ProClean Bath and Wiltshire

Using our professional equipment, ProClean Bath and Wilts fully trained technicians provide an 8-step deep carpet cleaning service.At the start, a carpet survey will be performed to determine which methods and chemicals are best suited to your needs and type of flooring.

Cleaning the Oven.

If you don't clean your oven on a regular basis, germs and bugs will breed in it, infecting your food and, eventually, you and your family.

If grease and fat have begun to accumulate, there is also a greater risk of an oven fire. Let's get down to business.

Cleaning of Upholstery

With the increased variety of fabric types and structure involved in upholstery, our fully trained technicians have the knowledge, skills, and equipment to handle most furniture items.

A professional upholstery cleaning can breathe new life into old furniture, potentially saving you thousands of dollars over buying new.

How We Go About It

Five-Star Ratings

We have developed set prices for our services based on our experience and knowledge, which are both affordable and fair.

There are no hard sells or surprises because you can easily navigate the website and find prices for all of our services.

With a military background, we take pride in what we do, but if you are not satisfied with your clean, we will return promptly to correct the problem.

If you are still unhappy after a second visit, you will be given a full refund. Proclean Bath and Wiltshire |