain protector, we will apply it now.

Stain protectors will help remove future spills and dirt, but they are not foolproof!

Brush Pile

We use a grooming brush to raise the carpet pile.

This promotes air circulation, reduces drying time, and encourages the carpet to lie flat once dry.

Why Clean Your Carpets?


– Beauty

– Why use a pro?

– Coverage



One square metre of carpet may contain 100,000 dust mites.

A 2-year-old pillow can contain up to 10% dead mites and their droppings.

Dusting will not remove them.


Pets can carry germs and bacteria from outside on their coats and hair, or from saliva.

It will be collected by your home's largest air filter (carpet)!


Scratchy hands, muddy shoes, and mud are just a few of the things kids like to bring into your house and leave on your carpets

Simply clean your carpets thoroughly to prevent mites, germs, and bacteria from spreading to your child.


Most people naturally take care of themselves and their families, which is why you should have your carpets cleaned PROFESSIONALLY on a regular basis.

Carpet is your home's largest air filter.

Among the sources of dust and dirt are the air, dogs, and footwear. Daily traffic also adds to the pile.

Professional cleaning removes all of this.

Allergies to house dust mites cause asthma and eczema.

The mites have plenty to eat with 67 grammes of dust per square metre of carpet.

Dust Mite

A serious health threat

The allergen is the mite's excrement, not the mite itself.

So many people are suffering because dust mites excrete up to 200 times their own body weight per day.

This is vital if you have young children.

Babies and toddlers spend a lot of time crawling and rolling on the floor, near disturbed dust.

Our 8-step deep carpet cleaning method reduces dust mites and provides a healthier environment for you and your family.


Our dogs are members of the family, but they may be contributing to allergies.

Their saliva, urine, and hair attract dust, fleas, and pollen, which can become trapped in carpets when the animals shed.

Dander from our pets collects on surfaces like carpet.

Pet allergies are particularly problematic because they are sticky, stick to surfaces, and linger in the air when disturbed.

Pet dander travels on clothing, so even non-dog owners are exposed.


Our home is our largest investment, and we want it to look good when guests arrive.

We all have a keen eye for décor and furniture when visiting someone's home, even if we don't like to admit it. A soiled carpet will likely stand out.

Regularly cleaned carpets will ensure that you are noticed and that your guests return.

Watch this amazing transformation.

Why use a pro?


We have the training, knowledge, and experience to get the job done RIGHT.

We often visit a job where the client has tried to remove a stain or spill using old wives tales or treatments from doctor google.

Unfortunately, instead of removing the stain, this DIY solution often sets it, making it difficult to remove.

It's possible to cause more harm than good by using the wrong product on the wrong carpet type.

Choosing the right agitation brushes and machine pressure is critical to reducing wear.

Finally, using an acidic rinse to restore the carpet's PH level (to keep the dye stable and prevent skin irritation for you, your family, and pets).

Cleaning your carpets by a professional not only improves their appearance, but also extends their life. By minimising and removing detergent residues from the cloth.

Would you try your hand at plastering or installing a new boiler? I doubt it. You'd hire a pro. Your carpets should match.


For our profession, we must ensure that we have all necessary insurances, even if we have never needed them

If something goes wrong, we will be ready to handle it.

So always ask before booking a cowboy.

This rule applies to all trades.

We are always happy to discuss your concerns.

Bath and Wiltshire 2022