ProClean Bath and Wiltshire

Our 8-Step Professional Oven Cleaning Method

1/ Inquiry / Research

We'll inspect the fan, controls, seal, fixings, and bulb housing during our first visit to make sure everything is in working order.

Before beginning any cleaning, we'll let you know if we discover anything that necessitates additional attention.

2/ The process of getting ready

As you might expect, cleaning an oven is a messy endeavour.

Protecting the area and items around your appliance is critical in order to prevent splashes from damaging them.

Dust sheets and other barriers will be put in place to prevent this from happening.

The following three items are required to complete this project:

To prepare for dipping, we remove the racks and rack holders, as well as the bulb cover, fan cover, and fan.

In some ovens, the fan and/or rack holders cannot be removed, so we must clean the oven as a whole.

Four. Dicing.

Our top-of-the-line dip tank, which has now reached maximum temperature, is where we place the appropriate items after they have been removed from the building.

Even the most stubborn carbon can be removed with this. Even if a particular item cannot be dipped, there are other ways to clean it.

5. Make sure the oven is clean.

Once the oven has been preheated, we begin the process of cleaning by scrubbing.

Once we are satisfied that the oven is clean, we will thoroughly rinse it TWICE.

Stripping the door of its hinges and jambs

To access the inside glass, some doors have two panels, while others have three.

During this procedure, the door is typically removed, and the grease gulley is cleaned as well. Before reassembling and reinstalling the door, the glass is cleaned thoroughly.

putting the finishing touches on the project

Finally, we wipe down and dry the oven both inside and out so it's sparkling clean.

Whenever possible, we'll apply a special stainless steel oil to prevent any visible streaks from appearing.

Check and tidy up.

We then put away all of our protective sheets and cleaning supplies before going over the oven with our final checks to make sure everything is back together and operating properly.

To ensure that your oven is ready to use as soon as possible, we will usually heat the oven up to check for any residue we may have missed.

Cleaning Your Oven: What's the Big Deal?

Even though cleaning an oven involves using harsh chemicals and a lot of effort, failure to do so can lead to serious issues.

It's common for food to get stuck on the grills, sides, and base of your oven when you're cooking something like a roast dinner with a lot of fat.

Burning or catching on fire, this food residue will leave a smoky taste in whatever else you cook in your oven.

Leaving this food residue in your oven will spread germs to any other food you cook there, contaminating your meals and infecting you and your family if left untreated.

Additionally, the oven's health must be considered. As a result of food residue becoming stuck to the oven's mechanical parts and filters, its efficiency can be reduced, and the oven could even fail.

In the long run, this will save you money and keep you from having to buy a new oven if you clean your oven on a regular basis.

Do you have an oven like this one?


It's important to us that our house looks its best, especially when we have visitors like family and neighbours over.

The thought of entertaining guests only to reveal a filthy oven is terrifying!

Professional oven cleaning is a surefire way to get noticed and keep your guests coming back.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional?

In the word "professional," we have the correct training, knowledge, and experience as well as the best equipment and the most up-to-date cleaning solutions to get the job done correctly..

To make matters worse, ovens can be extremely expensive to repair or even replace if a door or element is broken.

In the event that stripping doors could damage them, we won't strip them because we know what we're doing.

Putting some oven doors back together can be a bit of a challenge.

Every step of our procedure has been meticulously thought out to produce the best results while posing the least amount of risk to the oven.

In addition to making your oven look and work better, a professional cleaning will ensure that your food will taste as it should, without any unpleasant smoke flavour or germs from food residue.

Plastering the walls of your home or installing a new boiler sounds like something you'd like to try.

Do the same with your oven; I'm assuming you'd hire a professional.


We have never had to make a claim on our insurance, but as a business, it's critical that we have all the right coverage.

In the event that something goes wrong, you can rest assured that we are prepared and ready to deal with it.

However, if you have any questions, you can always give us a ring.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Cowboys are notorious for neglecting this aspect of their business, so you should always check with them first before hiring them. This goes for any tradespeople you hire to do work on your property.

Proclean Bath and Wiltshire 2022 Service Area Oven Cleaning Cooker Range Hob | Proclean Bath and Wiltshire