Day Six!

Today we are going to install the package stuff and test our IMU with ROS. After testing we should be able to determine if the data is "clean" enough, or it needs to be calibrated.

Of course the first step is to clone the git (*btw most of this will be taken directly from the wiki here: ; we will skip some parts because they may not be needed or available for the newer versions of ROS--I am on Melodic and may need to try an older version).

The steps one should take are:

  1. Navigate to your work space (ie: cd ~/catkin_ws/src)
  2. git clone (clones the package from git)
  3. Go back to the catkin_ws directory (cd ../)
  4. build the package (catkin_make)
  5. Cross your fingers! and use the command chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
  6. edit the file to reflect the settings for your setup (I had to change the speed to 115200 baud)
  7. roslaunch razor_imu_9dof razor-pub.launch
  8. Open a new tab and run rostopic echo -n1 /imu
  9. Congrats if you see the below image!

If you want a continuous print out of the instantaneous data, you can remove the -n1 part. You will need to use ctrl-c to stop the data stream!

I hope this helps someone out there!