Carpet Cleaning Corsham

Corsham Carpet Cleaning

Our Professional Carpet Cleaning Process consists of eight stages.

1st Carpet Inspection

We perform a five-point inspection.

Make sure the carpets are securely fastened.

Determine the structure and fibre composition of the carpet.

Examine the PH of the carpet pile.

Look for any leftover chemicals from previous applications.

Conduct a dye bleed test to avoid colour bleed.

2/ Dry Extraction

We vacuum the carpets thoroughly with our professional-grade, twin-motor upright vacuum.

Dry soil accounts for approximately 80% to 85% of the dirt in your carpet.

It's critical to get rid of as much dry soil as possible before we wet it and turn it into "mud" (and to avoid to avoid wick back).

3/ Pre-Spray the Carpet

After your carpet survey, we'll have identified the fibre in your carpet and selected an eco-friendly pre-spray.

Before extraction, this is sprayed directly onto your carpet to begin breaking down dirt and soil.

4. Animosity

To push the prespray deeper into the fibre, we use our contra rotating brush machine.

This raises the pile and loosens the dirt attached to it.

5. Extraction by Spray

Spray extraction ensures that your carpets are thoroughly cleaned (when performed by qualified specialists).

The carpet is sprayed with an acidic rinse before being extracted with our top-of-the-line extraction machine.

6. Treatment on the Spot

After we've completed the spray extraction, we'll walk over your carpets again to look for any spots or stains that need to be treated further.

We'll apply a thorough stain treatment, attempting to use environmentally friendly chemicals whenever possible.

7. Stain Resistance

This is the stage at which our stain protector will be applied if you chose it.

While stain guards can help with future spills or dirt removal, they aren't foolproof!

Pile Brush No. 8

We use a grooming brush to groom the carpet.

This allows the carpet to breathe, reduces drying time, and allows it to rest naturally.

Why Should You Have Your Carpets Cleaned?

– Well-being

Aesthetics is a term that refers to the aesthetics of something.

– What is the benefit of hiring a professional?

– Coverage


Dust mites are a type of mite that lives in the

Approximately 100,000 dust mites can be found in a square metre of carpet.

Dead mites and their droppings can account for up to 10% of a 2-year-old cushion's weight.

Hoovering will not be enough to get rid of them.


Whether they come from the outside on their coats and hair or from the saliva around their lips, pets can carry a wide variety of germs and bacteria.

The largest air filter in your home (your carpet) will collect it!


Filthy hands, dirty shoes, and mud are among the most common things that children bring into your carpets.

Simply have your carpets professionally cleaned to ensure that your child is not exposed to mites, germs, or bacteria.

Dust mites are a type of mite that lives in the

Most people are accustomed to looking after themselves and their families, which is one of the reasons why you should have your carpets PROFESSIONALLY cleaned on a regular basis.

The simplest way to think of carpet is as the largest air filter in your home.

Daily traffic pushes dirt deeper into the carpet's fibres, where it collects dust and dirt from the air, dogs, and boots, to name a few sources.

All of this is eliminated with a thorough cleaning by a professional.

Allergies to house dust mites are common, and they can cause diseases like asthma and eczema.

With an average of 67 grammes of dust per square metre of carpet, the mites have plenty to eat.

The Dust Mite in the House

Your health is in grave jeopardy.

The allergy is caused by the proteins in the mite's faeces, not by the mite itself.

Dust mites, which can excrete up to 200 times their own weight in excrement every day, are wreaking havoc on an increasing number of people.

If you have small children, this is something to think about. Babies and toddlers spend a lot of time crawling and rolling around on the floor, which exposes them to the disturbed dust.

Our 8-step deep carpet cleaning process helps to reduce the effects of dust mites and provides a healthier environment for you and your family.


No matter how much we love them, it's possible that our furry friends are exacerbating our allergies.

Proteins in all of their bodily fluids have the potential to irritate sensitive people. Furthermore, when an animal sheds, its hair can collect allergens such as dust, fleas, and pollen, which can become embedded in carpets.

Our furry friends' dead skin, or dander, collects on surfaces such as carpet.

Pet allergies are particularly dangerous because they are sticky and adhere to surfaces, and they linger in the air for a long time when disturbed.

Even people who do not own pets are exposed to pet dander because it travels on clothing.

Aesthetics – Having a nice appearance.

Our home is our most valuable asset, and we want to keep it looking nice, especially when we have friends and neighbours over.

We all have a good nose when visiting someone's house, eying up the décor and furniture, as much as we don't like to admit it.

A soiled carpet will stand out like a sore thumb.

Having a professional carpet cleaning done on a regular basis will undoubtedly be noticed for the right reasons, bringing your guests back.

Check out this incredible transformation.

Why should you hire a professional?

What are the benefits of hiring a professional?

The term "professional" encapsulates everything.

To complete the work correctly, we have the necessary expertise, understanding, and experience, as well as top-of-the-line equipment and cutting-edge cleaning solutions.

We are frequently called to a job where a client has tried to remove a stain or spill using an old wives tale or a treatment found on doctor google.

Unfortunately, this do-it-yourself approach frequently causes the stain to set, making it difficult to remove.

We take into account a number of factors when deciding which product to use on each carpet, and for good reason.

When the wrong product is used on the wrong carpet type, it can cause more harm than good, necessitating a complete replacement.

It's critical to use the right brushes during agitation and the right pressure level on the machine to avoid wear.

Finally, if necessary, use an acidic rinse to bring the carpet's PH level back to normal (to ensure the dye is left stable and also reduce any chance of skin irritation to you, your family and pets).

A professional clean will not only make your carpets look, feel, and smell great, but it will also keep them clean for a longer period of time. How? When possible, reduce and remove detergent residues from the cloth.

Would you be interested in learning how to plaster or install a new boiler? That, I believe, is not the case. You'd hire a professional. The colour and texture of your carpets should be consistent.


While we have never had to call our insurance company to file a claim, it is critical that as a professional organisation, we have all of the necessary insurances.

That way, if something goes wrong, you can rest assured that we've prepared a strategy to address any issues that may arise.

There are a lot of cowboys out there who will overlook this aspect of their business, so always ask before booking anyone.

This is self-evident for any tradespeople you hire to complete work for you.

You can always pick up the phone and call us if you have any questions.

We are always happy to talk with you and solve any problems you may have.

Carpet Cleaning Services for Businesses

Making a good first impression is crucial. They have the power to make or break a transaction.

It's natural to form an opinion about someone when you first meet them... BUT, did you know that people form opinions about you in less than 20 seconds?

As a result, making the best first impression possible is critical.

The difference between a repeat customer and a long-term client could be as simple as having clean flooring and chairs in your waiting room, reception area, workplace, or restaurant.

ProClean Bath and Wilts can work with you to ensure that this happens with as little disruption to your business as possible.

Please get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

2022 Bath and Wiltshire ProClean Carpet Cleaning Corsham | Proclean Bath and Wiltshire

Bath and Wiltshire Proclean 2022