Art & Christian Worship -

The Expressions of God

by Linn Shekinah

An Art & Christian Worship workshop, organised by our church Discipleship and Nurture Ministry, was conducted between 19 and 21 November 2020. Sixteen of us attended this two and half day event.

Each day, Kwang Meng kicked off with a lecture on Christian Art History. His lectures were a visual feast of Christ’s love, gospel truth and the ancient fathers' faith. Feeding us with copious images and information, he shared about the symbolic significance of ancient paintings, statues and icons of Saints, the purpose of steeples, spires and stained glass used in church architecture and highlighted how thoughtful interior church design can effectively communicate the gospel. The daily one-hour lectures only whetted my appetite.

I learnt that the visual arts narrative in our church history is powerful and meaningful. Unfortunately, it has been downplayed and grossly misunderstood over the centuries. Now I am delving deeper on my own to satiate my hunger for more of the spiritual art heritage.

After the lectures, we proceeded with our drawing and painting session. Our art teacher, Terry, equipped us with essential art skills such as shading, sketching and the basics of watercolour painting. Terry guided us patiently, spurring us on with encouraging and humorous anecdotes.


Unlike regular art classes, I saw the hand of God throughout this workshop. In regular art classes, acquiring artistic skills and mastering the techniques is the goal.

However, in a Prophetic Art workshop, our artistic skills and techniques are tools primed for the primary purpose of communicating the Heart and Mind of God. Our intent is different from the endeavours of professionals artists.

We do not stop honing our artistic skills and techniques but we must keep our primary purpose in mind. In our artistic pursuit, we must engage our Heavenly Father, tap on the power of the Holy Spirit and create our art work through His lens. Our art work should carry an expression of our Almighty. That expression might serve as an encouragement to an individual or convey a message to a community or, aesthetically, it magnifies the beauty and glory of God.


At the workshop, we were asked to visually depict our interpretation of the Tree of Life. Through that exercise, I gleaned a few things about Prophetic Art. Similar to Creation, similar to our walk with the Lord, every art piece is unique. Some participants boldly expressed their unique visual voice.

God uses Art as a Sign in our Personal lives

Prophetic Art pieces mark our understanding of a biblical truth or it might be a symbolic expression of our relationship with the Father or our spiritual condition. To illustrate this point, God highlighted Clara Chen’s Tree of Life to me.

He said that it might look barren in winter but only for a season. This tree serves as a precursor to a new bountiful season. Like a tree shaved bald, sometimes, He has to strip us so he can do a deeper work within us. In the winter season, He anchors us in His Word and in His Spirit. (click to read more)

As long as we abide in Him, making Him our source, drawing our nutrients from Him, He promises that in Spring, our roots will grow strong, our trunk tall and our branches big with luxuriant leaves as a shelter for others and bear fruits, the evidence of our growth and maturity. [Psalms1:3, John 15: 1- 17]

God uses Prophetic Art to bless others

Prophetic Art pieces also make good conversation starters and dinner table topics. Lilian Chew took the opportunity to share her art work with two groups of pre-believers. She simply told her friends that she had attended an art workshop and showed them her painting.

Sowing seeds into the lives of her friends, she said, “The leaves represent the people of God lifting their praises and worship towards heaven. The joyful singing and worship and the radiance of God’s people attract the Cloud of Witnesses. (click to read more)

The circle surrounding the tree symbolises the Cloud of Witnesses as well as the cyclical nature of life. Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises, the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. (Ecclesiastes 1:4-5) But one thing that remains consistent throughout eternity is that the worship and praises to God are never ending.”

Woohoo! Her brief sharing about her painting sounds like a sermon to me. A non-confrontational and an unoffensive way of bringing the gospel to our friends and loved ones via social media. No longer do we have to wait for special occasions and coax them to join us at church. We have the whole year round to draw, paint and bring the gospel to them.


My key takeaway was hearing the Heart of God relating to Kheng Liang’s art piece. I marvelled by his tree of life, imbibed with an Asian touch. As our session progressed, Kheng liang grew engrossed and, somehow unexpectedly, his sky had turned slightly ominous. He felt that he had committed a blunder.

Sharing Kheng Liang’s sentiments, I casually commented to the Lord, telling Him, “Oh, what a shame, Kheng Liang’s painting is marred by the ominous sky.” Immediately, the Lord spoke to me. Oops! (click to read more)

The first was a gentle rebuke. Do not see, judge and understand circumstances, situations or people with your natural eyes. Ouch! Yes, yes I will bear that in mind.

God’s next point riveted me. Black, similar to darkness and night, does not necessarily represent something sinister. Black represents the mysteries and secrets of His Kingdom! The mysteries are the illuminated gems hidden in darkness, waiting to be discovered in long nights when the conflicted Self wrestles with the LORD! These verses [Matthew 13:11-17, Isaiah 45:3] promptly came to my mind.

In our walk with the Lord, there must always be a measure of mystery. His ways and thoughts are not ours. Our inability to grasp and unravel His mysteries should propel us to seek Him more, and not retreat. The more we draw closer to Him, the more we understand His ways and His thoughts. Then, we can say His ways, His thoughts are mine too and we can truly be called Stewards of His Mysteries and Secrets [1 Corinthians 4:1-2]

Finally the Lord said even if the painting had really been a blunder, remember HE is the Lord of Turnaround and Restoration. He is the Lord who restores the Vanquished into Victors. He is the Lord who turns our mess into a message for His glory. [Joel 2:25-26, Isaiah 61:7]