Oven Cleaning Bath

Bath Cleaning in the Oven

Our Professional Oven Cleaning Process consists of eight stages.

1st, inspect/survey

During our initial visit, we'll check the fan, controls, seal, fixings, and bulb housing to ensure everything is in working order.

We'll let you know if we find anything that need additional attention before we start cleaning.

2/ Get ready

As you may guess, cleaning the oven is a messy process.

Protecting the area and items around your appliance from splashes is crucial to preventing damage.

To keep this from happening, dust sheets and other barriers will be used.

3/ Racks, a fan, and a light bulb

To begin dipping, we'll remove the bulb cover, fan cover, and fan, as well as the racks and rack holders.

Because each oven is different, some of the fan and/or rack holders may not be removable, so we must clean them within the oven.

four. dipping

The disassembled components are then transported to the van, where they are dipped in our top-of-the-line dip tank, which is now at its greatest temperature.

With this technology, carbon will no longer be an issue. Even if an item can't be dipped, there are alternative options for cleaning it.

5. Wipe Down the Insides of the Oven

We heat the inside of the oven before cleaning it to assist release the grease and debris.

We will completely rinse the oven TWICE when we are confident that it is clean.

6. Dismantle the door.

The door is disassembled to the fullest extent feasible to gain access to the inside glass; some doors have two panels, while others have three.

Typically, the grease gulley and door are removed at this time. The glass has to be cleaned, and the door needs to be reassembled.

7. The last touches

To ensure that the oven is gleaming, we give it a final wipe down and dry both inside and out.

We'll apply a special stainless steel oil to produce a streak-free surface where applicable, which is a pleasant addition.

8. Clean up and double-check everything.

After that, we clean up and put away all of our safety documents and cleaning equipment before returning to the oven to double-check that everything is in working order.

If any cleaning residue remains in the oven after we've cleaned it, we'll heat it up so it's ready to use right away.

Why Should You Clean Your Oven?

Oven though cleaning an oven necessitates the use of harsh chemicals and a significant amount of labour, failure to do so might result in catastrophic problems.

When you're preparing a roast meal with a lot of fat, it's usual for food to get caught on the grills, sides, and base of your oven.

Because of the food residue that will burn and, in the worst-case scenario, catch fire, everything you cook in your oven will taste a little smoky.

If left untreated, this food residue can harbour bacteria that can contaminate other meals you cook in your oven, putting your family and even yourself at risk of infection.

The health of the oven must also be examined. The same food residue can attach to the oven's mechanical parts and filters, reducing the oven's effectiveness and possibly causing it to break down.

f you clean your oven on a regular basis, you will save money and avoid having to buy a new oven in the long run.

Is your oven similar to this?


We take pride in our home and want it to be the best it can be, especially when we have visitors such as friends and neighbours.

You can only imagine how embarrassing it would be to have friends or family over for supper only to discover a dirty oven.

The advantages of using a professional oven cleaning service on a regular basis much exceed the costs.

Why should you hire a professional?

We've got the credentials, training, experience, and cutting-edge cleaning supplies to back it up.

Ovens are costly to replace, and if the door is wrongly removed or an element is broken, the oven may malfunction.

If we strip the doors, we risk destroying them, but we know what we're doing and have enough experience to know when not to.

It can be difficult to put some oven doors back together.

Every step of our procedure has been thoroughly developed to give the finest possible outcomes while preventing harm to the oven.

A professional oven clean will not only enhance the look and performance of your oven, but it will also ensure that your food tastes as it should, free of smoke flavour and germ risk from food residue.

Plastering your home's walls or installing a new boiler sound like projects you'd like to take on.

If you'd pay a professional to fix your automobile, why not do the same with your oven?


The fact that we've never had to contact our insurance carrier to file a claim does not negate the need of having adequate insurance as a professional firm.

You may rest assured that if something goes wrong, we've prepared a plan to handle it.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We're here to discuss and answer any questions you might have at any time.

Make sure you ask about this before employing anyone, especially if it's a tradesperson, because cowboys exist and will frequently neglect it.

If you are doubtful about anything, though, you may always pick up the phone and call us.

We are always delighted to speak with you and address any concerns you may have.


Bath and Wiltshire Proclean 2022