Disciple 1 Course (2021)

The Disciple 1 Course was conducted from March to December 2021, and here are some testimonies from those who attended it. If you are inspired by their experiences, then sign up for the Disciple 1 & 2 courses here by 6 February 2022.

Su Mei Lenden Hitchcock, Participant

One of the things I enjoyed most about Disciple 1 (D1) was being among like-minded people who were curious and wanted to learn more about God, too. It was great because I could ask questions throughout the week, and they would share their opinions and understanding. I didn't have to worry about people judging me and thinking I'm weird for thinking so deeply or so often about my faith. Even when some of the answers I received weren't enough to answer the queries I had, through the answers and opinions shared, it brought deeper knowledge and understanding. Furthermore, the questions and the themes in the D1 manual were often not even things I would have considered or even drawn a link to, and so it really challenged me to think more reflectively, and deepened my understanding.

To be honest, I didn't really like D1 for some time. I felt frustrated because I felt there was just too much to unpack and not enough time. Then one day, I realised that I didn't like D1 because it was not enough for me. There was so much more to study, learn and delve deep into; and that is why I want to do D2, which would allow me to study the books of the bible more in depth.

I have also learnt to manage this frustration I experienced by separating my quiet time and D1 readings. Definitely there were times when my D1 readings were sufficient for QT because He spoke to me through them, too. But most of the time, my spirit just needed more of Him, and I had to approach His word - His throne of mercy - in vulnerability and acknowledgment of my own spiritual and emotional poverty so that I could receive His grace.

D1 also increased my hunger not just for His word but also to learn from elsewhere as well. I have taken up more courses and this has spilled over into taking up courses which would help me serve others better. It is no longer just a pursuit of knowledge for self-edification but a pursuit of knowledge to edify and serve others.

I have been thoroughly blessed by Disciple 1. The material and facilitators really helped me grow in knowledge and understanding, and the friendships developed have provided much support over the course of the year. I look forward to taking D2!

Cindy Yeo, Participant

I have been thanking God for how much I have changed ever since I received my salvation. I see the transformation from the Cindy who made 5 visits to PLMC over several months to the one who willingly raised her hand to indicate that she is a new visitor in the service before everyone and now the brave and bold Cindy. Due to my self-isolation, I was shy and felt inadequate socially. My worst enemy was low self-esteem. However, things began to change when I started walking with God, letting go of my past and the old self. I could feel my old self dying gradually and begin to experience the newness in my life.

My encounter with wonderful brothers and sisters in Church reduces my fear to relate to other people. I know that God has a plan for me. I no longer live life like a zombie. Recognizing that I am a child of God also changed the way I see myself. I am more ready to step out of the fortress I built around myself. I felt that God was demolishing this fortress during my baptism course. Now I am not fearful to relate to brothers and sisters in Christ and I felt that this community provided a safe space for me. Previously, I was unwilling to spend my Sunday mornings in Church because it was a waste of time; I would rather sleep in and thus Christianity was not an option for me. But the Holy Spirit changed my thinking and now I attend church every Sunday and even joining the FOJ class regularly.

I also cultivated the habit of spending daily time with God, praying, singing praises, and reading the Bible. I was not in the habit of reading and preferred something more visual or audio. Books were more decorative items for me that was good only for display. I could never finish reading a book. I always find it stressful to read a book; I would rather sleep than read. I am thankful to the DISCIPLE 1 course which required me to read a book of the Bible every week. Through the course, I found myself more willing to read the Bible than just listening to the audio Bible. The FOJ class also increases my desire to have a better understanding of the Bible. While I still have much to learn and still room for transformation, I believe that the Holy Spirit will guide me just as he guided me to accept Christ’s offer of salvation during the HOPE event as long as I continue to have a willing heart.

Tan Yan Hui Lyn, Participant

I have gained and learned a lot from the D1 course. From the content of the course itself, I particularly enjoyed that the manual provided context to the many books of the Bible we read. It was nice having all the background information organized by lesson because it helped me understand the Word more as I was reading it instead of having to go online and do my own research, which has felt overwhelming and very dense in the past.

D1 also taught me to go beyond just reading the Word by finding ways to actually take the lessons I learned from reading the Bible and implement them in my life. For example, starting with small steps like being more patient and loving with others and reminding myself to practice relinquishing control in my life to God. From spending time with the other participants over the course of the past year, I learned about the power of prayer and the importance of having a small community within the church to support me and pray with me. Even if we pray for things that are not necessarily granted by God, prayer is still powerful in that it can still bring healing and comfort to all of us regardless of the outcome. Over this past year, when I shared about my challenges, knowing that I had a friend group supporting me through tough times and caring enough about me to pray alongside me always made me feel better and less alone. Forming these close connections with my fellow participants has been the main reason I am so grateful I took D1 this year.

Candice Chia, Facilitator

“Where are we? Can we ever arrive and say that we are disciples of Christ?”

This was the question Emeritus Bishop Wee challenged us with after he had shared on 23 December 2021.

One of the Marks of Discipleship that Bishop Wee encouraged us to practise was to continue to abide in God’s Word (John 8:31-32). Indeed, throughout the 33 weeks of reading and meditating on His Word with a community of faith, my walk with God was closer. Only consistent and intentional study of God’s Word can set me free from the world that insidiously influences my thoughts, attitudes, actions and deeds. Whether I am busy with daily tasks, serving Him or persevering through a discouraging situation, God is near as I abide in His transforming Word.

Bishop Wee also emphasised on loving one another, beginning within the community of believers. Loving others requires a definite bonding with the community of faith. D1 provides a non-judgmental and safe space to share the spiritual realities of our relationship with God and with others. Through the group’s personal sharing, I have learnt about God’s saving grace and love, freedom of forgiveness, dignity of personhood and unmerited hospitality. With the empowerment of the Holy Spirit coupled with the group’s encouragement and prayers, I was also able to overcome many trying situations. I thank God that this community of faith is so gracious, delighted to share, and humble to both seek and offer help when needed.

To answer Bishop Wee’s question, we are truly not disciples of Christ yet but we are in the process of discipleship and sanctification. Together with the community of faith, Disciple course continues to transform my heart, faith-life and ministry.