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In Bath, Carpet Cleaning

Our 8-Step Carpet Cleaning Process

1st Carpet Inspection

There are five steps to the process.

To ensure that carpets are properly installed, conduct a thorough inspection.

Analyze the carpet's construction and fibre content for any problems.

Determine the carpet's acidity or alkalinity.

Chemical residues from the past need to be screened out.

The first step is to check for colour bleed by doing a dye bleed test.

Dry Extraction 2/.

For a thorough cleaning of the floors we use a professional-grade, twin-motor, upright vacuum.

Up to 80% of the dirt in your carpet is made up of dry soil.

We need to get rid of as much of the dry soil as we can before we start making "mud" (and to avoid to avoid wick back).

3/ Pre-Spray for Carpets

It is our goal to conduct a thorough carpet survey and identify the fibre of your carpet before selecting an environmentally friendly pre-spray.

This is sprayed directly onto your carpet prior to extraction in order to begin the process of breaking down dirt and soil.

Agitation is the fourth step.

By using a contra rotating brush, we can get the prespray even deeper into the fibre.

Raising the pile helps to loosen dirt that has adhered to it.

Spray Extraction is the fifth method.

Spray extraction is the best way to clean carpets (when performed by qualified specialists).

The acidic rinse is removed from the carpet using a state-of-the-art extraction machine.

6. On the Spot Therapy

If there are any remaining stains or spots, we will inspect your carpets once more.

We'll do our best to use environmentally friendly cleaning products whenever possible.

Protection Against Stains

If you've chosen our stain-blocking option, it will be applied to your carpet here.

Stain guards can be useful, but they aren't foolproof!

Comb for Pile

We use a grooming brush to keep the carpet looking its best.

As a result, the carpet will dry more quickly, the air will circulate more freely, and it will rest more comfortably.

Exactly why should you have your carpets professionally cleaned?

It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle

– The beauty of things

Do you really need a professional?


Insects that live in the dust

A square metre of carpet can house up to 100,000 dust mites.

Two-year-old cushions can contain up to 10% of their weight in dead mites and their excrement.

A vacuum cleaner alone is not enough to get rid of the stains.


A variety of germs can be found on pets' coats and hair, as well as in the saliva that surrounds their mouths.

It will be collected by your carpet, which is the largest air filter in your home.


Some of the most common things children like to spread on your carpets are their dirty hands, dirty shoes, and mud.

Have your carpets professionally cleaned to avoid exposing your child to mites, germs, or bacteria.

Insects that live in the dust

The health of you and those you care about is one of the many reasons to have your carpets cleaned by a professional on a regular basis.

It's easy to think of carpet as your home's primary filtration system.

Day-to-day foot traffic embeds more and more dirt deeper in the carpet as it sits there collecting dust and dirt from various sources such as the atmosphere, dogs, and boots, to name a few.

A thorough professional cleaning can get rid of all of this.

Dust mite allergies can cause both asthma and eczema.

A square metre of carpet contains 67 grammes of dust, which mites can feed on.

Invasion of the Household Dust Mite

Your health is in danger.

Rather than the mite itself, allergies are almost always triggered by proteins in the mites' excrement.

Since dust mites expel 200 times their own weight in excrement every day, the number of people affected by their ravages has grown.

Keep this in mind if you have young children. Babies and toddlers breathe in a lot of shattered dust while crawling and rolling around on the floor.

We can reduce the amount of allergens in your home by using our 8-stage deep carpet cleaning process.


Our furry friends may be causing us to develop allergies, despite our affection for them.

Their bodily fluids may irritate those who are sensitive to protein. When an animal sheds, the allergens it carries in its hair can become embedded into the carpet fibres.

Dander, or the dead skin of our furry friends, also accumulates on carpets and other surfaces.

In particular, pet allergies can be harmful due to their stickiness and adherence to surfaces, as well as the fact that they persist in the air for an extended period of time after being disturbed.

People who don't own pets can still be exposed to pet dander because it catches a ride on their clothing.

Aesthetics – The ability to look good.

Sharing our home with our friends and neighbours is a great way to promote it as our most valuable asset.

When we visit someone's home, even if we don't want to admit it, we can't help but notice the furnishings and decor.

A soiled carpet is sure to get people's attention.

Having your carpets professionally cleaned on a regular basis will keep your guests coming back.

Please take a moment to admire this incredible transformation.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional?

What are the advantages of hiring an expert?

There is nothing else I can add at this time.

You can rely on our expertise, knowledge, and experience to ensure that the job is done right.

When they call us for help removing stains and spills, our customers frequently cite an old wives' tale or treatment they found on doctor google.

Stains can be permanently set if you try to remove them yourself.

We take a number of factors into consideration when deciding which product to use on a carpet for the best results.

To avoid a complete carpet replacement, it is possible to use the wrong product on the wrong kind of carpet.

You must use the right brushes and apply the right pressure to avoid machine wear.

Finally, if necessary, use an acidic rinse to bring the carpet's PH back to normal (to ensure the dye is left stable and also reduce any chance of skin irritation to you, your family and pets).

In addition to improving the appearance, feel, and smell of your carpets, professional cleaning will keep them that way for a long time. How? When possible, minimising or eliminating detergent residues in the cloth.

Plastering or installing a new boiler might be of interest to you. That doesn't seem to be the case to me. You'd hire a pro in this case. Your carpets should all have the same colour and texture.


Even if it has never had to make a claim with its insurance provider, a professional organisation must be adequately insured.

We have a contingency plan in place in the event that something goes wrong, so you can rest easy.

Many cowboys aren't concerned about this, so inquire about it before scheduling anyone.

Your contractor should be aware of this when they're working on your project on your behalf.

Any questions or concerns you may have can always be addressed by calling us.

We eagerly await the opportunity to meet with you and address any concerns you may have.

Carpet Cleaning in the Workplace

It's critical to make a good first impression. Their actions have the potential to make or break a deal.

It's natural to form an opinion about someone the first time you meet them... But did you know that people form an opinion about you in less than 20 seconds?

This means you need to begin your career in the best possible way.

Customers who return to a clean reception area, waiting room, or restaurant are more likely to become long-term clients.

ProClean Bath and Wiltshire can work with you to minimise the impact on your business as much as possible.

If you'd like to talk about how we can help, please don't hesitate to contact us.

2022 Bath and Wiltshire ProClean

Proclean Bath and Wiltshire in 2022. Carpet Cleaning Bath | Proclean Bath and Wiltshire
