ProClean Bath and Wiltshire

Upholstery Cleaning Bradford on Avon

Our 8-Step Professional Upholstery Cleansing Method

Seeing how frequently fabric furnishings are used in homes like yours makes it easy to see how quickly dirt and soil build up.

Your fabric furniture will last longer and look brand new again if you have it professionally cleaned.

It is our technicians' responsibility to properly identify the fabrics and select the most appropriate cleaning method for each.

This helps to avoid fabric damage during the cleaning process, which can occur if the clean is done by the owner themselves.

An important part of the upholstery process is correctly identifying the various types of fabrics that are used.

When it comes to our upholstery cleaning, we take great care in every step, from vacuuming to selecting the best cleaning method (wet or dry).

A first-step evaluation

Because there are so many fibre and fabric types in upholstery, this step is even more critical because there is a greater chance of something going wrong if they are not correctly identified.

As part of our investigation, we'll perform a test to determine the upholstery's construction and interview a few people who know something about it.

2/ The crocodile and crush tests

The purpose of these additional tests is to assist you in selecting the best cleaning solution and method for your upholstery in order to prevent any damage from occurring.

Additionally, we will check for dye bleed to make certain that no colour runs occur during the cleaning process.

Extraction of dry soil, step 3

We use our commercial-grade, twin-motor upright hoover to thoroughly clean the upholstery.

80% to 85% of dirt is dry soiling, which should be removed first to prevent particles from adhering to the fibres and causing wick back.

Agitation and Pre-Spray

A cloth, mit, or drill brush rubbed in with the prespray will help loosen any stubborn dirt on the piece of furniture.

We may not agitate certain items due to their delicate fibres, which will be determined at the time of inspection.

As a final step, extraction

When done by trained professionals, spray extraction provides the deepest clean for your carpets.

Upholstery hand tools and our top extraction machine remove the rinse after it has been applied to the upholstery.

6. Dedicated Treatment for a Specific Area

If there are any spots or stains, our technicians will go over your upholstery again to ensure that they are properly cleaned.

To the extent possible, we'll use environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals.

Comb for Pile

Once the cleaning is complete, use a special brush to go over the furniture and reposition the pile.

Pile damage and uneven coloration can occur if this step is skipped, which is why it is so frequently forgotten.

Protective Staining

This is where we'll put the stain protector you requested.

Stain protectors can aid in the removal of future spills and dirt, but they are not bulletproof!

What's the point of having your drapes and pillows cleaned?

When dirt and pathogens accumulate in your soft furnishing, it can be dangerous to your overall health.

These microorganisms can be released into the environment every time someone sits down on a couch or chair.

There are numerous places to hide in your soft furnishings, including down the side of the arm, under the cushions, and many more. All of these areas collect crumbs, dirt, dust, and even a few coins.

You might be surprised at what you find if you just lift up your cushion and take a peek underneath it.

As a breeding ground for germs and dust mites, it can have a negative impact on your health and the health of your loved ones.

Comfortable and saves you money at the same time

You probably spent a lot of money on your sofa and chairs, so you want them to last as long as possible.

In addition to this, having them cleaned on a regular basis will keep them happy.

They may begin to show signs of wear if they are left unattended for too long.

It is possible to see patches or even holes develop over time in certain areas, such as the arms and headrest, due to the accumulation of grease, dirt, and sweat.


For us, it's critical that our home is immaculate, especially when we have guests like family and friends over.

Your guests will return to your home if you hire a professional to clean your soft furnishings.

Why hire a professional?

In the word "professional," we have the correct training, knowledge, and experience as well as the best equipment and the most up-to-date cleaning products to get the job done right.

Choosing the wrong cleaning method or solution can cause irreversible damage to soft furnishings (more so than carpets).

Everything we do is designed to give the best possible results while avoiding any damage to your soft furnishings.

Their creation is predicated on the fact that they will eventually need to be cleaned.

There are two common phrases you'll see on care labels for couches and chairs: "clean them regularly" and "use a professional."

Why not follow the manufacturer's lead if they recommend something?

Would you like to try your hand at plastering or installing a new boiler in your home?

I'm going to guess that's not the case. Choosing a professional to clean your carpets and upholstery is a no-brainer.


However, as a small business, it is imperative that we have the proper insurance coverage.

You can be confident that if anything goes wrong, we'll be prepared.

To avoid cowboys, you should always check before hiring anyone, and this goes without saying for any tradesmen you bring in to perform work for your business..

However, if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call.

Anyone who has any questions or concerns can always reach out to us.


We have never had to make a claim on our insurance, but as a business, it's critical that we have all the right coverage.

You can relax knowing that if something goes wrong, we've got a plan in place to deal with it.

If you're going to hire a contractor, make sure to check with them first. This goes for any tradespeople you bring in to do work.

As for any questions, we're always here to help.

We are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Proclean Bath and Wiltshire will be established in 2022