Oven Cleaning Westbury

Oven Cleaning Westbury


Using our 8-Step Professional Oven Cleansing Process

A first-step evaluation

During our first visit we'll inspect the fan, control panel, seal, fixings, and bulb housing to make sure they're all working properly.

There may be additional issues that require your attention before we begin cleaning.

Preparation / 2

As you might expect, cleaning an oven is a messy endeavour.

We run the risk of being sprayed if we don't shield the area and items surrounding your appliance.

To prevent this, we've put up dust sheets and other barriers.

A fan and bulb are also included in the racks.

Finally, we're ready to get down and dirty with our dipping process.

The fan or rack holders on some ovens may be impossible to remove. Inside-out cleaning is necessary in this situation.

4. Taking a dip

Our top-of-the-line dip tank has now reached its maximum temperature, so we transport the disassembled components to the van where they are dipped.

Using this method, even the most adamant carbon can't stand a chance. Again, not all items can be dipped, and if they can't, we have other ways to clean them.

5. Make sure the oven's interior is spotless.

To help loosen grease and dirt, we warm the oven's interior before beginning cleaning.

The oven will be rinsed TWICE to ensure that no residue is left behind after we're satisfied it's clean.

6. The door frame is sanded smooth.

Doors with two or three panels can be disassembled to reveal the internal glass when possible.

The door and grease gulley are typically removed and cleaned during this procedure. Before the door is reassembled and reinstalled, the glass is thoroughly cleaned.

The final touches

Finally, we wipe down and dry the entire oven, inside and out, to make sure it's sparkling.

When necessary, we'll apply a special stainless steel oil for a smear-free finish.

8. Clean up and make sure everything is in order.

Our protective sheets and cleaning supplies must be neatly arranged before we can conduct our final oven inspections and make any final adjustments.

The oven is heated up to ensure that it is ready to use as soon as possible, and any cleaning residue that we may have missed.

What Are the Benefits of Having Your Oven Cleaned?

For all the difficulties and dangers that come with oven cleaning (such as the use of harsh chemicals), leaving it unclean could lead to more serious problems in the future.

This is especially true if you're using an oven to cook a roast dinner that has a lot of fat in it.

This food residue will burn and, in the worst-case scenario, catch fire, leaving a smoky taste in your oven for any other food you cook in there.

When left untreated, this food residue contains germs that will contaminate any subsequent food cooked in your oven and, as a result, your meals and your family.

A healthy oven is also a factor to take into account. Mechanical and filter failures can be caused by a buildup of food residue that adheres to the oven's internal components.

Keeping your oven clean will save you money in the long run and prevent you from having to buy a new one.

There is also the issue of the oven's health to consider. It is possible for the same food residue to stick to the oven's mechanical parts and filters, leading to a decrease in the oven's efficiency and a possible breakdown.

An oven deep clean every few months can help prevent this and save you money in the long run, so it's a win-win.

Is this the state of your oven?


For us, it's critical that our home is immaculate, especially when we have guests like family and friends over.

The last thing you want to see when your guests arrive is a strewn-about oven.

A professional oven cleaner will get your business noticed and bring in more customers if you hire them on a regular basis.

Why hire a professional?

"Professionals," as our name implies, have all the qualifications and equipment necessary to get the job done right. The list goes on and on.

If you remove the oven door incorrectly or break an element, a slew of bad things can happen.

As a good contractor knows, he should not strip doors for fear of damaging them.

It can be difficult to reassemble some oven doors after they've been taken apart.

All of our steps have been meticulously thought out to ensure the best possible results while minimising the risk of oven damage.

Cleaner food will retain its natural flavour and be free of smoke or germs spread by food residue in your oven after a professional clean.

Do you want to learn how to plaster or replace your home's boiler?

Ovens are no exception, and only a trained professional should handle them.


This does not detract from the importance of having the proper liability insurance in place as a professional business.

As long as we have everything in place, we should be able to deal with any issues that may arise at any time.

Just give us a ring and we'll clear things up for you over the phone if you have any questions.

Feel free to get in touch with us at any time if you have any questions or concerns!

Before hiring anyone, particularly a tradesman, be sure to ask about this.

There is no need to hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any further questions.

Anyone who has any questions or concerns can always reach out to us.