Carpet Cleaning Trowbridge

Trowbridge Carpet Cleaning

Our Professional Carpet Cleaning Process Consists of Eight Stages

1/ Carpet Inspection

We conduct a five-point inspection.

Ascertain that the carpets are securely fastened.

Determine the structure and fibre content of the carpet.

Check the PH level of the carpet pile.

Examine the area for any lingering chemicals.

Conduct a dye bleed test to rule out colour bleeding.

2/ Extraction by Drying.

We vacuum the carpets thoroughly with our professional grade, twin motor upright vacuum cleaner.

Dry soiling accounts for approximately 80–85 percent of the dirt in your carpet.

This needs to be communicated.

3/ Pre-Spray Carpet

After conducting a carpet survey, we will identify the fibres in your carpet and recommend an eco-friendly pre-spray.

This is sprayed directly onto your carpet to begin the decomposition of dirt and soil prior to extraction.

4. Excitement

We then go over the carpets with our commercial-grade, contra rotating brush equipment to further embed the prespray.

This helps to loosen any stubborn dirt while also lifting the pile.

5. Extraction by Spray

When performed by trained professionals, spray extraction provides the most thorough cleaning possible for your carpets.

Our top-of-the-line extraction machine squirts an acidic rinse onto the carpet before extracting it.

6. Spot Remediation

If any spots or stains remain after the spray extraction, we will go over your carpets once more.

If necessary, we'll apply an environmentally friendly stain treatment.

7. Stain Resistance

If you chose our stain protector service, this is the step at which it will be applied.

While stain guards can help with subsequent spills or dirt removal, they are not foolproof!

8. Brush for Pile

To raise the pile on the carpet, we use a grooming brush.

This increases air circulation and accelerates the drying process; additionally, it allows the carpet to lie naturally once it is dry.

Why Should You Have Your Carpets Cleaned?

– Well-being

– Why should you hire a professional?

– Protection


House Dust Mites.



Mites of the Dust

Taking care of ourselves and our families is one of the many reasons you should have your carpets cleaned PROFESSIONALLY on a regular basis.

Carpet can be thought of as the largest air filter in your home.

It lays there day after day, accumulating dust and filth from the air, dogs, and footwear, to name a few, and being pushed deeper into the fibres by daily traffic.

All of this is removed during a thorough cleaning by a professional.

House dust mite allergies are extremely common and can result in asthma and eczema.

With an average of 67 grammes of dust per square metre of carpet, the mites have plenty to eat.

The Dust Mite in the House

A grave danger to your health

The allergy is triggered by the proteins in the mite's excrement, not by the mite itself.

Again, with dust mites excreting up to 200 times their body weight daily, it's unsurprising that so many people are afflicted.

This is particularly critical if you have small children. Babies and toddlers spend a great deal of time crawling and rolling around on the floor, which brings them into close proximity to disturbed dust.

Our eight-step deep carpet cleaning process helps to minimise the impact of dust mites and creates a healthier environment for you and your family.


While we all adore and consider our dogs to be family members, they may be causing allergies.

When they shed, their hair collects dust, fleas, and pollen that becomes trapped in carpeting.

The dead skin of our pets, referred to as dander, accumulates on surfaces such as carpet.

Pet allergies are particularly aggravating due to their sticky nature, ability to adhere to surfaces, and linger in the air when disturbed.

Due to the fact that pet dander travels on clothing, even those who do not own pets are exposed.

Aesthetics – Appearance.

Our home is our most valuable asset, and we want to keep it in good condition, particularly when friends and neighbours pay a visit.

A soiled carpet will be immediately noticeable.

Regularly having your carpets professionally cleaned will ensure that you are noticed for the right reasons.

Consider this remarkable transformation.

Why should you hire a professional?

It is contained in the term "professional."

We have the expertise, understanding, and experience necessary to complete the job RIGHT, as well as top-of-the-line equipment and cleaning solutions.

We frequently respond to calls from customers who have attempted to remove a stain or spill using an old wives tale or a doctor google remedy.

Unfortunately, rather than removing the stain, this do-it-yourself method frequently sets it, making it difficult / impossible to remove.

Inappropriate carpet care products can actually do more harm than good, necessitating a complete carpet replacement.

It is critical to select the appropriate agitation brushes and machine pressure to minimise carpet wear.

Finally, use an acidic rinse to bring the carpet's PH level back to normal (to ensure the dye is left stable and also reduce any chance of skin irritation to you, your family and pets).

Not only will a professional clean leave your carpets looking, feeling, and smelling fantastic, but it will also keep them cleaner for longer. How? By minimising and eradicating any detergent residues remaining in the fabric.

Would you like to try your hand at plastering or installing a new boiler?

I'm assuming no.

You would hire a professional to clean your carpets in the same manner.

Carpet Cleaning Trowbridge | Proclean Bath and Wiltshire


While we have never had to contact our insurance company to file a claim, as a professional organisation, it is critical that we have all of the necessary insurances.

That way, if something does go wrong, you can rest assured that we have a plan in place and are capable of resolving any issues that arise.

Numerous cowboys do not, so always inquire prior to scheduling with anyone.

If you have any doubts, you can always pick up the phone and call us.

We are always happy to speak with you and resolve any issues that may arise.

Bath and Wiltshire Proclean 2022